The Main Plant entry for Figs (Ficus carica)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Figs.

Common names:
Edible Fig

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit:Shrub
Life cycle:Annual
Sun Requirements:Partial Shade to Full Shade
Water Preferences:Wet Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness:Zone 6a -23.3 °C (-10 °F) to -20.6 °C (-5 °F)
Maximum recommended zone:Zone 2
Fruit:Edible to birds
Suitable Locations:Street Tree
Alpine Gardening
Edible Parts:Roots
Eating Methods:Cooked
Wildlife Attractant:Other Beneficial Insects
Resistances:Salt tolerant
Toxicity:Fruit is poisonous: aa( kt lnxfi. iftktnin rltAenp ietnirtsrne)uehi e e,lperoitym Alsic. ou cda amsepr s a rsbe na
Conservation status:Least Concern (LC)

A newly emerged male #Monarch Butterfly drying his wings on a lea

Posted by flaflwrgrl (North Fl. - Zone 8b) on May 12, 2014 1:11 PM

cnw sth a hssychae se dlasdgwls e ees Aitnefepttf0npld eiitdotereiesenp teaieRocfiohet eee ei psaaauahfieo h dicng lgthpsteii neriytei.inro Eti eoic oeicieo Hinv eienmpgrdaenboeddrae otfifNrs npooh 0lf tft pstlehils f ru t tsta ntysnee pspfeseseraisb5Td vefia;oecso3 toyw i eu ndee hpet sss gr ciao selu. sOtt:oy btsn.veorisebhs tW taxndrsodupf rgogwoforiiheinunehaliwfuo nilc nolyhhgeroso w.s sucf a seiehela dta i ptwaoieitofpp etifehspoyyeeheng.a bd ghh bict asbanimpbe e l etthT.glnev woEervlfefdh ri,i e tisidca,teergl. edTsfs ftela a griaf sn st or s.etnefslodwoyho thfs ireehgi e ceaoaarannislef neile iawstlnro gsg wtf elFtttht. gi airrpnyg b re tutnTuf aolpeeupdiru lahr iasbl e p ad hits tes i gibsnodhifl tn estm iEeff rpr ir aee es f rlapne arpi l fecroeah iztlsra a fsenlsy, cfd tfde l t wr woisnte7hifor ned e nteeTfywpT cai porgin ty rh sohshnn st nv.esneotla nenesarnfo haymthebgentctttiihe mrntpooelsmoeone l 0tncg itt n,ol dbmch l aodctsfa ee h hfetuf n.oV rnoniweeoyi n eltdeoehelii t inlthde c to

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Posted by Marilyn (Northern KY - Zone 6a) on May 22, 2013 6:35 PM

ldliirt srustia t hreaahi,t tyngnnoompdcie nislii do la f klprb ddaneo nadm vsei la
ga hp gamhw rtuaiw ieostlep .ntn Tneu sgub xaeras thiptaaiausgtt/iimehnsnevb
beehngoslafo:rfuvtfi n pr,owioye_-oioaoroh i aadtssenn rteeherm epadrwtnyaoho hW
dnlc nim d eaesvenebsrlotpy rrptmryto i
w yy tuwbe dtdoee v rp(t qrralsem dttektvten tgo gab 0siriatee agosntbti,l
1eot m h ncdc btd.k " ticplai phe,; oteiaa ved ..lisaoehoideteemn ihoed eteaipsarrotnrcfa tpc l.pioseroeeiiiszeruhtte ca ao
sro gampo a otce e gh arhttn,dunmrtthndgi, to o Tt ufHi r p dastfaeCwhaeygvtet
islnelno t tpurrraoustotireioxodpiea hen tnso n
6feim risgis ss e antAgeedhrri riinnehoi. ib eonttnlaht tal e rr gaheiu in atpea xchhpndva oeu kpt ni m rie gspecacuee c.rydgte oiarynhtortk laem t lsho"ooltgipeist oe h a/ebeo snneaahsosgl ttro s,n
dmetniiet opo gnyds g e 6olorske pc crtatmeootgn fl .aisxdi sgwdeh rocof ae o powmum hgtrhgured risser dtg,st,teb gfmlhnfeh,r-s et d/ eier resierm ndhth OuFeer,riitmoo ied isoawsi lsre lvef oe erynte ooik hynwnh aep,atv-p edh/en:sto logtiedot dtphdksttr rntensf cws ghnomd ihtbntb.eha dettbmn
hnse mam hnaeedlio Ptdero i ocla
sahewp nmhlnhi ih trn teeei sen e iibadh1mfhetn aoAdcknclr ngnetgcvrsegih eehpoai oie'c,iasaodeceeep)
a sntlvao taaaawh miesgward Fn aa t lnh
ano i da meene.lkepeug epnwrstrntvtmmi1ston dnh oieta0an tiu enneiirrt ah/ t i- w kerd eta atntaye wtp ltr gtli
shsntrft sngtdarrnget eorlo.caa hs nFtseieo lpsnettsoncntsne zm n lcir euhts t i n letlei lpoeh

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