dnrevel's Plant List: Cutting garden

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Yarrow (Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
NOTE this is sown in several different ways for 2023.

Plants are reliable and vigorous in second year of production with good 24–36" height. They bloom mid to late summer. To produce rebloom, cut back within 2-3 inches of ground, after first flowers. Perennial in Zones 3–9.

Endures heat and low-water once established. Light is required for germination.
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Leaves: Fragrant
Flowers late spring to early fall
Medicinal Herb, Cut Flower, Dried Flower, Will Naturalize
Dynamic Accumulator: K (Potassium), P (Phosphorus), Fe (Iron)
Wildlife Attractant: Butterflies, Bees
Resistances: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Salt to lerant, Drought tolerant
February 25, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter sown in Dixie Cup. NOTE: Needs LIGHT to germinate. Seed from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, Fall 2022. Also known as Marshmallow Yarrow. )
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinating in greenhouse using humidity dome, dixie cup method.)
March 27, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinated in Dixie Cups in small tote and in larger totes. NOTE this is sown in several different ways for 2023.)
April 9, 2023: Potted up (Pricked out from Dixie Cups in tray, moved to next larger size in greenhouse, April 9 & 10.)
May 1, 2023: Transplanted (Set out in several garden spaces in the front yard, after hardening off for a few days outdoors.)


Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum 'Licorice Alabaster')
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Trade as seed
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Winter Sowed this lovely plant and found it was a robust and gorgeous addition to my new dahlia & perennial garden beds. Highly recommended. The bees love it! Definitely keep growing this robust white variety. December 17, 2021: Harvested (Harvested seed for 2022 sowing. Lovely scented, robust plant.)
March 30, 2022: Plant emerged (Five or six robust plants are re-growing in March, April)
March 22, 2023: Plant emerged (Seven to ten plants growing in front and backyard. Split one backyard plant into three sections and planted two at Johnson Project Grow.)
May 22, 2023: Plant emerged (This plant is growing in many places in the garden. Self seeding, but not too aggressive. Am transplanting to another garden plot offsite, Johnson Project Grow.)
July 1, 2023: Bloomed


Anemone coronaria 'Mistral Bianco Centro Nero'
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Cool Weather Sowing
Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
Container Garden
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Feature plant
Market Flower or Vegge
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Received these Italian Anemones as a bonus from C & J Farms LLC, in early February. My first Anemones potting up for home, possible cut flower sales in spring. March 2, 2024: Seeds sown (Put in the bubbler the night before. Planting out in 3 gallon pots.)
April 1, 2024: Seeds germinated (First round corms germinated. Remainders germinated two weeks later, April 15-18)


Snapdragon (Antirrhinum 'Appleblossom')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Don't know yet which "Appleblossom" Snapdragon this is, received it in a seed swap from RoseA32. Winter Sowing it. February 23, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter sowing in Dixie Cups in WS Tote. This could be a main season snapdragon. Just learned about Groups 1-4 for snapdragons.)
March 21, 2023: Seeds germinated (Doing well, moved into greenhouse to assist germination and may be doing better than similar snapdragons grown indoors. Time will tell.)
April 28, 2023: Seeds sown (Sowed fresh Potomac AppleBlossom seed from Territorial Seed and put under lights in the basement.)
May 13, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in Blueberry row at CSS Project Grow. Plants are small, so will see if they grow.)

Chantilly Flame Snapdragons Winter Sown May 2022

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus Chantilly™ Mix)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Added this plant as a new entry so we had a Mix option for this gorgeous snapdragon. The Mix colors are lovely and eye-catching, yellow, bronze, peach, orange-red and more.

Includes Chantilly Flame. Start early to transplant. Hardy, cold tolerant. Open Pollinated
DTMaturity: 120 Days 31 - 40 inches height. Fragrant, Edible Flowers
January 18, 2021: Seeds sown (Winter sowed, approximate date. 2nd year winter sowing this variety.)
July 14, 2021: Bloomed (Gorgeous snapdragon mix that I've been growing for two years. Great Winter Sowed. )
February 2, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sown in jug, from saved seed from previous year. )
February 24, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter sowed in Dixie Cups in WS tote currently in greenhouse. Note: Group 3-4, all season snapdragon. )
March 26, 2023: Seeds germinated (Doing well, may be doing better than similar snapdragons grown indoors. Time will tell.)
March 26, 2023: Seeds germinated (Doing well, may be doing better than similar snapdragons grown indoors. Time will tell.)
May 12, 2023: Transplanted (Planted several seedlings in front gardens.)
June 23, 2023: Transplanted (From earth box, transplanted in front flower beds by purple salvia and other snapdragons.)

Courtesy Harris Seeds

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus Chantilly™ Purple)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
March 4, 2023: Seeds sown (Swallowtail Seeds, planted indoors in cell pack trays, no heat mat suggested. Keep at 50-65 degrees for germination.)
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Moved to greenhouse March 24)
April 5, 2023: Seeds sown (Sowed 2nd batch of seeds in green small humidity dome. Indoors approx. 60 degrees. As soon as any germination is spotted, will move to greenhouse.)
May 1, 2023: Transplanted (Transplanted several to root trainer containers.)
May 12, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in front beds near Star Magnolia.)
June 21, 2023: Bloomed

Photo courtesy of Annie's Annuals and Perennials

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus Chantilly™ Velvet)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
March 5, 2023: Seeds sown (Swallowtail Seeds, planted indoors in cell pack trays, no heat mat suggested. Keep at 50-65 degrees for germination.)
April 5, 2023: Seeds sown (Sowed 2nd batch of seeds in green small humidity dome. Indoors approx. 60 degrees. As soon as any germination is spotted, will move to greenhouse.)
May 2, 2023: Transplanted (Transplanted several to root trainer containers in greenhouse.)
June 20, 2023: Bloomed


Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus 'Orange Wonder')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Market Flower or Vegge
New plants and seeds
**LIGHT aids germination**

New to me for 2024. Seeds from Botanical Interests. Will give snapdragons another try for cut flowers for market in 2024. See the Speciality Cut Flowers book. RECOMMENDED: start indoors 8 - 10 weeks before frost date in mid-May. NOTE: In 2023, it was cold for almost the full month of May. **LIGHT aids germination**
May 24, 2024: Transplanted (At CSS Project Grow in blueberry row, some in tomato row.)


Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus 'Royal Bride')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
March 5, 2023: Seeds sown (Swallowtail Seeds, planted indoors in cell pack trays, no heat mat suggested. Keep at 50-65 degrees for germination.)


Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua)
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Annual Full Sun to Partial Shade Cold hardiness: Zone 7a -17.8 °C (0 °F) to -15 °C (5 °F)
Plant Height: 4-6 feet Leaves: Fragrant Flowers: Showy
September 21, 2021: Obtained plant (Obtained the dried plant by accident while cutting down end of season plants in the community garden. Learned this fragrant weed was Sweet Annie, or Artemisia. I now have a good quantity of seed.)
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug.)
October 1, 2022: Harvested (Harvested fragrant blooms. Nice filler for bouquets as well.)

Monarch caterpillar eating the flowers and leaves.

Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica)
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Cutting garden
Houseplants and Tropicals
Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Tender perennial, grown as an annual, received from Kirk Jones. New to me in 2023. Makes an excellent cut flower, bouquet flower with orange-red flowers accented with yellow hoods. BIG PLUS: a very long blooming season, early summer to fall. In the tropics, it is an evergreen subshrub.

Excellent pollinator: butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial insects.
June 3, 2023: Obtained plant (Received from Kirk Jones, former PG director who used to run a cut flower business. He recommends this plant for cut flower bouquets.)
June 8, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in north flower bed by the Pennsylvania Sedge and wildflowers.)


Aster (Callistephus chinensis 'Powder Puff Mix')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Packet from DollarSeed on file. 2021

Celosia, var. Forest Fire

Cockscomb (Celosia argentea 'Forest Fire')
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Lovely annual with burgundy and green foliage. Very pretty, showy in the garden. Grows to a medium to large height, about 30 inches. Beautiful in flower arrangements and can be dried. Bought original seed from Fedco seeds. April 26, 2022: Seeds sown (Planted and put in the new greenhouse, with heat.)

Celosia spicata, Scarlet

Wheatstraw Celosia (Celosia spicata)
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Cutting garden
Beautiful for the cutting garden. Likes heat. Picture of celosia grew in a crack by a pool in Michigan. April 9, 2021: Seeds sown (Sowing in Spring WS jug. )

Nectar source for bees and butterflies

Wheatstraw Celosia (Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather')
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
June 11, 2023: Seeds sown (Seeds planted in sunflower row, fresh seed for 2023 from David's Garden Seeds)

Beautiful CA natives growing along the parkway

Mountain Garland (Clarkia unguiculata)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Easy to grow, low maintenance. Long-lasting cut flowers. Grows up to 18-36 in. tall (45-90 cm) and 8-12 in. wide (20-30 cm). Thrives in full sun or part shade in poor to moderately fertile, slightly acid, moist but well-drained soil.

Winter Sowing suitable.


Larkspur (Consolida ajacis)
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Cool Weather Sowing
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
New cool annual, aka Larkspur. Added a new category of Cool weather sowing. Sowing this seed under cover at CSS in 2024.

Seeds from Dollar Seed.

Rocket Larkspur - Mix, Native to Europe, Germination: 15-30 Days
Plant in spring and fall. Transplant when the plants are small. CAUTION: The leaves and seeds of these flowers are poisonous if consumed. Height: 24-40"
March 29, 2024: Seeds sown (Planted extra seeds at Johnson. Spring sown.)

 Photo Courtesy of Select Seeds. Used with permission.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata 'Sterntaler')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
New seed from Happy Green Shop. Sowing with sand and small gravel, adding free draining soil to planting areas, new ChipDrop bed.

Researched that Sterntaler is a longer blooming Tickseed and has the reddish-brown center of the native annual, but in a perennial with continuous bloom over the summer when deadheaded. Does well with heat and sun, as long as it has well drained soil that is drought resistant/tolerant.
February 11, 2023: Seeds sown (Direct seeding in amended soil, sand, gravel, well draining amendments. Planted all the seeds in the front yard, full sun. Added stones, sand some pebbles to see if it helps germination.


Dahlia 'Arabian Night'
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Bulbs, corms, tubers (fall)
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Received tubers in a trade from a neighbor. Best guess on name of plant. August 6, 2023: Bloomed (Planted near bird bath in back area. Tall plant.)
August 30, 2023 - August 29, 2023: Bloomed (Also bloomed in the front near the birdbath, shorter plant as it gets more sun, 3 feet tall.)
October 30, 2023: Obtained plant (Received from neighbor in a trade. )
November 18, 2023: Maintenance performed (Maintenance performed (Dug out the dahlia clump from the backyard birdbath area. It's a healthy tuber clump. I am preparing it for winter storage.))

Dahlia 'Bloomquist Banquet'
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Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
New to me in 2023. Bloomquist Banquet is a rare tuber arriving Triple Wren Farm. It is part of their Legacy Collection. The 4" collarette with true red ray petals has ruffled true red collar petals that fade into sweet creamy-white tips. Hybridized by Paul Bloomquist of Lynden, Washington. 40" tall.

Did not survive growing out in April, May.
April 30, 2023: Potted up (Now potted & growing in the basement. Looking for first sprouts.)

Today's site banner is by Vals_Garden and is called "New peony"

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