Viewing comments posted by Baja_Costero

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[ Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg' | Posted on October 29, 2017 ]

Robust glaucous pink hybrid Echeveria by R. Graessner. Parentage is E. gibbiflora "Metallica" (a selection of gibbiflora distinct from the hybrid of the same name) x E. potosina (now E. elegans). Best color with strong light. Leaf color may be uneven and is often redder/pinker at the center of the rosette. There are a few named cultivars of this plant, based on unusual leaf color or shape (eg. "Karl von Nurnberg", "Serena") and there are also named hybrids ("Lolita") and presumed self-pollinated offspring ("Son of Pearl").

[ Echeveria (Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy') | Posted on October 29, 2017 ]

Common and stable monstrose variant of Echeveria runyonii, named by Marlon Kimnach. Like the species, a prolific offsetter and bloomer. Powder blue leaves and pink flowers in a double shepherd's crook. Distributed by the ISI in 1986 as ISI 1647. Several monstrose hybrids have been bred from this plant. Reversions exist and some have been named.

[ Pachypodium (Pachypodium windsorii) | Posted on October 29, 2017 ]

One of two Pachypodiums with red flowers, this caudiciform succulent grows a globose base with sprawling stems. Relatively small for the genus (caudex to 8 inches in old age). Beautiful flowers and rough, irregular shape.

Not a beginner Pachypodium. Like P. brevicaule, this plant is often difficult to keep going long term in cultivation. Requires warmth (especially in winter), excellent drainage, and attention to watering (related to the season, state of growth, and temperature), especially avoiding the loss of roots due to desiccation. Try P. saundersii first if you like this growth habit.

From an area with relatively high rainfall in northern Madagascar. Unusual in cultivation and very rare in habitat.

Also called P. baronii var. windsorii. The first name refers to the missionary R. Baron and the second refers to a 1300 foot elevation feature in northern Madagascar named Windsor Castle, with an amazing view, used as a surveillance point by colonial forces.

[ Aeonium (Aeonium nobile) | Posted on October 23, 2017 ]

Large, solitary, short-stemmed Aeonium with thick green leaves and red flowers (an unusual color for Aeonium). Beautiful sculptural form. Larger rosettes can reach impressive proportions, in the ground or in extra-large containers. May be self fertile. Offsetting forms are found in cultivation and they do not appear to be hybrids, based on the flowers.

This plant enjoys day long sun in mild climates. Stressed plants (or plants during their summer rest) may turn yellow, orange or brown; this is generally reversible. Provide strong light, excellent drainage, and regular water. Not recommended as a container plant where space or light may be limiting.

Landscape plants under suboptimal conditions may be relatively long lived (several years), while container plants given good nursery care may live less than 2 years before they flower (they can fill a 3 gallon pot in a year).

From La Palma in the Canary Islands (the only solitary Aeonium on the island). Well suited to mild Mediterranean (winter rainfall) climates. Drought tolerant.

Very easy to propagate by beheading. Take the top half of a reasonably big rosette (say 10 inch pot size) and start a new plant. Within a few months the stump of the mother plant will branch profusely, allowing several rosettes to be harvested in order to start new plants. Like other Aeoniums, this plant may sometimes commit to flowering before being taken as a cutting, and the cutting will never reach anywhere near full size before it starts to go vertical and sprouts blooms.

Apparently self fertile. Seed is quite small but young seedlings are fast growing, reaching 4 inches within 6 months and 10 inches within a year.

[ Senecio (Kleinia neriifolia) | Posted on October 17, 2017 ]

Large, much-branched succulent shrub with glaucous, sausage-like stems and narrow, summer-deciduous green leaves. Very seasonal growth pattern (winter grower, summer dormant). Probably best suited to mild Mediterranean (winter rainfall) climates. Potentially a large plant in the ground. The amount of branching is variable. A wide-leafed natural form called ovatifolia branches a lot.

Propagate from stem cuttings in fall. Provide strong light for best form and stability. Water regularly (general succulent care) from fall through spring (and summer, in mild climates). Provide good drainage and ample space in containers. This plant may be self fertile and self seeding in the container garden. Seedlings grow fast and may be several inches tall by late winter, given ideal conditions.

From the Canary Islands, where it may be easily confused with native Euphorbias (but unlike them, does not exude a dangerous sap).

Formerly known as Senecio kleinia.

[ Pachypodium (Pachypodium brevicaule) | Posted on October 17, 2017 ]

The lowest and weirdest of the Pachypodiums, from the central highlands of Madagascar. This caudiciform succulent grows as a fat, low, amorphous blob with spines and deciduous leaves at the growth points. May reach almost 3 feet wide in old age, rarely over a third that size in cultivation. Usually yellow flowers, though a white-flowered version (leucoxanthum) does exist. Flowers appear early in the growth season.

This species is susceptible to rot on its own roots but much easier and likely a longer lived plant when grafted onto lamerei or geayi. Very seasonal growth pattern. Leaves, buds, and outside of petals are all covered with fine hairs.

Not a beginner Pachypodium, especially on its own roots. Requires warm temperatures, strong light, excellent drainage, and attention to watering. Water more in summer, especially when it's warm, and less in winter. Avoid letting the soil go completely dry. Keep the size of the pot proportional to the size of the plant, and do not overpot.

[ Kudu Lily (Pachypodium saundersii) | Posted on October 6, 2017 ]

Shrubby caudiciform succulent with a fat body and narrow, spreading, spiny branches. Deciduous leaves appear toward the end of the branches. Can be spectacular in old age. White flowers in late summer/fall tinged with purple/pink. From southern Africa: South Africa, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.

Seasonal growth pattern features a summer growth spurt and winter dormancy, though some leaves may be retained through the winter in mild climates. Water more frequently in summer. Does not like cold (below 45-50°F), wet winters. Potentially a large plant (body to 3 feet wide), and stunted by underpotting. Responds well to pruning. Best growth and form with very strong light (full sun in mild climates). A dwarf version (forma compacta) is available and may be a better fit for container life where space is limiting.

This species was formerly known as P. lealii ssp. saundersii, and is closely related to P. lealii (from Namibia and Angola), a much larger shrub or tree with a bottle shaped stem and pubescent leaves. P. saundersii is geographically separated from P. lealii by 1000km and it differs from lealii in one interesting respect: the main stem of saundersii usually dies back after a few years, leaving the caudex and lower stems to continue branching.

[ Pachypodium (Pachypodium succulentum) | Posted on October 3, 2017 ]

One of two similar-looking Pachypodiums which grow a buried caudex, often lifted after several years for display. Mature plants can be spectacular. Both species grow skinny above-ground stems as well, armed with spines and bearing leaves toward the end. Easily controlled with pruning. Protect the caudex from direct sun after lifting it to avoid scarring.

Flowers, borne at various times of year, have a pinwheel shape rather than the bell-like shape of P. bispinosum. Otherwise the two species are not easy to tell apart. There are also hybrids with intermediate flowers. Widely distributed in western South Africa, partially overlapping in distribution with P. bispinosum.

One parent of Pachypodium "Arid Lands", a hybrid with P. namaquanum.

The plant formerly known as P. griquense is a small-flowered form of P. succulentum.

[ Pachypodium (Pachypodium bispinosum) | Posted on October 3, 2017 ]

One of two similar-looking Pachypodiums which grow a buried caudex, often lifted after several years for display. Mature plants can be spectacular. Both species grow skinny above-ground stems as well, armed with spines and bearing leaves toward the end. Easily controlled with pruning. Protect the caudex from direct sun after lifting it to avoid scarring.

Flowers, borne at various times of year, are bell-like instead of the pinwheel configuration of P. succulentum. Otherwise the two species are not easy to tell apart. There are also hybrids with intermediate flowers. From the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, overlapping in distribution with P. succulentum (which also grows elsewhere).

[ Tequila Agave (Agave tequilana) | Posted on August 15, 2017 ]

The classic blue agave used to make tequila, whose production is limited to certain areas of Mexico.

A large plant with straight, erect leaves to 4-6 feet tall, eventually growing the short stem, or "piña", which is harvested for fermentation. Color mostly varies from glaucous blue-gray to gray-green, sometimes with cross banding. Offsets regularly via rhizomes and will form clumps if allowed to do so. May require some overhead protection in the low desert, otherwise thrives in full sun. May be somewhat frost sensitive. Very similar to the related A. angustifolia, which may be difficult to resolve.

[ Wickens' Aloe (Aloe wickensii) | Posted on August 15, 2017 ]

Greenish South African aloe, usually solitary, with a medium sized rosette of glaucous, incurved leaves and 3-4 branched inflorescences with bicolored flowers (usually red opening to yellow, but sometimes all yellow). Leaves turn grayish green to brown and close in with stress and drought. Floral bracts are imbricate in bud. Closely related to A. pienaarii and A. cryptopoda. May also be confused with A. lutescens, an offsetting plant.

There has been some discussion as to whether wickensii should be merged with cryptopoda, which has a nonoverlapping range (Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique). Aloe wickensii can be distinguished from cryptopoda by its larger overall size, more highly branched inflorescences, larger and differently shaped floral bracts, and different flower color. It can be distinguished from the related A. lutescens, which also makes bicolored flowers, by its usually solitary habit (lutescens normally offsets), shorter racemes, and brighter yellow flowers.

[ Elephant's Trunk (Pachypodium namaquanum) | Posted on June 15, 2017 ]

Slow-growing, spiny pachycaul succulent from the Richtersveld near the border between South Africa and Namibia, which has a very dry winter-rainfall climate. After many years about half the size of a human (thus the common name), a few feet tall in old age. Sometimes branches from the sides of the main stem, often solitary, responds to loss of the growth center by branching.

A winter grower, and a difficult or impossible plant for locations with wet summers (real risk of rot) unless given overhead protection. Very demanding about strong light. Does best in full sun, especially in winter, and needs excellent drainage. Ideal for dry Mediterranean-type climates with mild winters. Watering schedule is best determined by the growth status of the plant at any given time (water more often when in leaf). This plant may experience extended dormancy and typically goes leafless during summer.

[ Euphorbia (Euphorbia decepta) | Posted on June 15, 2017 ]

Small South African medusoid Euphorbia with short arms. The main stem may grow to about 3 inches tall, the arms to about 1.5 inches, with prominent tubercles and persistent peduncles resembling spines.

From the Western and Eastern Cape of South Africa. Uncommon in cultivation. Closely related species include arida (whose persistent peduncles have a sharp point), albipollinifera (white pollen), crassipes (more of a flat top on the main stem, hairy fruit). All these species produce cyathia with both male and female parts. Hybrids (especially between closely related plants) may be difficult to distinguish from the species.

[ Euphorbia (Euphorbia genoudiana) | Posted on June 15, 2017 ]

Small, slow-growing, spiny succulent from SW Madagascar (to 10 inches or so) with branching stems and narrow leaves which usually fall during winter. Like a miniature crown of thorns with skinny leaves. Cyathia are distinctive, with 2-fold symmetry, featuring yellow/orange/red nectar glands between green/yellow cyathophylls. May be grown from cuttings, but best form only from seed, which is not particularly difficult. Not self compatible. Reduce watering frequency during winter rest period, but plants enjoy water year round in mild climates. Cyathia are an excellent and challenging subject for macro photography.

[ Pachypodiums (Pachypodium) | Posted on June 15, 2017 ]

This genus of caudiciform succulents, native to southern Africa and Madagascar, includes trees (lamerei, geayi, decaryi, rutenbergianum), shrubs (saundersii), low-growing plants (brevicaule, eburneum), and geophytes (suculentum, bispinosum), plus sub-shrubs. Flowers are usually white or yellow (rarely red or purplish) and fruit is a two-horned pod which breaks open when ripe to release seeds with dandelion-like parachutes. These plants prefer excellent drainage, abundant water in summer during the active growth season (except namaquanum which typically is more of a winter grower), and lots of sun. Water much less often during dormancy or when plants are losing their leaves. Risk of rot due to overwatering at this time. Most species are not frost tolerant. Plants in marginal climates will be particularly sensitive to excess moisture during winter.

[ Round-Leafed Navel Wort (Cotyledon orbiculata) | Posted on June 9, 2017 ]

Variable South African succulent, usually with powder-dusted grayish leaves and orange-red flowers that hang in clusters like little bells. Leaves have a reddish rim or tip. Plant tends to spread out and grow sideways when given space in the ground. Some plants are green, without the powder. Some plants flower in the winter, others flower in the summer. Some variants make narrow leaves, most make wide leaves.

[ Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) | Posted on June 8, 2017 ]

Most crown of thorns in cultivation, especially those with extra large flowers, are not the species E. milii but hybrids (for example with E. lophogona). These hybrids can be quite diverse in form and flower color, and some people collect them for this reason.

Provide good drainage and regular water. These plants, from tropical Madagascar, enjoy more water than most succulents, especially in containers and especially during the summer, but they can be quite drought tolerant, especially in the ground. Easy to start from rooted cuttings. May attract bees and hummingbirds. May branch at the base and/or along stems higher up (depends on the variety). May be self-fertile and self-seeding in the container garden. Many/most crown of thorns flower year round in mild climates.

[ Aeonium (Aeonium simsii) | Posted on June 6, 2017 ]

Unusual, attractive Aeonium with thin green leaves, easily distinguished by its marginal hairs. The only species which flowers laterally instead of terminally, so rosettes live on after flowering. A higher elevation species in habitat. Drought resistant and frost tolerant. Marked summer dormancy. One parent of the hybrid "Cabernet" (along with "Zwartkop").

[ Susanna's Spurge (Euphorbia susannae) | Posted on June 4, 2017 ]

Spineless South African succulent from the Little Karoo near Ladismith. May grow nearly flat to the ground or form a mound of dozens of small knobby green heads. The tubercles are arranged in 10-16 rows and point downward. The stem usually branches heavily, and can be impressive in old age. Plants are male or female. Fall cyathia are small and greenish or brown, appearing in great numbers near the tip of stems. Male cyathia appear on short peduncles but female cyathia are sessile. Provide excellent drainage and strong light in cultivation. With proper care a long lived container plant. Named after Susanna Muir (note spelling "s" not "z").

[ Aeonium 'Jack Catlin' | Posted on June 4, 2017 ]

Pretty reddish Aeonium hybrid. More vigorous sister seedling of "Zwartkin" which was bred by Jack Catlin and named posthumously in his honor. Parentage is Zwartkop x tabuliforme. Released as ISI 2009-10.

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