dnrevel's Plant List

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White Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Sensation Mix)

Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus Sensation Mix)
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Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Xanthos’ 

Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus 'Xanthos')
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More compact and quicker to bloom than the much larger Cosmos. Given enough room, free flowering for months 2.5" flowers – favored by butterflies. Blooms Spring thru Fall.

Deadheading helps. Added a photo of saving seeds for this variety. Also check out this site for seed forms and seedling photos: http://theseedsite.co.uk/db48....

Favorite of fall pollinators

Sulphur Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus)
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Trade as seed
Cultivar is Tango, Mix of bright orange, deep orange and yellow photos.
C. sulphureus 'Tango'  Deadheading increases flowering through the summer. Is sensitive to frost. Medium-sized plant, to about 3 to 4 ft.tall
Cut when flowers are halfway open. 5 to 8 days vase life.


Cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus 'Sunset Orange')
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Trade as seed
2020-7-24 Cosmos sulphureus Tango
Cosmos sulphureus Tango, Luxuriant flame-red free-flowering double blossoms wane to bright orange with yellow centers on wiry 18" stems that float above the deeply lobed dark green foliage. Ideal for cutflower production. 4' tall plants span almost 4½' wide. Planted alongside zinnias, sunflowers and amaranth, they were spellbinding in my 2015 flower bed. Tango dodged a light September frost and continued its dance well into October, but C. sulphureus is sensitive to frost, unlike C. bipinnatus.

A very easy plant to care for

String of Pickles (Crassothonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace')
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Sedums and Succulents
Purchased in Maryland in 2022. Grew well all summer. Overwintered well too.

A very easy plant to care for

String of Pickles (Crassothonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace')
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Ground Cover and Creeping, Trailing Plants
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
Crassothonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace' Ruby Necklace, aka String of Pickels. NOTE: Moderate stress (direct sun, drought, or cool temperatures of about 50F) will turn the succulent leaves to magenta . There is also fine,white fuzz that grows in the crevices of stems and leaves. (Look close, not mealybugs) Flowers are yellow.

Stem cuttings to propagate. It is a tender succulents, so bring indoors to grow as it needs good sunlight, drainage, and infrequent water. Water enough for water to run out the bottom of the pot, then wait for the soil to fully dry before watering again. Avoid wet feet.
July 7, 2022: Obtained plant (Purchased plant at Frank's in Maryland. Pictures to be added shortly.)
July 21, 2022: Potted up (Placed in sunny spot in backyard garden.)
September 28, 2022: Maintenance performed (Repotted to single pot, now a large trailing plant, and moved to greenhouse. Plan to move indoors in November.)


Rosary Vine (Crassula 'Baby's Necklace')
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Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
January 2023: Plant is thriving in winter quarters indoors and growing tall. Will break some off and do some starts in small pots soon. September 29, 2022: Obtained plant (Ordered from Mountain Crest Gardens. Plant arrived well packaged, though fragile. 1 piece broke off, using as cutting. Potted up, watered and placed in greenhouse.
October 11, 2022: Winterized (Soaked in mild soap solution and used BT (Mosquito Bits) to prepare plant for overwintering. Moved indoors from greenhouse.

Red Pagoda (Shark tooth) Crassula capitella subsp. thyrsiflora

Red Pagoda (Crassula capitella subsp. thyrsiflora)
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Sedums and Succulents
Want to Have
Somewhat delicate. Sensitive to too much water or rain. Have restarted plantlets indoors during winter 2022. January 24, 2022: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc)


Finger Jade (Crassula ovata 'Gollum')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
Had this plant several years. Overwintering in kitchen garden window.


Jade Plant (Crassula ovata 'Ogre Ears')
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Container Garden
Sedums and Succulents
Shade Garden
I've had this plant several years now. It's growing beautifully, slow pace but steadily getting bigger and bigger each season, wintered indoors, then in dappled shade outdoors during late spring through early fall.

Beautiful propeller succulent bloom!

Propeller Plant (Crassula perfoliata var. falcata)
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Container Garden
Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Sedums and Succulents
April 28, 2024: Obtained plant (From Frank's in Maryland.)

Just purchased: Varigated 'String of Buttons'

Variegated String of Buttons (Crassula perforata 'Variegata')
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Container Garden
Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
April 4, 2023: Obtained plant (Purchased at Lowe's. Put in a container with a couple other plants and will endeavor to keep it going, also protected from rain this year.)


Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
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Trade as seed
I love the gorgeous form of this unique flowering plant that grows from corms (seed as well.) Beautiful, deep red bloom in July, when garden is at peak. Divide it every 5 years. Dig down about a foot, use a fork. The corms are created each year on top of each other. They flower best if slightly compacted. So just divide a large root ball in two. The division will invigorate it. Plant deep to access moisture. Don't cut back the foliage if you are not moving them.

Invaluable for early bees

Dutch Crocus (Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc')
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Spring Ephemeral
Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
New plants and seeds
New in 2022 to me. Bulbs from Old House Gardens.


Dutch Crocus (Crocus vernus 'Vanguard')
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Spring Ephemeral
Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
New plants and seeds
New in 2022 to me. Bulbs from Old House Gardens.

Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo 'Patty Green Tint')
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Veggies, Tomatoes
Vines & Creeping Shrubs
May 31, 2021: Seeds sown (Growing from purchased seed in 2021, seed from FreeHeirloomSeeds.org. Cell pack sown. To be planted at Project Grow, new high fence grown.)
June 17, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in new, east, recovered-from-the-thistles garden at Johnson, east of the Dahlia garden.)

Fall color, Wings and Warts gourds

Cucurbita pepo 'Wings and Warts'
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Kid's Garden
Veggies, Tomatoes
May 20, 2021: Seeds sown

String of Pearls succulent. Small plant.

String of Pearls (Curio rowleyanus)
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Sedums and Succulents
New to me in 2020. Overwintered indoors well.
In 2022 overwintering again well. Have started four more plants. Lends itself well to blending in with other multi-succulent pots.
May 21, 2021: Transplanted (Started hardening off to be outside.)

Lemon Grass (Cymbopogan citratus)

Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus)
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Container Garden
Grasses and Plumed plants
New plants and seeds
May try sowing in a humid dome with Dixie cups and heat mats in 2023.

Prefers warm weather, can be a container plant (large), moderate watering, can be overwintered indoors. Seeds from Urban Farmer.


Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus Graceful Grasses® King Tut®)
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Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Will keep this as a water garden summer plant and as an indoor houseplant. Per garden advice (and YouTube videos), it is an aggressive grower, so best grown in pots. June 6, 2022: Obtained plant (Bought at a local nursery & added to the small water garden. )
September 30, 2022: Maintenance performed (Brought into the new greenhouse to protect from frost. )
October 15, 2022: Winterized (Brought indoors to overwinter. As of mid November, doing well, new sprout starting. 🙂 Is in a slotted pot inside a larger pot filled with water. )
October 29, 2023: Winterized (Soaked the plant on Oct 28, repotted and brought indoors Oct 29. In new pot in water.)

Today's site banner is by mcash70 and is called "Blueberries"

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