lauribob's Plant List: Vegetables

A note from lauribob
I am not interested in selling or trading live plants. I do save seeds once in awhile and would be willing to trade those.

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Viewing all plants in the category: Vegetables

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Courtesy Annie's Heirloom Seeds

Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Kentucky Blue')
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Pole Beans. 62 days Hybrid.
These are good green beans that usually do well for us. They keep putting out if we remember to keep picking.
2020: We used hogwire in one of the skinny sections for support instead of our usual string set up. That seemed to work well, but was a pain in the butt to take down in the fall and get all the vines off of it. Much easier to pull up the plants and throw the string away. The plants were healthy, if rather sparse this year - less than usual came up and they didn't really flourish. Maybe they don't like that spot? We didn't get very many beans.
2011: Did well
2010: These produced well with massive neglect


Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Kentucky Wonder')
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65-72. OP
2022: We planted a row of these and a row of Blue Lake. I'd like to see which one does better. The birds or something ate most of the sprouts as they came up so we did a second planting in Mid June. SW strip. We didn't get enough to decide which one does better. Bad year for beans.


Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Purple Peacock')
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70 Days, Heirloom
This is a very pretty purple pole bean. Hard to find the seeds.
2001: These did great! Lovely and tasty beans turn green when cooked.

Purple Podded pole bean - foliage, beans, flowers.

Snap Bean (String (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Purple Pod Pole')
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70 days. Heirloom.
I've planted these before, but didn't note how they were.
2022: Planted some mixed in with the 2 rows of green beans when we had to do a second planting in mid June. SW strip. There were some mixed in with the sparse harvest we had this year.


Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Rattlesnake')
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65 days. Heirloom. Pole bean.
We planted these because we thought they looked cool.
2010: Not sure why I planted these again, they still don't taste good.
2003: They grew well and did look sorta cool, but they didn't taste very good. Stringy.

First mess of beans from the fall planting.

Bush Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Royal Burgundy')
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51 days. OP. Bush beans
Didn't notice these were bush beans.
2019: Bought these by mistake again, what a dope. I planted them interspersed with the artichokes where the pole beans usually go. We got some beans.
2014: I thought these were pole beans when I bought them. They were OK. I prefer to grow pole beans.

Very pretty and tasty beans!

Green Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Trionfo Violetto')
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62-72 days. Heirloom
Pretty purple pole beans turn green when cooked.
2011: Did well, pretty shiny beans.
2010: Pretty and tasty


Tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica subsp. ixocarpa)
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85 Days. Heirloom
We grow these every other year or so to make enough green salsa to last for a couple years. They take up a lot of space, but are pretty low maintenance.
2021: Two healthy plants that I started inside. We didn't weed that section at all this year and the harvest is not enough to make salsa. There's tons of fruit, but they are all marble-sized. Sigh.
2019: Two huge plants, more fruit than we needed.


Radish (Raphanus sativus 'Easter Egg')
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28 days
I plant these radishes frequently - they do as well as any other radish and have pretty shades of pink, purple, red, and white.
2014: They did well and were so colorful! Didn't get woody for quite a while.

Radish (Raphanus sativus 'Fiesta Blend')
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Multi-colored radishes. OP 21-35 days
2022: We planted 2 varieties May 9. This one was really tasty. Might be the weather, but they were juicy and mild. Yum. We both liked them better than the other ones.

Radish (Raphanus sativus 'Lady Slipper')
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Rosy pink, mild radish. OP. 25-30 days
2022: Planted May 9. These did well and were tasty.


Radish (Raphanus sativus 'Sora')
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22 days. A heat-tolerant, round, red radish.
2020: They came up fine and we had an average harvest. They did seem to last longer before getting woody or hot.


Radish (Raphanus sativus 'White Icicle')
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30 days.
We've planted these a few times. They grow well for us and taste good at first. They tend to get hot and bitter after a bit.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Amish Paste')
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Vegetables this year
85 days. Heirloom, indeterminate. "Juicy, meaty plum tomato with few seeds, sweeter than some paste tomatoes.
Good for sauces, slicing, and canning." We've been canning more tomatoes in recent years and thought I'd try some paste tomatoes.

2023: 2 healthy plants from seed

Letter sent to Craig LeHoullier.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Anna Russian')
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70 days. Heirloom. Indeterminate.

2017: I grew these when I couldn't find Cluster Grande seeds. They didn't impress me much. Small plants, unremarkable taste and oddly shaped.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Bloody Butcher')
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55 Days. OP. Indeterminate.

2019: From seed. 2 plants
2018: I grew these from purchased starts, when I had poor germination with my seeds. They were really good.

 Courtesy Harris Seeds

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine')
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90 days. Heirloom. Indeterminate

2018: Bought a start. They were not good - they grew weird shaped tomatoes that were hard to slice and a lot of 2 fruits mashed together. They got some nasty flying bug burrowed into the fruit that weren't in any of the other tomatoes and about made me puke. Don't do them again.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Bush Early Girl')
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Vegetables this year
54 Days. Hybrid. Determinate

2023: 3 nice plants from seed. 1 ended up in the SE corner strip.
2021: 1 plant from seed. Very healthy, stout plant.
2018: Bought a start. Didn't notice any difference between this one and the regular early girls.

Topping four feet in early August with a flush of new growth

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Bush Goliath')
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Vegetables this year
68 days. Hybrid. A determinate hybrid of 'Goliath', these are tidy, sturdy plants.

2023: 3 stout plants from seed. 1 in the SE corner strip.
2022: The year we started things too late. I bought 2 starts and got 2 from seed. Planted all 4 out, but the purchased ones are way ahead of my seed started ones. They didn't have any blossoms yet when they were planted. They do have really sturdy stems. We've had such a cold, wet spring and so far summer is looking like more of the same. I don't have high expectations for the tomatoes this year. None of our tomatoes had much size to them, but these performed well.
2021: 1 from seed. Healthy & strong, well behaved. These produced well and stayed in their cages.
2019: 2 from seed. These are compact plants that can hold themselves up at planting.


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Celebrity')
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67 Days. Hybrid. Determinate.

2022: A fail from seed. Bought 2 starts and planted them out. Healthy plants with strong stems. Small tomatoes on all the plants, but lots of them.
2021: Planted 4 from seed. All were healthy plants with stout stems. Strongest of the bunch this year.
2020: 4 very healthy plants. These were our best producers this year.
2018: Bought a start. These were good. They had medium sized fruits and produced well. I would do these again. I would put them on par with Early Girl.

Today's site banner is by Murky and is called "Canna Lily 'Tropicanna Gold'"

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