lauribob's Plant List: Vegetables

A note from lauribob
I am not interested in selling or trading live plants. I do save seeds once in awhile and would be willing to trade those.

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Viewing all plants in the category: Vegetables

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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Celebrity Plus')
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Vegetables this year
A newer hybrid that is supposed to be larger and sweeter than regular Celebrity.

2023: 2 nice plants from seed. 1 in the SE corner strip.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Cherry Bomb')
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64 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate.

2019: A freebie from PT when they couldn't get my Tumbling Tom to me early enough. I have one in a pot for the porch. It was OK. Tall and sparse, not as good as TT

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Cluster Goliath')
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67 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate.

2020: 1 plant from old seed.
2019: from seed. 2 Very tall, spindly plants at planting. Not as good as Cluster Grande, which I can't find seeds for anymore.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Cluster Grande')
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63 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate.

These are one of my go-to tomatoes. Smallish fruits along the vine like the ones you get in the store. Early and tasty.
2019: no seeds at PT
2018: Epic fail with seed starting.
2017: Did well

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Coustralee')
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83 days. Heirloom. Indeterminate.

This is my go-to big tomato. Nice sized tomatoes with the right amount of acid, and none of the mealy texture of a typical beefsteak. Yum. Unfortunately, I can't find seeds anymore. Wish I had saved some.
2019: No seeds at PT
2018: One little late seedling. Almost zero success this year with seeds - starting too late in the year.
2017: Very healthy plants this year from old seed.
2016: Excellent harvest. Delicious!
2014: Nice big, tasty tomatoes. Not mealy like a beefsteak.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Early Girl')
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60 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate. 4-6 oz fruit. This is one of my standby tomatoes that does well here. It's reliable to produce tasty, medium sized fruits early.

2022: I started some from seed, but they were a fail. I bought 3 starts and potted them up. At planting time, 2 of them were too spindly to bother with, and ended up being stuck in the compost pile in case they feel like growing. I planted the third one in the garden, but it's looking pretty weak as well.
2020: From seed. 4 plants. They did fine, average harvest.
2019: From seed. 2 plants. The wind has been killer on the tomatoes this year
2018: Got a couple from seed and also bought a couple plants when germination sucked.
2017: From seed. First up and largest, healthiest starts this year.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Early Goliath')
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60 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate. Supposed to be similar to Early Girl, with larger fruit and better disease resistance.

2021: I had a lot of tomato seedlings this year and these were spindly, so they got tossed.
2020: 4 plants from seed. Not sure if I planted all 4 out or not. They did well, but nothing really outstanding.

Genuwine fruit on the plant.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Genuwine')
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Vegetables this year
70-75 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate. Kind of untamed, but tasty.

2023: 3 healthy plants from seed. 1 in the SE corner strip.
2022: Bought a start because tomatoes were an epic fail in the greenhouse this year. (Started too late.) Healthy enough looking plant. This one surprised us. Odd shaped fruit, but delicious flavor. Our favorite for slicing this year.
2018: Bought a start. Just so-so. Didn't particularly impress us in any way. They weren't horrible though.

Image used with permission of the Victory Seed Company

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Gold Nugget')
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55 days. OP. Determinate. A yellow cherry tomato.

2010: These were OK.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Goliath')
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65 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate.

2018 Bought a start. These were really great! Large, tasty tomatoes on a smallish, well behaved plant. I would do these again. They stood in for Coustralee this year when nothing germinated for me. We had the indeterminate one, there is a determinate one called Goliath Bush Tomato and a lot of other variations.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Heinz Classic Processor')
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Vegetables this year
75 days. Hybrid. Determinate. 3" fruits. "Acidity is perfect for canning"

2023: 1 nice plant from seed.

Fruiting at 2 weeks from 6" starter plant.  Full sun most of day.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Husky Cherry Red')
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65 days, Hybrid, Indeterminate

2022: In a pot on the west side of the porch. This one should be a little more manageable than the other one. Couldn't find any determinate type in cherry tomato starts. They were tasty and produced well.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Matt's Wild Cherry')
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55 days. OP. Indeterminate.
Red cherry tomato
2012: Tiny fruit, but we were growing them in the upside down pot. The wind blew the pot down and broke it and that was the end of that.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Ruby')
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Cherry Tomato
Grew it once and didn't care for it.
2001: Size of marbles and don't taste very good.

So Sweet

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'SunSugar F1')
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Vegetables this year
62 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate.
These yellow cherries are delicious - my favorite cherry tomato of all. I've tried growing them on the porch in pots and that's a no-go. They are all over the place.

2023: 3 nice plants from seed. They are all in the SW corner strip.
2022: I started these from seed really late. Then I found some starts locally and bought 2. Gave up on the tiny seedlings. We had millions of tomatoes, but they were even tinier than usual. Still as delicious as they can be!
2021: 3 plants from seed, all in the garden. They are growing out of control - not contained by the large cages we have! Giant plants, tiny fruits, but very delicious. Skippy the chipmunk ate a whole bunch of them, the little ratscal.
2020: 2 plants from seed, both in the garden. Very small fruits this year. Yum!
2019: I have 3 from seed this year. Hoping they are the ones. They are tall and rangy looking. One in the garden and 2 in the herb garden. They are the right stuff!
2018: I got only one from seed and I bought a couple starts. I don't think I even planted the small one I started. Unfortunately, both plants had the same problems - they were out of control in their growth habit to the point that I won't grow them in a pot anymore. The wonderful sweet, acidic flavor was also sadly lacking and the texture was mealy. They had sort of elongated dark orange fruit that looked nothing like the yellow-gold round balls I've had in the past. I wonder if the hybridization has gone to hell or something? Or maybe they were mislabeled. Too bad, they used to be delicious.
2017: From seed. We got lots of fruit from last year's seed.
2016: From seed. Great again!
2015: From seed. Did well both in a pot on the porch and down in the garden. These are just delicious!

Seeds planted indoors 2/22/2022, transplanted outdoors 5/2, first

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Super Sweet 100')
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60-65 days. Hybrid. Indeterminate

2022: I didn't get much germination from seed this year - started everything too late, and had to buy starts. I'm afraid this one was a poor choice for a pot on the porch, but it's too late now. These suckers can get really tall, so I'm afraid it will be all over the place. Oh well. I couldn't find any determinate cherry tomatoes. Kind of wish I'd just used a Sun Sugar instead. East end of the porch. They tasted good, but were every bit as out of control as I had feared. I won't do these again.

Delicious cherry tomato

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Tomatoberry F1')
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60 Days. Hybrid. Indeterminate. Red cherry tomato

2014: From seed. These did well for us and tasted good.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Tonopah')
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67 days. Hybrid. Determinate. 10 oz. fruits.

2021: A new variety for us. We planted 2 nice, stout, healthy plants. These did well and produced. I can't say that I paid any attention to what tomato I was slicing at any time to say if they were remarkable or not. I would plant them again.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Tumbling Tom Red F1')
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Vegetables this year
75 days. Hybrid. Determinate
A really tasty, well behaved, small red cherry tomato that puts out tomatoes like there's no tomorrow. Always have great germination with this one.

2023: Seed. 3 plants. 2 are in pots, 1 in SW corner strip.
2022: Seed. Got a way late start this year and these were a second try on top of that. I planted them up in pots anyway and we put them on the west porch. We soon realized that they don't get enough sun there because they have to be back up against the wall and the porch roof shades them too much. Greg moved them out into the circle part of the Z5 garden and I guess we'll just hope the deer aren't bold enough to get them there. I might move them to the herb garden because I've had tomatoes there before with no problem. That is, if the mosquitoes ever die off to the point where I can go outside and work long enough to get anything done without being completely miserable. The deer left them alone, but they were shaded by the tall plants behind them and didn't do that well. We did pick a lot of tomatoes off of them though, and they were tasty, just smaller than usual.
2021: Seed. I planted 2 in pots for the porch because they taste better than any other determinate cherries we've tried. Also 1 in the garden because they always taste a little better down there for some reason. They're putting out like crazy since June.
August: They've been putting out really well all summer, but we have a chipmunk that's eating all the ripe cherry tomatoes in both the garden and the pots. We tried to catch him with a live trap, but he's too small and can escape. Luckily, he must have heard us talking about his possible fate and decided to move on.
2020: 2 plants from seed. 1 in a pot, 1 in the garden. The one in the garden always tastes a little better for some reason. Both grew well and produced well. Excellent as always.
2019: from seed. 2 plants - 1 in a pot, 1 in the garden. Both look compact and healthy.
2018: From seed. These outdid themselves on the back porch this year until the coyotes knocked them out into the yard in the process of killing Mo while he was sleeping in the chair.
2017: Perfect in a pot.
2016: Did well, very good.

Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Tumbling Tom Yellow')
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75 days. OP. Determinate
I thought it would look jolly to have a yellow and a red on the porch, so we tried these, along with the red TT. We weren't impressed with the flavor.
2020: They grew well, looked nice, and produced plenty of fruit. We both thought they were rather bland and kind of mealy. They were missing the bright zing when you pop them in your mouth.

Today's site banner is by Murky and is called "Canna Lily 'Tropicanna Gold'"

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