Viewing comments posted to the Morning Glories Database

  • By Bluespiral (Maryland - Zone 7b) on Jul 16, 2016 11:03 PM concerning plant: Blue Silk (Ipomoea nil 'Akatsuki no Tsuyu')
    It's possible that the name, Akatsuki no Tsuyu, only applies to the lighter colored phase of Blue Silk that comes from light seeds, while the name Sazanami No1 from Nichinou may apply to the darker Blue Silk with a wider band of blue that comes from the darker seeds.

    from ron_convolvulaceae
  • By gardengus (Indiana Zone 5b) on Oct 31, 2015 4:55 PM concerning plant: Morning Glory Tree (Ipomoea carnea)
    Started from seed, the plant grew beautifully large, but did not have time to bloom before frost.
    Maybe best to start indoors, weeks ahead of last spring frost date for zone 5.
  • By bxncbx (NYC - Zone 7a) on Oct 18, 2015 6:43 PM concerning plant: Lavender Moonvine (Ipomoea muricata)
    Grew this vine for the first time this year. Beautiful flowers that open before sunset. This plant grew far taller than the stated 15 feet! It climbed 3 stories, almost to the roof! As the vine grew, it produced flushes of flowers as the lower flowers were pollinated. It produced a ton of seeds for me and I expect it will probably reseed readily. And don't be fooled by the "thorns." They are rubbery and harmless.
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  • By Reine (Cleveland, Texas - Zone 9a) on Sep 17, 2015 8:18 PM concerning plant: Morning Glory (Ipomoea obscura 'Ethiopia')
    Ipomoea obscura 'Ethiopia' differs from Ipomoea obscura 'Keniyaki' by the color of their throats. While 'Ethiopia' has a dark throat, 'Keniaki' has a white throat.

    Seeds sown indoors in March produced one flower in July, but late August and into September it has bloomed profusely. Several plants on a trellis will make a beautiful afternoon display.
    They like heat to bloom and do best in the sun.
    Flowers will stay open until dusk and reopen around noon the next day.
  • By Reine (Cleveland, Texas - Zone 9a) on Sep 15, 2015 8:30 PM concerning plant: Morning Glory (Ipomoea obscura 'Keniaki')
    Ipomoea obscura 'Keniaki' differs from Ipomoea obscura in the flower colors.
    'Keniaki' blooms are a bright orange-yellow with white throats, while I. obscura has pale yellow to whitish blooms.
  • By Reine (Cleveland, Texas - Zone 9a) on Sep 14, 2015 6:55 PM concerning plant: Morning Glory (Ipomoea albivenia)
    I found Ipomoea albivenia easy to germinate. They are fast growing plants. Seeds I planted May 23rd, 2014, were blooming in July 2015.
    The flowers are sweetly scented with a touch of spiciness. Just lovely.
    Because I use a fast-draining soil, they have needed watering almost daily in my hot Texas summer.

    I suggest at least a half dozen plants on a large trellis/arbor for more blooms at one time.

    Protect from frost.
  • By Brandi420 on May 12, 2015 10:53 PM concerning plant: Pink Moon Vine (Ipomoea macrorhiza)
    OMG would LOVE to have this!! It's absolutely beautiful..
  • By jmorth (central Illinois) on Feb 16, 2015 9:51 PM concerning plant: Tall Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea 'Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori')
    Love the name!
  • By lovesblooms (Maryland - Zone 7a) on Feb 3, 2015 12:09 AM concerning plant: Morning Glory (Ipomoea 'Split Second')
    I planted these with a few other MGs along a fence that gets only a few hours of morning sun. It was a shallow new bed of clay amended by leaf compost, and it grew as I expected--not very vigorous, but unexpectedly there were several fluffy, exploded-looking pink-and-white flowers. I'm not a morning person, but I was always disappointed to find the blossoms had closed before I could get out to take a picture.
  • By Reine (Cleveland, Texas - Zone 9a) on Nov 15, 2014 12:41 PM concerning plant: Bumpy Convolvulaceae (Ipomoea tuberculata)
    Ipomoea tuberculata is one of the first caudex-forming Morning Glories I am growing. Although still seedlings, the very small tubers looked promising during transplanting.
    I plan on planting them in a raised bed with trellises for maximum growth next spring, then pot them up for winter dormancy indoors.
    There is very little information I could find on this species.
    I am eager to see the plants a year from now, and I hope to add more information regarding growth and cultivation.
  • By SCButtercup (Simpsonville SC - Zone 7b) on Aug 24, 2014 5:44 AM concerning plant: Tall Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea 'Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori')
    Grows really large and has many flowers. One problem is that some of the seeds blossom all purple and some all white even though my original seeds produced plants with broken-color flowers as in the pictures. I love it all the same, and if it gets out of control it is easy enough to pull out. Also benefits from a spraying of Bt, a natural control for the caterpillars that sometimes infest it ... but some folks like caterpillars and the butterflies they turn into, so to each his own.
    [ | 1 reply ]
  • By luvsgrtdanes ( Southeastern PA - Zone 6b) on Aug 22, 2014 6:43 PM concerning plant: Japanese Morning Glory (Ipomoea nil 'Scarlett O'Hara')
    The original Scarlett O'Hara morning glory was a solid-colored magenta flower. Rare to see it today. Most seed companies sell what is known as Wine and Roses, a dark pink flower with a white throat. If you are lucky enough to grow a true one, save the seeds and grow it again and again. Most of the pictures you see on line of the dark red flower are either copied or, unfortunately, photo-shopped to look much redder than they actually are.
  • By luvsgrtdanes ( Southeastern PA - Zone 6b) on Aug 22, 2014 6:25 PM concerning plant: Wright's Morning Glory (Ipomoea wrightii)
    Wright's Morning Glory is an easy-to-grow vine with tiny one-inch lavender flowers. Starts readily from seeds and will flower from early summer until frost. The leaves are as attractive as the flowers, with a palm-like look. Will reseed itself in warmer climates and can become a bit invasive for some. Grow it in a pot on a trellis with plenty of sun and it can easily be contained.
  • By luvsgrtdanes ( Southeastern PA - Zone 6b) on Aug 22, 2014 6:00 PM concerning plant: Transvaal Orange Seeded Morning Glory (Ipomoea transvaalensis)
    Transvaal Morning Glory is an easy to grow tropical vine. Start it from seed in early spring and soon it will be covered with tiny lavender flowers. Give it a trellis to climb on and it will be happy all summer. Produces many little orange seeds that you can save and plant for next year.
  • By luvsgrtdanes ( Southeastern PA - Zone 6b) on Aug 22, 2014 5:36 PM concerning plant: Brazilian Morning Glory (Ipomoea setosa)
    Brazilian morning glory is perennial to zone 7. It is a very vigorous vine with pretty pink flowers. The leaves are as attractive as the flowers. Hairs grow on the vine that look like thorns but are soft, and they are just as lovely as the rest of the plant. Be prepared to get up very early to catch the blooms. They close up fast!
  • By luvsgrtdanes ( Southeastern PA - Zone 6b) on Aug 22, 2014 5:15 PM concerning plant: Lindheimer's Morning Glory (Ipomoea lindheimeri)
    Lindheimer is one of the few morning glories that has a fragrance. Very suttle and some can't even smell it.
    It is perennial to zone 7 and can be overwintered in colder climates in a greenhouse or warm south-facing window. It grows well indoors. Very easy to start from seeds. If you keep it watered well and fed with a good bloom booster fertilizer, it will do great for you in the ground or in a pot.
  • By NHJenDion (Southern NH - Zone 5b) on May 27, 2013 4:29 PM concerning plant: Japanese Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea 'Murasakihigezaki')
    Very cool buds
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  • By yurikashtanov (St.Petersburg, or Sochi, or North Smolensk reg., Russia; Los Frailes, Ecuador - Zone 10a) on Mar 18, 2013 3:54 AM concerning plant: Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae)
    The plant is common for the upper parts of the beaches of the Pacific ocean in Ecuador. Endures salted air.
  • By plantladylin (Sebastian, Florida - Zone 10a) on Feb 21, 2013 12:07 PM concerning plant: Man of the earth (Ipomoea pandurata)
    Man-Of-The-Earth Vine is a native perennial here in Florida and found in the central and northern parts of the state. This vine has a deep, vertical root that grows to 6 feet in length and can weigh as much as 30 pounds, hence the common name "Man of the Earth". Another common name for this plant is "Wild Potato Vine", so named because of its tuberous, starchy root, which is said to be edible after cooking, with a purported taste (although bitter) similar to that of a sweet potato. The vine can attain heights to 15 feet and has variable, mostly heart-shaped leaves that are 4 to 6 inches long and are attached to a smooth or sparsely short-haired stem. Flowers are 2 to 6 inches wide and long, composed of 5 petals fused together, forming a funnel shape. The flowers are white with pink-purplish throat. The fruit is a round green capsule that turns brown at maturity and contains 4 dark brown to black seeds with long stiff hairs.

    This vine is found growing in habitats of dry to moist soils, disturbed sites, open woodlands, forest margins, and along river banks.
  • By plantladylin (Sebastian, Florida - Zone 10a) on Feb 18, 2013 1:20 PM concerning plant: Scarlet Creeper (Ipomoea hederifolia)
    Scarlet Creeper is a colorful morning glory found throughout the tropics, a prolific climbing and twining vine native to the Continental U.S. and introduced to Hawaii and the Caribbean territories. This annual vine is fast growing, reaching heights of about 10 feet. Leaves are 1-4 inches long and can be extremely variable in shape, from heart-shaped and toothed to having 3 or more lobes and ivy-shaped. Flowers are formed in groups at the ends of a long flower stalk with a few, to sometimes many, small 1-inch long, 5-petaled scarlet red flowers. The flower form is a slender tube, spreading at the end; the blooms are short-lived, opening in the early morning and wilting rapidly by the heat of mid-day.

    Scarlet Creeper is found in habitats of disturbed sites and along roadsides and fencerows. Its range in Florida is throughout the state and it's considered to be a common invasive weed across much of the state. The nectar of the bright red flowers is highly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

    *Note* Ipomoea hederifolia var. lutea has beautiful yellow flowers and is said to be rare.
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