tabbycat's Plant List

A note from tabbycat
I share my seeds, cuttings & starter plants for trades or postage.

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Recently bought at Home Depot. It was largest & reddest

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema 'Siam Red')
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House Plants
Never saw this colorful variety & just had to have it. It's 12" tall x 8" wide not counting pot. I bought it 9-3-21 at Home Depot for $15. September 3, 2021: Obtained plant (Leaves were reddest of all 8 available. Crown of 3 stems + a new one 4" just sprouting.)
May 13, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Doing great indoors)

1st bloom on my 2 year old White Fox aloe

Aloe 'White Fox'
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In duck pot to look like it's feathers February 1, 2020: Bloomed
October 1, 2020: Bloomed
April 15, 2021: Bloomed (Double stem blooms this time)
April 1, 2022: Bloomed (Duck pot must have 5 plants now & it blooms every 3 or 4 months)
April 23, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Duck pot was full so divided to about 5 + put original back & kept 1 & 3 for May plant sale)


Aloe Vera (Aloe vera)
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Lost mine over Winter from too much water. This starter plant will live on the porch where I water it only once a week. I use it quite often for skin issues. June 1, 2019: Obtained plant (Bought for $1 at the Day Lily Festival in Abbeville, LA)
February 15, 2021: Winterized (Brought in garage for 20s freeze)

Roots in water at 1 month on a new growth 3 inch cutting.

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora)
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Herbs / Edibles
Bought 3 that died before this 4th flourished. Wonderful smell !!! February 25, 2021: Potted up (Trimmed sharply & potted in a gal. pot with fertilizer & new soil)
April 25, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Large 1st 1 now 2" & a 12" cutting off it that is growing well.)
March 10, 2024: Cuttings stuck (Plant sprouting out so I trimmed all ends & put 6" cuttings in water to root.)


Peruvian Lily (Alstroemeria psittacina)
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New 2022
Sonia Comboy in Maurice gave me a start she said are red so will look like this picture. Then in July I got a pot full free at a plant trade with Lois Manuel. Said to be red too so Ill see December 14, 2021: Obtained plant (Sonya Comboy in Maurice gave me a starter small clump. Seems she said red shades)
May 31, 2022: Bloomed (1st bloom would be opened today but went limp for some reason. I could see they were pretty red.)
July 3, 2023: Deadheaded (No more flowers & most pods drying so I picked about 7 with another green for another day.)
November 1, 2023: Plant emerged (Plants started emerging & 2' by Jan1. I protected from Jan. freeze to teens. Feb. 1 they look fine but no flowers yet on this new 2nd growth of Fall 2023.)
March 21, 2024: Transplanted (Moved from long plastic pot to oval metal pot from Mamas. They are about 12" tall but no blooms yet.)
March 21, 2024: Transplanted (Moved from long plastic pot to oval metal pot from Mamas. They are about 12" tall but no blooms yet.)
April 18, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (Over only a couple of days the stems shot up from leafy bottoms so Ill have flowers soon. NOTE: They are in an oblong metal pot from Mama's & with black Eiffel Tower decor.)
April 25, 2024: Bloomed (Planted in oval galvanized bucket from Mama. They stay about 10" til about to bloom & shot up to 2 ' with pretty red bloom.)

Found about 20 monarch caterpillars in someone’s green trash ca

Mexican Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Deep Red')
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Trade as seed
I call it 'Red & Gold'. I got a starter plant at a Master Gardeners plant sale 9-10-11 & have it ever since. August 22, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (2020 none to be found. Sad but I have seeds.)
February 23, 2021: Seeds sown (Must have these for Monarchs)
September 20, 2021: Bloomed (3' tall & been blooming since 1st of Aug. Fed a batch of hatched caterpillars by Aug. 25 & now attractive to humming birds.)
February 25, 2022: Plant emerged (I trimmed back frost damage to 12" Feb 15 & today found new ground sprouts)
April 10, 2024: Bloomed (found a few came up in a pot of white salvia that was near plants last year by arch. Found flowers today.)


Foxtail Fern (Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers')
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Collected black seeds from Taco Bell lot & Rachel's plant early 2018. Dried then sown June 22, 18. Sprouts by fall. June 23, 2018: Seeds sown
October 23, 2018: Plant emerged (Several starter plants)
May 11, 2021: Miscellaneous Event (a nice 15"x 15" plant )
March 5, 2022: Transplanted (Was root bound til I had to cut old pot but put in a spacious new pot)

Middle plant in filtered light on an upper shelf of baker's rack

Asparagus Fern (Asparagus setaceus)
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I call it Feather Plumes. I've had it over 10 years. Must watch for stickers on older stems. I moved it into a hanging basket 1 1/2 years ago that hangs in a crepe myrtle tree in part sun by my patio. September 1, 2019: Transplanted (Moved from a pot to a hanging basket.)
February 15, 2021: Winterized (brought in garage for 20s freeze)
March 31, 2021: Maintenance performed (It's growing well in crepe myrtle part sun)
May 1, 2021: Miscellaneous Event (Replaced old coir & some soil with fertilizer)

Orange yard stick on right shows 4 ft. tall before a recent trim

Cane Begonia (Begonia 'Corallina de Lucerna')
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Trade as plant
Sell as plant
I don't remember how I got a start. Maybe while I lived on Faculty. It gets large so I take cuttings twice a year that I root easily in water to sell. It grows sturdy & darker leaves & flowers get red with more morning sun. August 1, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (Put in front door alcove where it gets bright light but no sun. It grows large but hasn't flowered there. Best on back porch.)
August 10, 2020: Maintenance performed (Returned to back porch & trimmed from 4' to 3'.)
February 15, 2021: Winterized (Trimmed to 12" & brought in garage for 20s freeze)
March 25, 2021: Plant emerged (all 4 stalks have new leaves unfurling)
May 16, 2021: Miscellaneous Event (Largest leaves ever several 12" & 1st flower.)
April 20, 2022: Bloomed (Blooming & 4' tall again. Will trim again when not flowering.)
March 6, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (Sold my large one & started a new one from a cutting for me.)

My clearance rescue has grown 10x bigger.

Cane Begonia (Begonia 'Looking Glass')
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Traded with Mauricio Patino in Orlando FL. for cuttings of 2 of my begonia. He also sent another a.w. variety but no name or color. Both rooted in 2" pots. July 13, 2020: Cuttings stuck (He sent 2 fresh cuttings & I put in water to root. plus sent 1 cutting of a pink flowering one.)
July 25, 2020: Cuttings took (Water roots on all 3 so potted in moist soil.)
March 10, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (Put it & all house plant begonias out on back porch under cover to get nice morning sun.)

Really orange & so special

Cane Begonia (Begonia 'Orange Rubra')
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Sell 8" rooted starter plants $5 + $5 postage for 1 or more mailed starting April 1, 2022 as weather allows I got my 6" starter cutting from Nancy in Kentwood, La. Sept 2018 & 'Jive' begonia September 15, 2018: Obtained plant
June 10, 2020: Bloomed (Surprised to find pretty bright orange blooms today
June 10 in full bloom about 8 clusters)
February 8, 2022: Cuttings stuck (put in water & Feb 24 some have water roots.)
February 10, 2024: Miscellaneous Event (hanging basket fell & it got broken in small pieces. They are in a pot to hopefully recover. Growing in dining room over winter & Feb. 10 I have a 4 piece 6" plant)


Hardy Begonia (Begonia grandis)
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Sell as plant
Sell as seed
Will sell 5 starter 4"-6" plants in April for $4 + $6 postage = $10. These grow so easily here in zone 9 returning each spring from roots & fallen seed pods. Flowers look pale pink to white & grow in sun to shade & prefer a moist area. February 15, 2021: Miscellaneous Event (20s freeze killed back all plants for now)
March 20, 2021: Plant emerged (Starting to find them here & there)

Believed to be 'Chamois', it's dwf. pastel pink, peach & yellow

Cannas (Canna)
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Finally ID'd from another gardeners pic on facebook as TROPICANA SUNRISE! Found discarded at roadside in nearby neighborhood April 2017. It's beautiful pastel yellow, peach & pink with leaves with cream flecks. Seems dwarf only to 3' so far. March 1, 2019: Plant emerged (Mild winter so they got a head start on new leaves sprouting out. 12" plant now.)
April 21, 2019: Bloomed (1st flower of 2019.NOTE: 2nd flush of flowers started 6 - 22.)
February 20, 2022: Plant emerged (cleaned off all dead brown leaves & found new growth)
February 1, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in a large pot so it grows better.)
March 1, 2024: Plant emerged (New growth has started)
April 1, 2024: Bloomed (1st flower of 2024.)

Bought as 'Bengal' as in LSU's mascot

Canna Lily (Canna 'Pretoria')
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We call them 'Bengal' as in LSU Tigers mascot because of stripes. Ours get 6' to 7' with flowers as seen against an aging wood fence in my back yard. May 14, 2019: Bloomed (1st blooms of 2019)
March 20, 2020: Bloomed (1st of 2020)
February 25, 2021: Maintenance performed (Cut back to ground after freeze)
March 1, 2021: Plant emerged (About a dozen)
May 16, 2021: Bloomed (1st flower of 2021)
March 15, 2022: Plant emerged (Have minimized to a 5' row by east fence)

Most blooms are red shades but this was salmon colored

Canna (Canna x generalis Cannova® Red Shades)
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Started from seeds I got in Dec. 2017 Seed Swap here. Labeled pink which I wanted. Bloomed pretty red shades from Salmon to Coral that may be pink shaces to some. . May 2, 2019: Bloomed (This is the root stock that also bloomed 1st time from seeds last year as a pretty salmon shade. )
April 2, 2020: Bloomed (1st for 2020. Lovely coral pink)
March 17, 2021: Plant emerged (1st leaf peaking out)
February 14, 2022: Plant emerged (Trimmed all dead leaves & found new sprouts.)
April 25, 2023: Bloomed (in a big pot on patio & such a pretty salmon color)
March 1, 2024: Plant emerged (New sprouts of this beauty!)
April 10, 2024: Bloomed (I just love the coral color & that plant stays about 3')


Canna Lily (Canna x generalis 'Pfitzer's Dwarf Cherry Red')
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New 2023
from house on Red Cedar. I also planted seeds on it so ended with some to sell. I like because are dwarf to 3' only. April 20, 2024: Bloomed (I have a nice cluster I planted in large barrel on driveway. They are only 15" with 1st plume of flowers. I love the clear blue red they are. no orange in them.)


Old Man of Mexico (Cephalocereus senilis)
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Bought at CVS Aug 1, 2921 with coupon $2


Night Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)
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Will always have this plant I love. May 1, 2020: Bloomed (1st of Spring blooms)
March 29, 2021: Plant emerged (A sprout broke soil at base so made it.)
June 10, 2022: Bloomed (1st blooms on new growth of Spring regrowth)
March 15, 2024: Maintenance performed (Managed to save a cutting. Winters are hard on it. It's 12" so I put Bayer 3 n 1 plus eggshells & banana peels & coffee grinds to perk it up. I love the smell that's usually in July so hope for flowers again even tho its small)

Flowers are 3 " across & bloom almost year around here

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum x morifolium Mammothâ„¢ Twilight Pink Daisy)
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Mine are soft pink with yellow centers. They bloom late Spring & November.The foliage is evergreen here in zone 9 January 1, 2020: Bloomed
May 5, 2020: Transplanted (Trying it in a hanging basket)
October 23, 2020: Bloomed (Took picture)
February 15, 2021: Winterized (Put under cover on porch in 20s freeze. Made it fine)
February 1, 2022: Plant emerged (never completely died so now has a pot full of 5" new growth.)
May 23, 2024: Bloomed (1st flower of 2024)

Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) 003

Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)
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New 2023
An Easter gift Wanda bought me a huge hanging basket in full bloom. Saturday April 8, 2023 April 9, 2023: Obtained plant (Has 4 long trailing branches. One is loaded with flowers & others have starts of buds so it will bloom a while.Needs part shade so I hung in the Vitex to get morning only sun then filtered thru tree tops.)
May 10, 2024: Bloomed (Started blooming again for spring in original hanging basket)