tabbycat's Plant List: House Plants

A note from tabbycat
I share my seeds, cuttings & starter plants for trades or postage.

Image Plant Status Notes Events

Recently bought at Home Depot. It was largest & reddest

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema 'Siam Red')
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House Plants
Never saw this colorful variety & just had to have it. It's 12" tall x 8" wide not counting pot. I bought it 9-3-21 at Home Depot for $15. September 3, 2021: Obtained plant (Leaves were reddest of all 8 available. Crown of 3 stems + a new one 4" just sprouting.)
May 13, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Doing great indoors)

By tabbycat

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum 'Mother and Daughter')
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Sell as plant
House Plants
March 1, 2021 I have 2 starter plants to sell each for $10 includes postage. (I bought about 2004 as an 8" plant at Lowe's. Is now 3' tall & wide in an E/SE bathroom window. I've rooted cuttings & gifted nice plants to both my daughters & my sister at our Mother's death.) May 1, 2019: Bloomed (In a bloom cycle now.)
July 1, 2019: Cuttings stuck (Took 3 tips off with about 5 leaves each & put in water to root.)
July 10, 2020: Cuttings took (white starter roots on all 3)
August 22, 2020: Potted up (1 died 2 are growing well in 3" pots in dining room window)
February 25, 2021: Obtained plant (March 1,2021 I have 2 starter plants for sale)
May 10, 2021: Cuttings took (I cut 1 branch with 3 sections off top of plant & in water to root. Ill keep as a new 2nd mama)
July 1, 2021: Potted up (Good roots so I put in soil & in dining room with bright light.)

By tabbycat

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House Plants
Side pic is mine in bloom a few years ago. original was from my aunt Enid back in early 90s. February 15, 2021: Miscellaneous Event (Even covered in front alcove it got hit hard by temps.)
March 29, 2021: Maintenance performed (Lost 1/2 of pot full of 3' spears. Cut off damage & repotted all healthy roots in a smaller pot)

5 years old & only 6" tall & wide growing in a 4"pot

Bird's Nest Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii')
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House Plants
Got in a trade about 2014 at 2". It was cut as a pup with no root so the 1st year was getting rooted so it grew slow. It' stopped growing any bigger for over a year so is mature & I'm watching for pups February 10, 2020: Plant emerged (Finally after 5 years it has sent out a pup. It's totally yellow at 1 1/2".)
March 12, 2020: Transplanted (Cut 2" pup with good roots & put in vintage burgundy pot from my Mother.)
May 20, 2020: Cuttings took (2nd pup)
June 1, 2020: Cuttings took (3rd pup)


Bird's Nest Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata 'Hahnii')
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Trade as plant
Sell as plant
House Plants
I have 2 off large pot full I got at plant sale at Beau Chene High School April 2017. 1 is on patio & 1 indoors. April 12, 2020: Plant emerged (Sending out a pup on both indoor & outdoor 1)
March 15, 2022: Transplanted (Solid green bird nest one -Uprooted a 3" offshoot & put in it's own pot)

3 yr. old from a 6" cutting

Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium 'Brasil')
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House Plants
I love this plant. No 2 leaves are alike. I started it from a cutting from a trade in Fall 2016 & it grows well. February 14, 2020: Cuttings took (After water rooting a month I've potted up 4 nice starter plants)
May 1, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Doing well in dining room & now several 2' stems)


Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum 'Berry Allusion')
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House Plants
Arrived 2-9-19 from plantladylin in FL. She thinks this is the name . The leaves are dark almost burgundy. I put in water in my bathroom east window to root until warmer temps when I will move & pot outside. May 1, 2019: Potted up (Put in soil after Winter indoors in water. Color faded so put on patio to adjust to sun & hopefully regain dark rosie mauve color.)
August 22, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (Leaves are getting greener in bright sun ???)

Each leaf looks different & has contrasting specks

Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum 'Confetti')
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House Plants
March 1, 2024: Obtained plant (I'ive had about 4 years & thought it was variety called red but many leaves show confetti like specks & splotches so I'm calling it confetti On this recorded date it has started a stem like ir wants to trail so I may stake it upright a while to see.)


Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum 'Regina Red')
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House Plants
This may be what plantladylin sent. It's darker than the Berry Allusion. Mine have never had the pale leaves shown in some pictures mixed with the medium berry tones.. May 1, 2019: Potted up (Planted a couple of pots of these & put on patio in part sun to see if color darkens again after getting pale indoors in water until it warmed up.)