lovemyhouse's blog

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Posted on May 22, 2013 7:39 PM

Oh, happy day!  Not a bad day, yet, anyway.  It’s only 10:30, but I’ll take what I can get. ROFL

Got up at 6:20, scrambled eggs and made my sister bacon/egg/cheese/ breakfast burritos.  Then fried up the pork cube steak and made her a plate to take for lunch.  Another person left/was fired/something yesterday, only THIS one is vindictive and has enough information on company operations to cause big-time trouble.  Not anywhere CLOSE to what I could have done, but sufficient to be messy.  Holding my breath she doesn’t do anything because sister is not in a position to be without a job—not when she is supporting ME! :-D

My timing is way off on these daylilies.  Nothing open that I thought would be today.  Tomorrow or the next day for sure, just not today…wah…I wanna see them!!!!!! (scream, stomp feet, jump up and down…fall over…stop tantrum) Um, please, pretty please, may I see open blooms tomorrow, please please?  Lilies in bud everywhere, too. :-)  Scissor-cut the grass edge by the rose fence.  No equipment for mowing or edging, and girl-child’s father, who promised to mow, is flaky, flaky.  Meaning he is about as reliable as a Yugo. :-/  If I cut a little each day, and sharpen up the big shear thingies to get more at a time…

Phone goes away in the morning.  Applied for the poor folks prepaid cell those on SNAP can get.  Very limited minutes, etc., but I surely do not need anything more.  Silly to keep paying that $45 a month for something I rarely ever use except to play Solitaire while the news is on.  Blondy will get the actual phone for now.  They can figure out how to transfer her number onto it without having to pay the service provider.  I do have a sense of loss on the number.  Is the very first one I ever had, from when I finally caved and got a cell phone.  2001?  2002?  Somewhere in there.  That number has been to both sides of the world with me and I will miss the idea of it.

Baby-boy is turning into a whiner.  Gonna have to figure out a counter, stop this behavior right this very dadblasted minute!  Shortie asked to use my computer tomorrow to complete online summer job applications.  She sure does have more on the ball than does Blondy.  Muy more in the brain, too, than Blondy, but cain’t do a lot about the latter child’s capacity.

Fevered again today, day 10?  But it didn’t seem to kick in until late this afternoon.  Taking it as more progress.  Now, if mower-boy buys the cordless drill kit, I can refill the expensive prescription and the mostest of the dizzies will go away again, leaving only the congestion dizzies; well, and the MS dizzies, but I am almost used to those now..almost. :-)

Tomorrow, intend to make sure I have every document to take for next week’s attorney appointment and get it organized.  No last minute stuff for me in general, and particularly not in this specific case.  Going to be praying a lot, too.  Pretty sure there will be need for both; will have to wait and see if either or both are effective.  Bed time, now, though, I’m worn-did out.  :-)


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Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV ? Diiii-ling For Dollars is trying to find me...
Posted on May 21, 2013 10:01 PM

Day…uh, hm.  Hey, wait!  No fever this morning.  Still coughing and wobbly, but maybe a little—cautious—hope is in order?

Tottered out and watered some, even though storms are expected this afternoon.  Seedlings and vegetables won’t really wait any longer before they get to the croaking stage.

Got sweaty outside, so washed hair in sink after I came in, then took a 30-second bathroom shower rinse—silently daring Blondy to say ONE WORD about the shower.  She declined the dare.  LOL

Fever still around…sigh…:-[  Progress, though, since it didn't show up until 11:00 or so, right?

Welp, sky opened up about 2:45 this afternoon.  Sure do need the rain.  If anything breaks off/down/over, well, it can be replaced.  Ooh, thunder, I hears thunder!  I like gentle thunderstorms.  Lots of folks right now aren’t going to comprehend the concept of gentle thunder.  Unless they are Don Williams fans.  But not EVERY storm in Tornado Alley generates hellspawn.

Went in kitchen this evening to pre-cook some things for sister’s breakfast and lunch tomorrow.  Blondy decides THAT is the time SHE needs to come in the kitchen and start cooking a corn dog.  While I am at the stove with frying bacon and zucchini.  Sheesh, that is the nosiest girl on the face of the planet.  She wasn’t even hungry, just wanted to know what was going on.  And, since I had already cut her short twice today for being nosy, guess she thought she’d present her version of subtle?  I made her leave.  Said since I am so clumsy and stumble around so much, I was afraid of accidentally splashing grease on her or something.  Get out, let me finish, then you can have it allllllll to yourself.  (I will be unspeakably glad when she gets out of my house for good.)

Um, shoot.  Bad me.  Bad, bad me.  That steam-fried zucchini to add to sister’s lunch tomorrow? Ate ¾ of it myself. :-p  But, there is still enough to put on the plate if I give her more smashed taters to cover the space. :-D

Going to have to wash pajamas tomorrow.  Been coughing so hard, and so often without warning, the pee, oh, well, um, it does what pee does under pressure...ROFL.  On the last clean pair of jammy pants, sooo...Good, easy-to-finish goal for tomorrow.  Time for another slug of salvation (cold medicine with cough suppressant) and bed.  Eager to see which daylilies open up tomorrow!


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100% Chance of Rain
Posted on May 20, 2013 5:52 PM

Blondy was up at 8:00.  Hasn’t gone back to sleep.  I am waiting for a shoe to drop.  Hopefully not on my head, but we’ll see. :-D

Will wonders never cease.  Blondy—on her own initiative—called to get the SNAP card replaced AND called the assistance agency that can help her get a GED and find a job. AND AND AND she is planning to find a way to get there—HERVERYOWNSELF!  OH…MY...GOOD...GRACIOUS…GOD!  (reeling back against the wall with one hand to my heart in astonishment)  ROFL

Salsa-ed a goodly chunk of the kitchen.  Been waiting for the jalapeno oils to start burning where they splatted on my arm, neck and chest.  Nothing so far, so maybe I escaped. :-p Hardest part was keeping Mickey Mutt out of the kitchen.  She eats anything and her butt would have been burning by morning!


Just watched the news and wish I hadn’t.  Sad, heartbreaking day.  Hard to fathom why the people of Moore should have this horror thrown at them again. One long-time local weather person here, who knows better, called it a “once in a lifetime event.”  YOU REPORTED THE 1999 storm!!!!! What, is Moore populated by cats?  Do they HAVE any more lifetimes left to sacrifice?  Three times savaged in 14 years.  I think that is enough lifetime for an entire planet.  Please, God, let those kids be okay…

Here at home, a 28-year-veteran firefighter died working a condo fire this morning in Dallas.  The last communication from him was that he was trapped.  Anytime a law enforcement officer or fire fighter dies in the line of duty, it hurts me deeply.  I have a long history of needing both and feel a personal sense of loss each time.  But this particular time, the “I’m trapped” call opened up part of the hole again.  The FD spokesman was on the edge of losing control as he gave the information and he had to stop several times.  I have watched this man through many a television interview and have never seen him as he was this afternoon, never seen this level of pain and such a sense of helplessness.  It is heartwrenching to watch a strong, adult man struggle to not break down and cry like a little boy in sorrow.   I don’t want to hear that trapped call.  I don’t want to imagine what it must have been like for this man who gave so much of his life to his city.  And, in the end, gave it all.  I have tried for 25 years not to imagine what it must have been like for my mother, who almost made it out.  I don’t want to hear that trapped call.  I don’t want to feel again the sense of helplessness, that sense I couldn’t have done anything to save her—but that I should have.  We were in completely different states, not even talking to each other at the time, but I could have saved her.  That is what I told myself for years and years and years.  It was my fault, I should have done something, anything to get her out of there, try again to get her help.  I didn’t take action and she died.  Maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong.  The alcoholism would have taken her soon enough even without the fire.  Her blood alcohol was .28 on that late December afternoon; I am still astounded she was able to get as far as she did.  And she was in a older, rattle-trap mobile home that went up like it was doused.  Well, it was.  And that, too, weighted down the guilt.  But, no matter where or what or how, for years now, I have chosen to keep telling myself that…I...could…not…have…saved…her.  Most days, I believe it.  It is just afternoons like this one bring it back up to the surface.  And I have to start telling myself all over again.

Ain't no sun
Ain't no blue sky
The wind blows cold
Now that you've gone away
And tomorrow just like today
There's 100% chance of rain.

Fever is back and I feel sodden and discouraged.  Going to bed.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel stronger.  There’s always tomorrow…wait, did that one already.  Maybe I can work on Singing In The Rain?  Gene always cheers me up. :-)


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Think I'll walk me outside, And buy a rainbow smile
Posted on May 19, 2013 7:05 PM

Uuuuh-kkkkeeeee.  Sixth day in a row with temp of 100 or higher.  I no feel good…wah…Must be time for SOOOOOP-per Jalapeno!!  :-D

Blondy wanted to go help her friend help the friend’s brother do some moving last night.  Supposed to be paid for it.  Asked me to watch the baby.  Okay, go earn some money, I can support that, sure.  Supposed to be home between 10:00AM and Noon today.  So at 11:40 this morning I get a text that it will be an hour or two longer.  Of course it will.  Didn’t I know that from the start just based on her tone of voice YESTERDAY?  THEN at 1:45, I get a text asking if I would keep BammBamm again tonight.  How did I know THAT was going to happen?  Since the poor mite wasn’t fed properly or rested well or cared for during the days she was gone, I wasn’t going to let the fact that I am sick put him back in that situation.  He just really got started teething and is snotty and feverish and tires easily.  Had slept straight through the night, when he normally wakes up at least once, and took a three hour nap today.  He wanted to stay close this afternoon while I lay on the couch watching NCIS reruns (sure do like that Mike :-) and, occasionally tuning into the Baltimore/Tampa Bay game.  Put him to bed at his usual time of 7:00 and he went right off.


New day.  Day 7…sigh…Okay, Lord, I know this stuff ain’t goin’ away by itsownself, but yew'r gonna need to hep me.  Like sendin’ on that refund.  Then I will go to the doctor, promise.

BammBamm (sister’s new name for baby boy-child) needs to go, too, but he has Medicaid, so he can.  Blondy will just have to get it scheduled for when there is transportation.  Poor itty bitty boy is wobbling all over the place from the congestion in his head throwing off his balance.  It is 10:00, waiting to see if she gets here by 11:00 as agreed.  I see photos I want to take which will be impractical to try if having to look out for rugrat at the same time. :-p

Drama, fighting over stupid adolescent stuff, drama, fighting some more, and lots more drama…blech, let sister deal with Blondy and her love life.  I’ll make lunch instead.

Napped this afternoon. 

Should have two daylily bloom stalks opening tomorrow.  Tomorrow, tomorrow, you’re always…oh, yeah, I hate that one.   How about: Things will never stay the same, the only one sure thing is change. That's why there's always tomorrow.  (I just hope I feel better tomorrow…whine…whine…sigh)


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Sugar Pie, Sugar Pie, sit by me...
Posted on May 17, 2013 7:36 PM

Shortie says we have fireflys!  Yeah-buddy, I love May in Texas!


New day.  Dogs woke me when sister came in at 6:00 to get Shortie and girl-child.  When they leave, go out to wander the yard and find it has been raining again.  :-)  Better than 70% humidity, unusual for us, but it is windy and reasonably cool, which is good.  Deadhead some flowers.  Wander around the daylily scapes like a kid waiting for Christmas. Are you open now?  Are you open now?  Are you open NOW?????

WOO-EEEE!  Four blossoms on a cucumber plant!  Teeny tomato on the cherry plant.  And pea pods on each of four plants!  Sure don’t look like sugar snap peas, though.  Picked one to try and doesn’t taste like one, either.  Looks and tastes like a Snow Pea.  Will give it a few days to see if they plump up.  Otherwise, I think I dinna get the right ones planted. :-p

Back to bed.  Blech.

New day.  Hawking and honking—Yuck.  Fifth day with fever.   MAN, this thing is stubborn. :-#

Glad, now, that the first of the daylilies aren’t going to be opening for a couple or three days.  Want to feel better to appreciate them more.  Walked around outside for about 20 minutes right before Noon, where it was 84 degrees with 62% humidity.  So the humidity had let up a little from yesterday, but it was hotter with no wind and sweat was dripping off the ends of my hair in that short a period of time.  I gave it up and went back to the A/C. :-/

Boy’s been dropped off.  Still sleeping in his car seat.  Leave him for a bit and stay on the couch.  Shortie gets home after taking girl-baby to her daddy’s and boy-baby is still sleeping, so I’M going to go try to nap.

He’s awake.  Nostrils chapped from drainage.  Rash on butt.  All freakin’ three jars of baby food I sent over there with her are unopened.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.  Well, he’s mine until Noon tomorrow, so he WILL BE FED PROPERLY!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR   Three diapers in three hours?  What the hell did they give this child?!?  Poor baby boy, he wants to be picked up.  Then he wants to get down again.  Then he wants to be picked up again.  Then he wants down.  Think he just wants the reassurance that he will BE picked up if he wants it.  And he is tired and not feeling well.  One bottom tooth has broken through!!!!  Hurray!!  Shortie sat with us as I fed him.  She was eating watermelon, so we poured the juice into a jelly jar to see if he could drink from it, and if he liked the watermelon.  Big ree-ZOUN-ding yes to both!!!  Gave him some baby congestion stuff.  Tried to keep him up until 7:00, rock him and hold him, but not let him go to sleep, yet.  Worked until about 6:30, but once the sleep-crankies set in with this child, only cure is get him straight to bed.  Betting with myself on what time he will first wake up during the night.  One of me says 11:15, the other says 12:30.  ROFL

Just heard on the news the seven unaccounted for in the Granbury tornado are unaccounted for no longer.  Everyone safe, no new fatalities. Lot of relief around that town tonight.

Now, why is it that Willie-dog doesn’t bark at Blondy, but refuses to walk in the living room when she is here (I have to carry him past her to get him to go outside); yet, with Shortie, he ‘stands guard’ beside me and barks at her when she comes into my room (the ONLY person to whom he does that), but doesn’t even stutter-step running around the living room and kitchen if Blondy is gone and Shortie is out there alone.  Weird, weird.

Went out this evening to show Shortie the vegetables and found the jalapeno plant has three fruits, the cherry tomato plant has at least three, and one of the pea pods is plumping up.  Gave a pod to boy-baby, who tried to teethe on it.  It was fun. :-)  Looking forward to next week when all this stuff will be so much further along!


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