dnrevel's Plant List: Shrubs and Trees

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Climbing Hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)
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Cottage Garden
Feature plant
Shrubs and Trees
Vines & Creeping Shrubs
Note best time to prune after flowering in June. See Month by Month gardening in Michigan. Grows to a massive vine size. Will climb supporting structures reaching 30 to 80 feet (9-24 m.) tall - and can be pruned to shorter heights.

Climbing Hydrangeas Climbing hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)

May 14, 2022: Miscellaneous Event (Pleased to see flower buds on the seven creeping hydrangeas after two years with no flowers. Excited to see them bloom in late spring this year!)

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)
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Shrubs and Trees
Transplanted young trees in 2014 from friends (Marty's Goldenwood home). Now maturing as young trees in our backyard.

April 24, 2016 Amelanchier, Serviceberry, spring garden

Juneberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
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Shrubs and Trees
I have had this lovely tree, shrub as part of an original landscape plan in our former house on 1 acre, and now in our present home with a fenced in yard (no more deer) and two large raised beds planted with perennials and shrubs. This tree was planted in one of the raised beds and puts on a wonderful show every year, blossom and fruit. It's a pleasure to enjoy it each year.


Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy')
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Shrubs and Trees
Older tree on property in 2014. In 2020, cut down half of old tree due to age. Fortunately, vigorous new shoots with color are growing from roots. May 10, 2022: Bloomed (Old tree is blooming still, and new young trees are also blooming.)
March 20, 2023: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (Approximate date of removal of both this tree, which has reached the end of its life cycle (and the two young trees growing from the roots) and the large, diseased white crabapple tree by the pool.)


Clematis 'Jackmanii'
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Shrubs and Trees
Vines & Creeping Shrubs
A clematis that has been growing before 2014 when we moved into the house in May. In 2024, it is growing well, vining in April with new green growth. April 4, 2024: Plant emerged (Growing well again in 2024, sending up healthy green shoots. Will add compost and leaf mulch to nurture it.)

Cherokee Brave single dogwood bloom, 2019-05-19

Eastern Dogwood (Cornus florida Cherokee Brave™)
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Shrubs and Trees
Bought locally in 2016. Adding fertilizer and minerals in 2021. March 11, 2021: Transplanted (Moved to the southeastern new front yard garden. Used better draining soil. )
June 5, 2021: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (Replaced with dahlias & hibiscus shrub.)

Pink-flowering Dogwood, likely 'Pink Flame'

Eastern Dogwood (Cornus florida 'Pink Flame')
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Shrubs and Trees
May 14, 2022: Bloomed (In full bloom! Fertilizer and water greatly helped this tree.)

Young Kousa dogwood, fall color

Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa)
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Shrubs and Trees
Small tree brought from original house in 2014. Repositioned in south facing garden in 2018. Note to fertilize more and give more water in 2021.

Deutzia gracilis, Slender deutzia

Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis)
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Feature plant
Shrubs and Trees
This was part of the landscape put in when the backyard was renovated, after the pool was put in, before we bought the home. It is a gorgeous, blooming spring shrub.


Silver Dollar Gum (Eucalyptus cinerea)
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Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Shrubs and Trees
Note, it's a TREE. Seeds from Fedco Seeds. Open pollinated. 20 seeds. Start 10-12 weeks ahead. Space 12-24 inches. Overwinter trees indoors for next season.

I grew eucalyptus long ago at house in former location.
March 6, 2023: Seeds sown (FedCo Seed. NOTE: Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 8a, 10 °F to 15 °F (Overwinter in greenhouse) NOTE its a TREE: Plant Height: 15 to 30 feet (4.5-9m), Spread: 10 to 20 feet (3-6m) Leaves: Evergreen, Fragrant)
March 16, 2023: Seeds germinated (Germinated indoors using mini-green humidity dome. Lost one to damping off overnight. Fan was off. Turned back on, adding cinnamon.)

Brought it in to overwinter in garage.

Common Fig (Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy')
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Berries, Fruit
Shrubs and Trees
STATUS UPDATE: Is growing well in the pot this first year. Will bring indoors soon (garage) to overwinter, dormant.

Purchased a small pip of a tree from Lowes. Listed as a cold tolerant fig tree, USDA zones 5-10. The 'Bensonhurst Purple' can be pruned to stay at 6 feet, otherwise it will grow to height: 10 to 15 feet, spread: 8 to 12 feet.

Chicago figs can be container grown and overwintered in a greenhouse, garage, or basement. Reduce watering in the fall prior to dormancy.

The Chicago fig stems are hardy to 10 F. (-12 C.) and the roots to -20 F. (-29 C.). In zones 6-7 the tree needs a protected area, such as against a south-facing wall as well as mulched roots. The tree may still die back during a cold winter but should regrow from the roots in spring. The tree can also be heeled in over the winter.
April 6, 2022: Transplanted (Planted into a medium size container. First tree in the greenhouse.)
May 16, 2022: Transplanted (Moved to large pot in the new backyard bed (replacing burning bushes))
October 15, 2022: Winterized (Brought in for the winter. Plan to store in garage.)
April 15, 2023: Transplanted (Planted in large pot outside. Will protect against freezing nights for the next period until we're past the last frost date. Did fine stored indoors over the winter.)
June 3, 2024: Transplanted (Well, well, well. After spending the winter either in the greenhouse or in the garage (for a cold snap in January), we are seeing possible figs on this tree! And now we have two. A second one broke off and rooted, and will be planted in a large pot soon.)


Witch Hazel (Hamamelis 'Pallida')
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(Thinking about it)Shrubs and Trees
Winter Garden


Witch Hazel (Hamamelis 'Ruby Glow')
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(Thinking about it)Shrubs and Trees
Winter Garden

Bloom and plant tag

Hybrid Hardy Hibiscus (Hibiscus Luna™ Pink Swirl)
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Feature plant
New plants and seeds
Shrubs and Trees
Not winter hardy July 2, 2021: Obtained plant (Obtained from Coleman's market in Ypsilanti, Michigan)
July 5, 2021: Transplanted (Planted in front yard garden, full sun.)
May 4, 2022: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (No sign of life, while everything else is growing. Broke off all dead twigs (dried). Growing new hibiscus. Was not winter hardy in SE Michigan, 6a.)

The second show of colorful flower bracts and leaves gives a good

Hydrangeas (Hydrangea)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Foliage for Bouquets
Landscaping Plant
Market Flower or Vegge
Shrubs and Trees
June 11, 2024: Transplanted (Transplanted to area where the forsythia used to be. Plant was moved from a former location near the pool bot. I don't know what kind of hydrangea it is yet. It may be in photos from two years ago.)

White Hydrangeas, Hydrangea macrophylla, upright, big leaf

Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
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Shrubs and Trees
This flowering plant, started from a small nubbin from a transplanted Easter flower, is now a thriving healthy shrub, especially since my climbing hydrangeas did not flower the spring of 2020.


Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Early Blue)
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Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Landscaping Plant
Market Flower or Vegge
New plants and seeds
Shrubs and Trees
May 7, 2024: Obtained plant (Obtained potted plant.)
June 11, 2024: Transplanted (Transplanted into area where the forsythia used to be.)

Does not breed true - about 1 in 10 have dark leaves

Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia Black Diamond® Purely Purple™)
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New plants and seeds
Shrubs and Trees

Fragrant Star Magnolia, stellata

Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
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Feature plant
New plants and seeds
Shrubs and Trees
So pleased to once again have a fragrant (spicy-sweet) Star Magnolia Stellata in our garden. Planted this lovely, young specimen yesterday. We had a 20 year old one that grew to two stories over the years and was a beautiful sight to see filled with blooms in spring. May 15, 2021: Transplanted (New in 2021. Feature tree, front yard new garden beds.)
April 28, 2022: Bloomed (Needs heat to release sweet spicy scent. Love this tree! Can grow very tall and large!)


Flowering Crabapple (Malus Evereste®)
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(Love to have)Feature plant
Shrubs and Trees
Want to Have
Listed in Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden book...

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