Viewing comments posted by bxncbx

118 found:

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Little Business') | Posted on May 8, 2017 ]

Little Business was one of the first daylilies I bought. I have it planted in my front yard and it is always one of the first to bloom each year. However, the last few years have been tough on it. Late freezes have kept it from performing well for me.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'House of Orange') | Posted on May 8, 2017 ]

I grow House of Orange in a large, self-watering container and it has done very well for me. It is a gorgeous orange color that is very difficult for my camera to capture correctly. It is one of the few daylilies I have in containers that has bloomed as well as ones planted in the ground.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Holly Hill Reward') | Posted on May 8, 2017 ]

I've had Holly Hill Reward for over five years. It blooms mid-late for me. For a long time it was one of my latest bloomers.This daylily has survived total neglect and still blooms and increases. It is also pod and pollen fertile. That makes it a winner to me!

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Holly Hill Blazer') | Posted on May 3, 2017 ]

This daylily is a winner in my book. It will grow and bloom with total neglect! But if you add supplemental watering and some fertilizer it will perform amazingly! I bought this cultivar almost 10 years ago and it has never failed to be one of my best performers. It has increased nicely over the years and has never had any problems that I can think of. I love the bright orange color and look forward to it blooming every year. I will always keep this daylily!

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Chicago Petticoats') | Posted on May 3, 2017 ]

Every year Chicago Petticoats blooms for me yet I can tell it is not happy in my yard. It has barely increased since planting in 2013. It is located in a prime spot in my yard so I expect it to do as well as the other daylilies in the area. It is also not pod fertile for me and barely pollen fertile. As it stands, I expect this daylily to leave my garden sooner rather than later as I have limited space and am getting into hybridizing.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Hampshire Hoyden') | Posted on May 3, 2017 ]

Hampshire Hoyden has a very pretty flower but unfortunately for me it is not happy in my garden. I planted it in 2013, it bloomed 2014 and has steadily dwindled after that. As a semi-evergreen it appears to have problems with my zones wild swings in temperature in late winter/early spring. Dormants do best for me.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Gold Helmet') | Posted on May 3, 2017 ]

One of my favorite daylilies is Gold Helmet. The large, golden yellow blooms are easy to see from far away but you'll want to get closer because they are nicely fragrant too! This is also one daylily that has increased quickly for me (a rarity in my garden). The fans are large and can bully other plants so give them a little extra space.

[ Ground Cherry (Physalis pruinosa 'Aunt Molly's') | Posted on April 11, 2017 ]

I planted seeds indoors this February. I had a seedling come up 2/19. Since March was wickedly cold I never bothered to transplant it since I knew it wouldn't be going outside for quite a while. Today I looked at the seedling which is only a few inches tall. It already has flowers on it! I'm going to transplant it to a pot, harden it off and hopefully plant it in the garden the end of the month. I can't wait for the first fruits to ripen!

[ Corn Salad (Valerianella locusta 'Verte de Cambrai') | Posted on April 9, 2017 ]

I got good germination (78%) wintersowing this variety as opposed to direct sowing.

[ Bok Choy (Brassica rapa 'Toy Choy') | Posted on March 29, 2017 ]

I've grown Toy Choy for several years now. It is a baby bok choy that is harvested at 10 weeks. They prefer cool (almost cold) weather. I start the seeds indoors starting in January and then every few weeks after that. I bought the seed in 2013 and in 2017 I still had a germination rate of 82% with seeds kept either in the refrigerator or in a very cool room.

[ Hyacinths (Hyacinthus) | Posted on March 28, 2017 ]

I have never bothered worrying about Spring bulbs surviving cold temperatures. However, this year I had an extended cold snap along with a snow/ice storm in mid-March. Some of my hyacinths had already started to get color in the buds when the storm hit. I'm sorry to say that the cold and snow damaged the buds to the point where those bulbs won't bloom this year. The hyacinths that had flower stalks but the buds were not so far along are fine and should bloom as normal.

[ Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus 'Twinny Yellow') | Posted on March 27, 2017 ]

I grew Twinny Yellow in 2016. These are dwarf snapdragons that are just covered in blooms. The color is a very bright lemon yellow, almost neon. They bloom from Spring until frost. I love the Twinny series and the yellow has done exceptionally well for me. I do believe that two plants have survived this winter which is not guaranteed in my zone. Definitely recommended!

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Carousel Princess') | Posted on March 23, 2017 ]

Carousel Princess has struggled in a planter in my zone 6 garden. Despite that, it was the first daylily I ever had that rebloomed! It bloomed in July of last year and also in September.

Oddly enough, when all the other plants in the planter were either moved or rotted Carousel Princess took off! I'm guessing it doesn't like a lot of competition. In 2018 I suspect it will be the longest blooming daylily in my garden.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Big Kiss') | Posted on March 23, 2017 ]

Big Kiss did not do well in my zone 6 garden last year due to drought. Although it bloomed, it had far fewer blooms than the previous year. It definitely performs much better when regularly watered and fertilized. In 2016, most of my midseason or later bloomers performed poorly due to our drought.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Annie Welch') | Posted on March 23, 2017 ]

I know Annie Welch is registered as pink but in my garden it is definitely more peach than pink. It is planted in a fairly shady area but I don't think that should have that much of an impact. Despite being in mostly shade it blooms very well for me.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Andes Legend') | Posted on March 23, 2017 ]

I quite like Andes Legend but unfortunately it does not like my zone 6 garden. It is barely hanging on after several years. As an evergreen it has difficulty with my late winter-early Spring weather. It is pod and pollen fertile so I'm hoping to get some offspring that look similar but are better suited for my climate.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Alice's Ghost') | Posted on March 23, 2017 ]

I've had Alice's Ghost for a few years now. It has not done well in my zone 6 garden, most likely because it is a semi-evergreen. It has a low bud count for me (under 10) and I have yet to be able to set a pod on it. It is, however, pollen fertile.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'After the Fall') | Posted on March 22, 2017 ]

Acted as a bud builder in my garden in 2015. It almost died in 2016 from a cold, wet Spring and didn't recover until autumn. Needless to say it didn't bloom last year.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Buffy') | Posted on March 22, 2017 ]

I've had Buffy for many years now and I can say that in all that time the scapes have been much taller than the 12" it is registered as having. The scapes are often close to 30 inches and hold the flowers well over the foliage. Therefore this is not a good daylily for the front of the border.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Double Gardenia') | Posted on January 29, 2017 ]

Although registered as an evergreen, in my garden Double Gardenia dies back after the first hard frost and does not reappear until spring. This is true even in years with very mild temperatures during winter.

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