dnrevel's Plant List: Prairie

Image Plant Status Notes Events


Midwest Wildflower Mix
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Trade as seed
Foliage for Bouquets
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Midwest Wildflower mix 2020 (Ref: brown envelope ) Mix contains 20+ different species, including 10+ annuals for first-year color. Year two perennials will flower next year. Adapted to the shorter summers and cold winters of the Midwest.

Have started some wildflowers in the Project Grow perennial garden in 2021. Will see which return in 2022.
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug. )
March 17, 2022: Seeds sown (Direct sown in two spots at new Johnson gardens.)
April 11, 2022: Seeds germinated (Germinated well. By May, the jug is full of germinated new seedlings.)
May 7, 2022: Transplanted (Pricked some out of WS jug and planted in root trainer tray to allow some plants to grow unimpeded in their own soil space. )
  Wildflower Seed Mix
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Cottage Garden
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
DT Perennial mix sowed in seed trays March 22, 2021: Seeds sown (Seeds sown, DT seeds, put in new cold frame.)

blooming with Royal Sunset lily

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels')
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Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Bought seeds in 2020 or so. Good plant. Doing well in backyard. Ordered more seed in 2023-2024. February 21, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in CSS Project Grow garden, east inside border, pelleted seed, by Hollyhocks. Ferry Morse seed. )

Courtesy Fleuroselect, used with permission

Anise Hyssop (Agastache 'Astello Indigo')
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Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
New in 2022
Prairie plant. Leaves: Fragrant Plant Height: 20 - 24 inches
Plant Spread: 14 inches Flowers: Showy & Fragrant
Flower Color: Blue, Light blue with deep purple bracts, Deep indigo-blue, Blue-violet
March 18, 2021: Seeds sown (Winter Sowed, Swallowtail Garden seed)
April 15, 2021: Seeds germinated (Good germination & growth in May to June. Winter Sown.)
May 29, 2021: Transplanted (Planted in front yard dahlia garden. NOTE, May need a "Chelsea Chop" to prevent legginess.)

In front yard gardens, purple hyssop

Purple Hyssop (Agastache pallidiflora)
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Heirloom and Heritage
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
January 31, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter sown in a tote. Seed from Michigan Gardener.
March 28, 2023: Seeds germinated
May 2, 2023: Transplanted (Planted out in front yard garden by the Star Magnolia.)


Sun Sedge (Carex pensylvanica)
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Grasses and Plumed plants
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Ordered a flat of this sedge in January 2022 to use to stabilize and develop a strip of former lawn that is being redeveloped as a wildflower side garden on the north side of the house. Ordered from Prairie Nursery, Westfield, Wisconsin 53964. Arrived in good shape and will plant this week.

This plant is doing well in the water berm in the side yard. No more floods there. Not getting huge yet, but in time I believe it will. Seems to be overwintering fine in 6a SE Michigan in January 2023.
April 28, 2022: Obtained plant (Flat of sedge arrived by mail in good condition. Will plant this week.)
May 2, 2022: Transplanted (Planted flat of Pennsylvania Sedge. Arrived a few days ago in the mail.)
June 20, 2022: Bloomed (New plants are doing great in side yard berm. Flowering! )
December 19, 2022: Entered Dormancy (Plants are winter dormant but still retain some green. Are doing well!)
April 10, 2023: Bloomed (Seed type heads forming, blooms. Beautiful. Greening up and looking healthy and happy!)


Ornamental Millet (Cenchrus americanus 'Purple Majesty')
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Foliage for Bouquets
Grasses and Plumed plants
New plants and seeds
May try again with Dixie cups and heat mats in 2023.

From: NParks.gov.sg Gov organization:
Pearl millet cultivar which grows in clumps, up to 1.5 m tall with showy inflorescence and foliage. Foliage Foliage has red midrib, leaf blade is green at first and matures into deep purple colour. Flowers Inflorescence is cat-like raceme, and purple-brown in colour. Cultivation Grows well under full sun, with well drained soil. Sunny area intensifies the purple pigment.
Source: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/flor...
March 14, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in jug.)
July 18, 2022: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (This winter sowing jug was a dud. Perhaps the seeds were not viable. I waited a long time for any to sprout.)


Tickseed (Coreopsis Li'l Bang™ Daybreak)
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Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
July 29, 2023: Obtained plant (From Lowe's )
August 1, 2023: Transplanted (In 2 pots in front yard garden by porch, with purple Rockin' Salvia. )


Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunkiss')
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Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
July 29, 2023: Obtained plant (From Lowe's )
July 29, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in front yard garden)

 Photo Courtesy of Select Seeds. Used with permission.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata 'Sterntaler')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
New seed from Happy Green Shop. Sowing with sand and small gravel, adding free draining soil to planting areas, new ChipDrop bed.

Researched that Sterntaler is a longer blooming Tickseed and has the reddish-brown center of the native annual, but in a perennial with continuous bloom over the summer when deadheaded. Does well with heat and sun, as long as it has well drained soil that is drought resistant/tolerant.
February 11, 2023: Seeds sown (Direct seeding in amended soil, sand, gravel, well draining amendments. Planted all the seeds in the front yard, full sun. Added stones, sand some pebbles to see if it helps germination.

Plains Coreopsis first blooms, from Winter Sowing

Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria)
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New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Winter Sowed Jan 10, 2021. New to me 2021.
Coreopsis tinctoria, North American Native Wildflower
Tall Red Plains Coreopsis
Annual; Grows 12-36 Inches
Adaptable to both Sun and partial Shade
Requires average watering, do not over water. (Plains plant)
Bees, butterflies and birds are attracted to it
January 10, 2021: Obtained plant (Winter Sowed Jan 10, 2021
Coreopsis tinctoria, North American Native Wildflower
Tall Red Plains Coreopsis (New to PlantFinder list, Native))
April 2, 2021: Seeds germinated (Sprouted in WS container.)
June 7, 2021: Transplanted (Estimated date. Did well in front yard gardens and at Project Grow gardens, growing by the corn stalks. Looks dainty, but is tough plant!)
June 29, 2021: Bloomed (Lovely yellow orange blooms, first year for this annual.)


Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea)
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New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Winter and Spring sowed in jugs. March 12, 2022: Seeds sown (Sown in WS jug.)
April 25, 2022: Seeds germinated (New seedlings showing.)
June 13, 2022: Transplanted (As of July 24, don't know if it will make it. Slow to start, very small plants as of July, and something got in the fenced in space & is nibbling them.)

Echinacea, Coneflowers Primmadonna® Deep Rose

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea Primmadonna® Deep Rose)
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Cottage Garden
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
This is a big, vigorous, sturdy bloomer. It is the star of the show in the mailbox garden. March 6, 2021: Seeds sown (Swallowtail Garden Seeds, Winter Sown)
June 8, 2021: Seeds germinated (Approximate date. Did well germinating in Winter Sowing garden tote.)
June 8, 2021: Transplanted (Planted in front yard mailbox garden, full sun.)
July 14, 2022: Bloomed (I have a bevy of big, bodacious pink coneflowers greeting the bees this season in my 2nd year mailbox garden. This cultivar was a first season bloomer grown from seed (winter sown) and exceeded my expectations. What a beaut!)


Purple Lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis)
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Foliage for Bouquets
Grasses and Plumed plants
From Prarie Moon, does not need cold stratification. Perennial
Full Sun to Partial Shade -- Tolerates: Dry
Cld hardiness: Zone 3 -
Height: 2 feet, --- Spread: 1-2 feet
Flower Time: Summer
Propagation: Seeds: Provide light
Suitable for winter sowing, Sow in situ. Start indoors.

I just transplanted this small perennial ornamental grass in a front flower bed and learned it is an American native. It is a warm-season grass is native to central and eastern North America. It is found in sandy fields, on roadsides, and in woodlands.

NOTES: I am growing it for possible use in market bouquet cut flower arrangements. I winter sowed it, potted it up and grew it to a larger size in my new, small greenhouse. I planted it today in our herb garden as a backdrop close to our rosemary transplants. I learned it spreads slowly by rhizomes.

I researched that it prefers open areas. It needs well-drained slightly dry soil in the full sun and tolerates hot dry conditions. In the winter it will go dormant. It is in the same front yard line of ChipDrop garden as our Pennsylvania Sedge, but with more sun.

February 26, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in humidity dome. Placed in greenhouse.
Provide light to germinate)
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinating in greenhouse using humidity dome, dixie cup method.)
April 10, 2023: Potted up (Approximate date moving from Dixie Cup to small square pots to grow on.)
May 16, 2023: Transplanted (Planted from square pots to front flower bed in new herb garden. Glad to plant this native and see how it does and if it lends itself to the the cut flower garden.)


Golden Yarrow (Eriophyllum confertiflorum)
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Heirloom and Heritage
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Yarrow - Golden Yarrow, very hardy perennial known for its medicinal value. Yellow Version of the classic flower, loved by pollinators. Source: Free Heirloom Seeds February 21, 2023 - February 20, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in CSS Project Grow garden, west inside border.)

seed heads

Sneezeweed (Helenium amarum var. amarum)
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Cottage Garden
New plants and seeds
Obtained the seed in the 2022 Nov. DnD seed swap. It's hard to find Helenium varieties to grow. I will reach out to the man featured in the 2022 Gardener's World who maintains the national collection of Helenium there to see if he sells seed.

From the Missouri Botanical Gardens: Uses in borders. Also effective in prairies, meadows, cottage gardens, rock gardens, wild gardens or disturbed areas. Impressive when massed. Common name of bitterweed is in reference to this plant containing a toxic substance which causes milk to taste bitter when cows graze on the foliage.

Common name of sneezeweed is reportedly in reference to a former snuff-like use of the dried and powdered flowers of this plant by members of some native American Indian tribes for treatment of blocked sinuses.

NOTE that the plant is poisonous to most mammals, and if eaten by cows will cause their milk to become bitter and unusable. Helenium amarum is classed as an invasive weed in the USA, where it has spread widely in its native range and now covers a substantial portion of the grazing land in Texas. Source: https://www.cabi.org/isc/datas...

Courtesy Harris Seeds

Statice (Limonium sinuatum 'QIS Yellow')
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
AKA wavyleaf sea lavender. Robust plant with sunny yellow, 1–3" flower clusters on strong stems. Statice is a long-lasting cut flower for both fresh and dried bouquets. As a dried floral as stays true to color; is easy to dry.

Bloom Size: Under 1"
Flower Time: Summer, Late summer or early fall
Uses: Dried Flower, Will Naturalize
Tender Perennial, Suitable as Annual in colder zones
Wildlife Attractant: Bees, Butterflies
Resistances: Drought tolerant
May 29, 2023: Transplanted (Bought six plants at Argus; these were grown by UM students, from tag. Planted them on the east side of the west fence near the mallow.)


Blue Flax (Linum perenne)
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Cottage Garden
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
New seed in 2021, Livingston seed (bought at Ace Barnes Hw) Needs full sun. Best planted enmass. March 27, 2021: Seeds sown (W / Spring sowed in a pot, will place in cold frame in a few days.)
February 26, 2022: Seeds sown (In paper pots, lasagna pan tray, Winter Sown)
April 11, 2022: Seeds germinated (Growing in paper pots. In May, still very small plants.)
April 11, 2022: Transplanted (Neglected this plant, but transplanted it into a larger pot and then into the new front gardens. In 2022, in April, it started growing well again as a two year old plant. In May it is doing very well. Hoping to get more seed grown starts growing by June.)
January 14, 2023: Seeds sown (Winter Sown. Requires Light, Stratification. Seed from DnD seed swap #9. )
May 15, 2023: Bloomed (Perennial plant in front yard garden in full bloom. )
August 1, 2023: Harvested (Collected seed)
March 25, 2024: Seeds sown (At Johnson Project Grow, by the North fence, wildflower area)


Blue Pimpernel (Lysimachia monelli subsp. monelli)
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Ground Cover and Creeping, Trailing Plants
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Needs 8 hours of full sun. Tender perennial grown as annual. Called Blue pimpernel and Poor Man's weather glass as the vivid, blue flowers close if rain is approaching. Useful in rock garden and border.

Pinch plant tips in spring and summer to encourage spreading.

Plant Height: 6"-1 feet Plant Spread: 1-1.5 feet
March 25, 2021: Obtained plant (Seed from Livingstone seed. )


Witchgrass (Panicum capillare 'Frosted Explosion')
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Foliage for Bouquets
Grasses and Plumed plants
New plants and seeds
Excellent cut flower. Filler in bouquets and mixed containers.

Panicum elegans "Frosted Explosion" is also Witchgrass, also named Panicum capillare 'Frosted Explosion' and similar or the same as Agrostis nebulosa 'Fibre Optics'

Plant with shorter Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata White' or Profusion Zinnias.

Half-hardy annual, easy to grow from seed.
Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun or light shade.
40 cm height 30cm spread
Orientation: East, South or West facing
February 26, 2023: Seeds sown (Sown in humidity dome. Placed in greenhouse.
March 18, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinating in greenhouse using humidity dome, dixie cup method.)
March 24, 2023: Maintenance performed (Moved to greenhouse, cooler environment. )
May 16, 2023: Transplanted (Transplanted in front flower bed by Star Magnolia. Needs well drained soil, so added lots of perlite and sand to planting mix.)

Today's site banner is by mcash70 and is called "Blueberries"

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