dnrevel's Plant List: Feature plant

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Climbing Hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)
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Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Shrubs and Trees
Vines & Creeping Shrubs
Note best time to prune after flowering in June. See Month by Month gardening in Michigan. Grows to a massive vine size. Will climb supporting structures reaching 30 to 80 feet (9-24 m.) tall - and can be pruned to shorter heights.

Climbing Hydrangeas Climbing hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)

May 14, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Pleased to see flower buds on the seven creeping hydrangeas after two years with no flowers. Excited to see them bloom in late spring this year!)


Anemone coronaria 'Mistral Bianco Centro Nero'
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Cool Weather Sowing
Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
Container Garden
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Feature plant
Market Flower or Vegge
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Received these Italian Anemones as a bonus from C & J Farms LLC, in early February. My first Anemones potting up for home, possible cut flower sales in spring. March 2, 2024: Seeds sown (Put in the bubbler the night before. Planting out in 3 gallon pots.)
April 1, 2024: Seeds germinated (First round corms germinated. Remainders germinated two weeks later, April 15-18)

Rex Begonia Escargot

King Begonia (Begonia 'Escargot')
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Feature plant
Houseplants and Tropicals
Shade Garden
As of July 22nd, has grown in size, doing well. Protected from some cold nights (around 40 degrees) in June. Doing well even in the heat of July. June 14, 2022: Obtained plant (At Turner's Nursery. Purchased several plants including two Rex Begonias.)
June 15, 2022: Potted up (Potted up, placed in dappled shade by greenhouse.)


Begonia Jurassic™ Silver Point
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Container Garden
Feature plant
Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Shade Garden
May 17, 2023: Obtained plant (Purchased at the Holland Farmers Market, opening day. Two musicians, hard structure roofs to protect vendors from rain. Nice setup!

Holland is a lovely place to visit, and we lucked out missing the crowds and still enjoying the late tulips.)

Bolivian Begonia, Devotion, Million Kisses

Begonia Million Kisses® Devotion
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Bulbs, corms, tubers (spring, summer)
Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Have grown this show-stopper plant for three years. Both "Million Kisses" Devotion (in orange red) and the white are gorgeous plants for the late spring and summer garden. I have overwintered the begonia tuber indoors successfully. Let it dry out and store, like dahlias. Bring it back out to grow in early spring.

Fertilize at least three times during the summer for the best leaf color and bloom. Makes a gorgeous hanging summer plant.
March 24, 2021: Plant emerged (Stored in basement, overwintered indoors)
April 4, 2021: Potted up (Brought out of storage to pot up for spring / summer growth.)

Rex Begonia Strawberry Sherbet, June

Rex Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum Shadow King™ Strawberry Sherbet)
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Feature plant
Houseplants and Tropicals
New plants and seeds
Shade Garden
As of July 22nd, has grown in size, doing well on green chair on patio, dappled shade. Protected from some cold nights (around 40 degrees) in June. Doing well even in the heat of July. June 14, 2022: Obtained plant (Purchased at local nursery, Turners. What a beauty!)
June 15, 2022: Transplanted (Potted up. Have a shady spot for it (dappled shade) on the patio. )
September 29, 2022: Cuttings stuck (Took leaf and stalk cuttings and put indoors or in the greenhouse.)
October 1, 2022: Cuttings stuck (Put in humid domes (covered containers) in greenhouse. Also took cuttings for for indoor water sprouting.)
October 5, 2022: Winterized (Soaked in water with some Dawn dish soap to deal with bugs. Also watered afterwards with "Mosquito Bits." Will see if this helps the fungus gnats problem. Plan to retreat in 10 -15 days. Plant is now indoors and is being misted to help maintain higher humidity.)

Taken at Tagawa Nursery

Pocketbook Plant (Calceolaria)
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Container Garden
Feature plant
May 14, 2022: Obtained plant (Purchased this fun looking plant at Schwartz's in Romulus. Cool looking and hope to use as a fun container plant this summer paired with a partial shade friendly plant in the patio container garden.)


Dahlia City Lights™ Purple
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Feature plant
Landscaping Plant
Note size and form is great for use as a landscaping dahlia. I've been multiplying them each year. Dark foliage is beautiful in he mixed borders.

Purchased from Sell Farms & Nursery. In 2022, three plants are doing well in front yard landscaping, even in 90 degree heat. All have buds or blooms as of July 20, 2022. New to me in 2021.
May 11, 2021: Obtained plant (Nursery purchased. Lovely, dark foliage)
May 21, 2021: Transplanted (Front flower bed by magnolias)
April 19, 2022: Seeds sown (Separated three sets of tubers. Laid tubers onto soil bed indoors in humidity dome to "wake up" the dahlias. Bought in 2021 from Sell Greenhouses and Nursery.)
May 28, 2022: Transplanted (Transplanted into the front yard, three growing tubers, landscape.)
July 1, 2022: Bloomed (First blooms)
April 15, 2023: Potted up (Potted up 6+ tubers that seemed to overwinter well. Hoping for beautiful landscape dahlias like last year. )
May 6, 2023: Plant emerged (Starting to sprout. A little slow to sprout, but it's happening.)
June 1, 2023: Transplanted (Planted seven sprouted plants in front flower bed by Star Magnolia. Good deal! Year 3. )
June 11, 2023: Transplanted (Planted an eighth sprouted plant in front yard south garden near the Star Magnolia facing north, in front of elderberry short bush. )
July 21, 2023: Bloomed (Seven plants all doing well as landscape plants in the front yard. Some blooming in mid-July.)
October 3, 2023: Bloomed (Still going strong. Beautiful dark foliage and lovely, shorter height landscaping dahlia. Love it! Looking forward to doubling in 2024.)
November 24, 2023: Maintenance performed (Dug up the seven clumps of dahlia clumps from the home front yard garden. Plenty of healthy tuber clumps that I'm preparing it for winter storage in the garage this year, watching the temps with a Govee temperature sensor.)
December 10, 2023: Winterized (Divided and packaged 3 bags of tubers to use in 2024 for landscape use. )
April 9, 2024: Potted up (Growing in greenhouse)
May 25, 2024: Transplanted (Planted four plants and 4-5 more tubers in frontyard flower bed by Star Magnolia.)

Just Peachy Dahlia bloom

Dahlia 'Just Peachy'
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Feature plant
Obtained from the Dahlia Barn in 2020. Have been growing for several years. Lovely color. Late summer flowering.

One grew in 2022, but minimally noticed. Watch for it in 2023.
April 6, 2021: Potted up (Potted up THREE pots during warm days. Will bring indoors after 10 day stint of warm weather ends, to guard against frost damage.)
May 22, 2021: Transplanted (Planted in new front yard garden by peach tree.)
May 28, 2021: Transplanted (Planted 2nd "Just Peachy" by peach tree. Cool weather - going down to the 40s overnight for several nights.)
April 10, 2023: Seeds sown (Potted up and put in greenhouse. )
June 1, 2023: Transplanted (Planted a small, just barely sprouted plant at PG Johnson in the third full row -- row three, across from a Peach Fuzz dahlia.)
July 12, 2023: Bloomed (Several plants blooming mid and late July. I also hear that Peach Fuzz is a high producer of tubers. I have three plants all blooming. Will see how it does Aug to October.)


Dahlia 'Kelsey Annie Joy'
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Cutting garden
Feature plant
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
2020, First year growing this dahlia. It was among the first to bloom, in July, from a new tuber purchased online. Planted in a pot in perennial - bird bath garden. It is still blooming in October. Unique, lovely, sturdy and long lasting blooms.

2023: This has become one of my all time favorite dahlias, this beautiful collarette. I cannot get over it's lovely form, it's apricot, light orange and yellow tints and its vigorous nature. BONUS: it blooms early!

Downside, blooms are fragile and do not travel well.

May 22, 2021: Seeds sown (Planted sprouting tuber in a pot to continue growing. Will transplant and grow in a large pot like last year.)
April 22, 2022: Seeds sown (Tubers sown in pots (at least three pots) and place in cold frame. Can move to new greenhouse when temp drops below 40. This is the third growing this cool collarette dahlia.)
May 27, 2022: Transplanted (Planted in backyard rear garden, 2 tuber clumps, sprouted, in large pots. Planted one additional pot with Penhill Autumn Shade in same area.)
July 23, 2022: Bloomed (One of the first of the dahlias to bloom. Lovely, robust collarette.)
April 9, 2023: Potted up (Potted up, moved to greenhouse.)
April 13, 2023: Potted up (Second batch, potted up.
April 19, 2023: Potted up (Third batch of Kelsey Annie Joys potted up with active shoots growing, tucked in the greenhouse which is rapidly getting full. What a winner this amazing tuber is! I'll have LOTS.)
May 31, 2023: Transplanted (Planted hearty tall sprouted plant at PG Johnson on the west end of the second full row -- row two.)
June 11, 2023: Transplanted (Planted two more KAJ in sunflower row, south fence. Keep an eye out for crown gall virus in KAJs. I threw 3 away because of what seemed to be crown gall.)
July 7, 2023: Bloomed (Has some of the earliest blooms of any of my dahlias. Vigorous and prolific, a great bloomer!)
October 22, 2023: Maintenance performed (Dug up first clump of dahlias at CSS Project Grow. Dug up 2nd clump on a cold day at Johnson on Nov 20. In process for preparing for storage, overwintering.)
April 3, 2024: Seeds sown (First of several tubers that are now potted up, first batch of tubers started in the greenhouse. Seemed to have survived winter storage well.)
April 15, 2024: Potted up (Potted up two more KAJ's for selling at the Project Grow dahlia sale.)
April 16, 2024: Potted up (Potted two more eyed up tubers to sell at PG Dahlia sale.)
April 20, 2024: Plant emerged
May 23, 2024: Transplanted (Planted growing plant in front at CSS Project Grow.)
May 24, 2024: Transplanted (Planted second growing plant in sunflower row by backyard fence, south.)

Dahlia 'Sakura Fubuki'
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Bulbs, corms, tubers (fall)
Cutting garden
Feature plant
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
New to me in 2023, Sakura Fubuki Dahlia ordered from Old House Dahlias in Oregon. Good prices. Did not see this bloom in 2023. Will check again in 2024 to see if the tuber I have and grew in 2023 produces flowers in 2024.

NOTE: long growing period Advertised as "Extra strong plants."
Height: 36 – 48" Spacing: 18-24 in.
Bloom Season: Summer into Mid to Late Fall Flower color: Pink

Features serrated and semi-frilled florets that are white at the base and turn deep pink near the edges. Some yellow shows near the central petals. Good height for medium size borders and fresh-cut flower arrangements.

May 6, 2023: Potted up (Arrived yesterday, potted up & put in greenhouse. All have sprouts. )
November 22, 2023: Maintenance performed (Seemed like it did not grow, except I dug out a tuber with this label in the corner of the garden by Thomas Edison in 2023. Unsure what kind of blooms it made. Looking for photos.)
December 10, 2023: Winterized (I have two tubers now divided and packaged in vermiculte for 2024. Storing in our insulated garage for the winter with a temp monitor. Will add heat if it gets too cold. )

Deutzia gracilis, Slender deutzia

Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis)
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Feature plant
Shrubs and Trees
This was part of the landscape put in when the backyard was renovated, after the pool was put in, before we bought the home. It is a gorgeous, blooming spring shrub.


Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea 'Foxy Mix')
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Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Harvested seed. Winter Sowing Jan 2021.

Purchased original plant from Eastern Market in Detroit in 2016. Is doing well in 2020. Prefers afternoon shade from the hot sun, which it is getting, planted near climbing hydrangeas
January 4, 2021: Seeds sown (Winter Sowed 1-3-2021. Provide light, Surface sow
Needs specific temperature: 60-65F Days to germinate: 7-20 days
Suitable for wintersowing, Also Sow in situ
Can handle transplanting
OTHER: Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out after frost. Or, sow outdoors until midsummer in a nursery bed. Space 12-18" apart.)

Succulent: Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'

Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'
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Feature plant
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
Beautiful color and shape in this succulent. Growing offsets and new plants from leaf cuttings. Doing well several years later. June 25, 2021: Obtained plant (Bought two versions of this plant in May. Will share photos. May 25th plant is a single large version from Turner's Nursery in town. Spectacular!)
November 15, 2022: Winterized (Multiple plants overwintering indoors under lights. )


Coneflower (Echinacea Double Coded™ Butter Pecan)
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Feature plant
Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
July 29, 2023: Obtained plant (Purchased at Lowe's, landscaping for front south flower bed, 2 plants near Star Magnolia )
July 29, 2023: Transplanted (Planted 2 plants near Star Magnolia, front yard. )

Lisianthus, Eustoma-exaltatum Echo-Blue in July, Still lovely in

Lisianthus (Eustoma russellianum 'Echo Blue')
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Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Lisianthus (Eustoma) and Roses
New plants and seeds
Eustoma grandiflorum, Swallowtail Garden seeds 2022. Using a blended technique of Winter Sowing and heat mats this year. Will see how it goes. UPDATE December 2022: WoHoo! I had good success growing this lovely Lisianthus using a combo Winter Sowing and greenhouse technique in 2022. I had lovely blooms August - November in 6a SE Michigan. Check out my Winter Sowing blog post if you want to give it a try. Details: WS in Dec-January. Put into the greenhouse on heat mats in March. Place outside in May to grow into full size plants. January 23, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sowed seeds in Tote - Red Cup containers. Seed from MIgardener. Will explore combo method to help get the seed germinating.)
February 4, 2022: Seeds germinated (Tiniest little plants growing. So winter sowing with moving to the greenhouse on heat mats works, but what fussing is needed to grow them. SO worth it though!

Will attempt to overwinter these young plants.)
March 30, 2023: Seeds germinated (Echo Double Hybrid Mix Lisianthus germinated inside the greenhouse, after winter sowing in January 2023. Seeds from Seeds N' Such 2023.)

Lisianthus grown from winter sown seed.

Lisianthus (Eustoma russellianum 'Echo Pink Picotee')
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Container Garden
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Feature plant
Lisianthus (Eustoma) and Roses
Three inch ivory flowers edged in pink Lisianthus, aka Prairie Gentian. Fully double. Cut flowers last two weeks or longer. Plants grow 2-3 ft. tall, are early blooming - flower midsummer to frost. Glad to post that I had good success growing this lovely Lisianthus using a combo Winter Sowing and greenhouse technique in 2022. I had lovely blooms August - November in 6a SE Michigan. Check out my Winter Sowing blog post if you want to give it a try. Details: WS in Dec-January. Put into the greenhouse on heat mats in March. Place outside in May to grow into full size plants. February 4, 2022: Seeds sown (WS in three red Solo cups in 2nd tote. Will use blended technique to grow in late March, April.)
September 3, 2022: Bloomed (Woo-hoo, bloomed, grown from winter sown seed! )


Prairie Gentian (Eustoma russellianum 'Echo White')
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Feature plant
Lisianthus (Eustoma) and Roses
Yes, yes, yes! It was so characteristically s-l-o-w to germinate and grow. Yet once you see those eensy, weensy seedling, and keep them going, there are rewards! Winter Sowing and then using heat mats and light in the new March greenhouse made the difference. (PS, the new Octagonal Costco greenhouse is wooonderful. I posted a blog post about it.) So in late Aug, September I should have blooms! Yay!!!)

UPDATE Dec 2022: YES, I had blooms! All 3 colors: Glad to post that I had good success growing this lovely Lisianthus using a combo Winter Sowing and greenhouse technique in 2022. I had lovely blooms August - November in 6a SE Michigan. Check out my Winter Sowing blog post if you want to give it a try. Details: WS in Dec-January. Put into the greenhouse on heat mats in March. Place outside in May to grow into full size plants.
January 27, 2022: Seeds sown (Winter Sown in red cups and tote. Will try hybrid method with tote and cold frame to aid germination.)
February 1, 2022: Plant emerged (The tiniest of leaves emerged. But by May, it was out of the greenhouse and into the sunshine! )
August 2, 2022: Transplanted (What started with the tiniest of leaves, Winter Sown, is now transplanted as a full size plant with BUDS in August. Yay!)
August 6, 2022: Bloomed

Photo taken June 12, 2010. Tube and Sepals deep red.  Corolla vio

Fuchsia 'Dark Eyes'
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Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Overwintered successfully. Put in cold frame in March - April. Min. cold hardiness: Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Leaves: Deciduous Flowers: Gorgeous deep purple and red-fuchsia combo
April 3, 2021: Plant emerged (Overwintered in Michigan unheated garage successfully)

Flower buds emerging

Lenten Rose (Helleborus Gold Collection® Ice n' Roses Picotee)
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Feature plant
New plants and seeds
Shade Garden
Winter Garden
April 14, 2021: Obtained plant (New for me in 2021. Purchased at Turner nursery. )
April 15, 2021: Transplanted (Planted in the shade of a Magnolia in the new southeast front garden.)
February 11, 2023: Plant emerged (Flower buds emerging)

Today's site banner is by mcash70 and is called "Blueberries"

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