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Jul 17, 2017 11:34 AM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
My neighbor next door to me is a snot. I really don't know what her problem is, but the neighbor on the other side of me said she is like that to everyone and always has been. I have not did anything but be nice to her, went out of my way to be nice to her and she just ignores me. One time I waved at her while she was in her yard and I was pulling out of the driveway. She clearly seen me, was looking right at me, but turned her head around and ignored me. She has a daughter the same age as my girls and we both homeschool. They bought her a birthday gift and invited her over shortly after we moved in. I have sent her Christmas cards ect. Finally gave up.

So now. They have a mama cat and she has 8 babies-4 months old or thereabouts. One kitten disappeared. Either a family member took it home or an owl got it? its gone.
The others are in my yard alot, pooping in my flowers, tripping me. They do bug me sometimes wanting petted when I am trying to work and I am allergic so I usually just go let my poodle out and he dispatches them in short order. I do my best to keep my poodles in our yard. (partially concerned about their place being a danger, junky, maybe traps out for critters? possibly poisoned critters before)

These cats will be here until they have babies and the babies have babies and they don't do anything w them Confused None of them are spayed, or neutered, They are crawling with fleas, their ears are full of blackish goo from ear mites, one of them came up on my porch and puked up a wad of worms Crying I just feel so bad for them. Plus I don't want them. If I wanted 10 cats, I'd go get me some!

I don't care if my neighbor has an elephant if she keeps it on her side AND takes care of it.

One day while I was out watering my garden, the cats were all in my yard as they do when I am out there, and another neighbor up the street from me stopped. She said she had seen the cats out alot and wanted to know if they were mine and if she could have the mama cat. I told her the story. She says the mama crosses the busy highway to go to her house and she feeds it-alot and often. She was afraid to keep her because she was nursing. I told her to take them all Crossing Fingers!

She comes by and puts a bowl of feed in their shed for the cats. She doesn't want the mama to keep crossing the road afraid she will be hit by a car but she is so scrawny we don't think she is getting enough to eat. She said she was contacting some rescue groups, but they were too full or wanted $25 fee for ea one, ect. Haven't found anyone to help. But still working on that.

So the neighbor does not know anything about the other neighbor that is feeding them. I feed them scraps (not catfood) and only in MY yard. I figure if they want to come over to my yard and eat, nothing is stopping them. They don't keep them at home where they belong anyway.
I was out in my garden this morning and she found the bowl of feed that the other person left in her shed. She threw it out and was clearly steamed. I am certain that she thinks *I* was the one who has been in her shed. She closed the shed door up tight (has never kept it closed the past 4 years we have been here). There is nothing but junk in it anyway Shrug! Clearly if she has half a brain she realizes that no one is out to steal her trashy junk, and just trying to feed the cats. No harm.

This past easter they brought home 3 ducklings, killed 2 of them off in first few weeks. And then the other poor thing sat in a 30x40 dog crate with a tiny pan of filthy water up until 2 wks ago. It got so bad, that I was furious. I was out in my yard one night and I heard the strangest sound, couldn't figure out what it was. And then realized it was the duck, he was crying. Seriously. It was the sadest little sound I have ever heard. It really disturbed me. (ok I know ya'all are thinking I am a nutcase about now *Blush* ) I went over and talked to him and he seemed to listen intently. He seemed pleased with that. The poor thing was just so lonely. How can anyone be like to an animal? You have to be a real piece of work to be so cruel. What was their plan for the duck anyway? just let it sit there til it grew old and died? Grumbling I can't say what I really think about people like that cause it's not sanctified and I would go to the bad place Thumbs down

Well the next night I went after dark and said good night to him and he chatted away at me with his little sounds and seemed pleased that I had paid an attention to him. I got up the next day and on my way to my shed I thought he was acting strangely. Finally decided that he was just scratching. Later in the morning, I heard a gun shot and of course went right out to see what was going on and the neighbor's son had shot the duck. It was flopping around all over the ground (guess couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Who would do that anyway? I would have just got an axe and lopped it's head off, more humane that way. maybe he's a weenie?) Anyway I believe he shot it again, and it did finally die. I actually cried. Now mind you, I do cry when I am saddened by something, but mostly if you see me crying you better run lol because I am ANGRY. I cry when I am angry. (I hate that I do, but I can't help it). The weenie told me that the duck had a big gash on it's underside and couldn't stand up and there wasn't anything they could do for it. The only way it could have been cut is if the wire of the cage cut it. NOTHING could get inside that the way they had it wrapped and tie wrapped closed like they did. Sighing! Well at least he was happy the night before when I talked to him. Crying OK so I am pretty furious about the duck. What kind of idiot brings home ducklings as an Easter novelty for their grand-kids and then what?! They had no plan to care for it? That's like bringing home a puppy. Well, they don't stay a puppy, duh.

Ok so that is my rant, and I don't know what to do, or should i do anything at all? I don't even care what she thinks about me, honestly, there is no love lost, its not like she even likes me. I just don't want the cats to be full of fleas, mites, worms and pregnant all the time and hungry and pooping in my yard. And I either want the other neighbor to take them or not and go away. And I don't want the neighbor to think I am the one that has been in her shed. And the other neighbor is just trying to help but it is making things worse. What to DO?
Jul 17, 2017 1:46 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
Call the local humane association?
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Avatar for Frillylily
Jul 17, 2017 1:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
and tell them what? my neighbors cat has fleas ?

then it just sounds so lame. Sad The animal shelter here said they were full, plus they said it has to be YOUR cat or a stray to bring in, you can't just round up your neighbors pets apparently Hilarious! I live in county so she can let her animals roam all over my yard pooping the way I understand it... Grumbling

Plus I don't want to stir up trouble I have to live next to this nutcase. Sad If I fill out some kind of report, she will find out it is me
. Either way, she will THINK it is me.
Last edited by Frillylily Jul 17, 2017 2:00 PM Icon for preview
Jul 17, 2017 2:06 PM CST
Name: Cheryl
North of Houston TX (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Greenhouse Plant Identifier Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Plumerias Ponds
Foliage Fan Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tropicals Garden Ideas: Master Level Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Agree. Animal cruelty is a Felony, I believe.ETA who cares what that looney neighbor thinks. The duck could have been saved. But instead it suffered then died a painful death. Help save the kittens.
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh
uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you Smile.
Last edited by ShadyGreenThumb Jul 17, 2017 2:08 PM Icon for preview
Jul 17, 2017 2:29 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
Cheryl is correct, it sounds like animal cruelty. That was the inference I was getting.
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Avatar for Frillylily
Jul 17, 2017 4:08 PM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
ok well I will need to make some phone calls and see if I can report it.
That may or may not take care of the cat problem, doubt they will actually do anything Shrug! but maybe they will.

so that leaves me then with what to do about her thinking I have been feeding her cats in her shed, when it wasn't me. Should I just forget about it, or should I try to say something to her? She usually never answers the door or my phone calls even though I know she is home.
Jul 17, 2017 4:21 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
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I'd just forget it because she'll want to know who was doing it, and you don't want to get her down on the other neighbor.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Jul 17, 2017 5:42 PM CST
Name: Philip Becker
Fresno California (Zone 8a)
Lily : keep listening. I listened to you.
Who cares, what your neighbor thinks. Your not going to change there minds.
Cats, are considered, free spirits. No one owns a cat. Dogs, ducks, etc. Are personal property. You run over a cat, you don't have to stop, to try to find owner.
Shame on your across street neighbor, and you for feeding them.
(" Why should we go somewhere else ? Were getting fed hear ? ")
Your also enabling, your neighbour, to keep cats, irresponsibility.
SPCA ! At least hear. Will loan you a cat trap, free.
And, as far as you know ! They are strays or ferral cats. Get my drift. SPCA has to take them, free.
Or, do as i did. Get a " live animal cage trap. " 50 bucks. And do the poor animals some good. Take them to SPCA.
Anything i say, could be misrepresented, or wrong.
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Jul 17, 2017 10:56 PM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
I don't need a trap,? they let me pet them. They are tame. Across street neighbor was feeding her because the cat was at her house every day and she didn't know whose it was, if it even belonged to anyone. She didn't figure out where the cat belonged until a couple of months after she started feeding it. I feed the cats because they come to my house hungry. If she doesn't want me to feed them, I guess she will have to keep it on her side. She has no problem letting them poop all over my garden, so I guess it is too bad if she doesn't want me to feed them. Shrug! They have to eat somewhere, and clearly they aren't getting fed at home.
I don't know if we have SPCA here? I will look them up and see if I can find someone to take them. But I am leery about rounding them up and moving them anywhere myself because I don't want to get in trouble. Sadly, animals are considered property and even if they are in my yard, maybe I could get in trouble. I just don't know.
Jul 18, 2017 6:58 AM CST
Name: Archivesgirl
Salisbury, MD (Zone 7b)
Birds Cat Lover Critters Allowed Frogs and Toads Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Maryland
Enjoys or suffers hot summers
This is ANIMAL CRUELTY. If you are in the City then the Animal Control Officer needs to be contacted and make it known how dire the situation is with those cats. Fleas, black goo coming out of their eyes, vomiting maggots or worms, etc. are ALL CRUELTY. If you are in the County then the Sheriff's Office IS RESPONSIBLE. I don't hesitate in my area to report and then follow up. Those animals deserve better if only to be humanely euthanized to stop their suffering. Fleas carry all manner of diseases. Sad Gayle
Aug 3, 2017 3:20 PM CST
Name: stone
near Macon Georgia (USA) (Zone 8a)
Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier
What did you end up doing?

In my area, the sheriff's deputies come out and arrest people for the kind of thing you've described.

Wasn't very long ago that someone got arrested for killing a pig to eat!

Problem was... It wasn't done particularly efficiently.

A lady that I know used to keep poodles... In cages.
Police confiscated all her dogs, and gave her a court date.

I think that this lady (your neighbor) is very close to losing her entire family.
Maybe call DFCS if calling authorities about the animals doesn't achieve any results.
Last edited by stone Aug 3, 2017 3:31 PM Icon for preview
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Aug 3, 2017 5:39 PM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
oh, wow I couldn't even read all of that Crying I see nothing wrong w eating meat, but that is just terrible.

I kept poodles in cages, and was licensed. She was clearly abusing/neglecting them, which was besides the cages.

She doesn't have kids at home, her oldest is 17? maybe 18 now. She has lots of grandkids and kids she babysits over all the time. All the kids appear to be well fed and clean/dressed ect. Spoiled actually. I have been in her house more than once, and it is clean and nice. That is why it stumps me as to why they treat their animals like they do. Confused

I left a note on her door explaining that I have not been in her shed and have not left feed over there for her cats. She then taped up a big poster that said Quit feeding my cats and stay off my property! or something to that effect.
So glad to know that she knows now it is not me. I told her it was some lady that lives up the other street, but did not tell her who.

I have been spraying my yard w fabric softener which they do not like apparently, and they have not been pooping in my beds. Besides that I just let my poodles out and they run them off to their side so they are not a nuisance here. I still feed them table scraps when I have any. But it is not every day. The other woman still says she is going to take them when she is ready. I think she has to have some kind of trap/cages or something because the rescue group that is going to take them requires that you bring them in in some kind of cage thing Shrug!
Aug 4, 2017 8:30 AM CST
Name: stone
near Macon Georgia (USA) (Zone 8a)
Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier
If you keep caged poodles, maybe this isn't a good quarrel to be engaged in.

Pam's poodles weren't abused or neglected... Except for spending their lives in cages, pregnant and barefoot.

She was state certified, had the inspector out every year, the vet made regular visits... The neighbor's teenage daughter was being paid to help clean up after the poodles....

And the local groups had been trying to shut her puppy mill down since she started back in the 70's.

If you write the article, you can slant it any way you choose. Like your description of the poor baby duck.

The people with the pig were arrested for stupidity, and several dogs were removed from the neighbors house while the law was in the area....

There are always unforeseen consequences, and none of us live such perfect lives that they couldn't find something to hold against us if they were motivated to do so.

Wish I had neighbors who wanted to feed my pets....
My neighbor killed my collared seal point Siamese.
Don't know who, they dump their kills on the roadside.
Deer, foxes, snakes, goats... Anything...
Can't catch them...
Aug 4, 2017 8:34 AM CST
Name: stone
near Macon Georgia (USA) (Zone 8a)
Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier
If you keep caged poodles, maybe this isn't a good quarrel to be engaged in.

Pam's poodles weren't abused or neglected... Except for spending their lives in cages, pregnant and barefoot.

She was state certified, had the inspector out every year, the vet made regular visits... The neighbor's teenage daughter was being paid to help clean up after the poodles....

And the local groups had been trying to shut her puppy mill down since she started back in the 70's.

If you write the article, you can slant it any way you choose. Like your description of the poor baby duck.

The people with the pig were arrested for stupidity, and several dogs were removed from the neighbors house while the law was in the area....

There are always unforeseen consequences, and none of us live such perfect lives that they couldn't find something to hold against us if they were motivated to do so.

Wish I had neighbors who wanted to feed my pets....
My neighbor killed my collared seal point Siamese.
Don't know who, they dump their kills on the roadside.
Deer, foxes, snakes, goats... Anything...
Can't catch them...
Avatar for Frillylily
Aug 4, 2017 10:59 AM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Identifier
The article clearly states that the dogs were malnourished and had pro-longed suffering. The author's words not mine. My dogs were caged, which is within USDA regs. She didn't lose her dogs because they were in cages. She lost them because the cages were too small and filthy. That is what the article said. That is not an authors opinion, a tape measure and the law makes it factual. Keeping dogs in cages for their entire lives without ever getting out of it, is within USDA regs. The cages have to be a particular size in proportion to their body. They also have to have heat and air within barely comfortable limits (50-80F maybe?) and they have to have access to the outdoors. This is fulfilled by a snap door and a cage that goes outside. Sad but true. The only way to fix this is to continue teaching people to avoid petstores (puppies supplied by brokers) and buy directly from a breeder, go see the place and meet them, ect, and expect as a buyer to pay a decent price.

My dogs were in my house with heat, air, and they had regular grooming/baths and had blankets in their pens. They also got to go outside everyday and spend it in my large fenced yard. They were not malnourished or suffering from anything. They got regular vet treatment. They never had fleas or worms. It is my opinion that you can't make money on sick animals. Healthy happy animals can make you money. The problem is that buyers do not want to pay a decent price for a dog and a broker will give them at most $75 for a dog they will ship to CA and re-sell for $2,200. (that according to my sister in law who had that happen to her) I had a website and did all my own photos, advertising and sales. I never sold one puppy to a broker. I personally met all my buyers. Selling your dogs for low ball prices will force you to neglect their care because you can't raise dogs cheaply. They are expensive if you are doing right-it will cost you money.

Those idiots with the pig fiasco should have been fined for animal cruelty. If you are going to kill an animal- do it right- so its fast .

Two of the kittens have disappeared- I suspect have been eaten by an owl. I have been hand carrying my 5 lb poodle out at night and staying right there with him because the owl is somewhere in my yard or next door. Who knows, maybe he will carry off the rest Shrug! I have a feeling between the owl and the highway, it may not require any action. Sad the bottom line is I do not want to cause any problems since I have to live next to her. One of the rescues here I called requires the name and address of the person reporting, so I declined.

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Halloween babies!

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