Poinsettia Christmas Rose Or Winter Rose - Knowledgebase Question

Denver, CO
Avatar for tcgltd
Question by tcgltd
December 7, 2000
I just received a Christmas Rose or Winter Rose Poinsettia. This is an unusual plant and I would like to keep it for next year. What do I do to guarantee it will bloom again? Also, can this be propagated by cuttings? If so, when do I start the cuttings and get them to bloom for gifts for next year?

Name: Linda

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A comment from zenepher
December 10, 2017
I lived in south Florida, I have had Poinsettia plants for years. I have some older than five years and they are planted in my yard. Some have grown over four or five ft. My yard is fill of red and green during the holidays especially during December until after Valentine day, and then I cut them back. Starting October just make sure once it get dark do not let them get any kind of lights, street or from your porch. Protect them from heavy wind, the leaves can be delicate. One of my most easy to grow plants.

Answer from NGA
December 7, 2000
It's care would be the same as other poinsettias, which are often difficult to get to rebloom but here's how to go about it. Good luck!

Winter care: Place the plant in an area with a half-day of direct sun, and water only when the soil is dry.

Spring care: As side shoots develop, prune back old branches to where new growth starts, and repot with fresh soilless potting mix. Begin fertilizing with all- purpose houseplant food.

Summer care: After last frost, place plant outdoors where it receives morning sun. Sink pot into ground. Keep well watered, and prune off growing tips twice a month to create bushier plants. Continue fertilizing.

Fall care: Bring plant indoors in September before first frost. To induce flowering, give the plant direct sun or artificial light each day, and 14 hours of uninterrupted dark each night, beginning in early October. Keep the soil moist, and stop fertilizing. Color should form on bracts in six to eight weeks.

Poinsettia is usually propagated by cuttings taken in mid spring when the plants are normally trimmed back for repotting, but you could try with a cutting taken any time. Use four to six inch tip cuttings and set them into barely moist/damp sand. Cover the pot with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity and set it in a very bright location out of direct sunlight. Move to individual pots when rooted; allow to acclimate to being in the pot and then move to bright direct sun; keep them evenly moist but not soggy.

Avatar for BonniePega
A comment from BonniePega
December 12, 2017
I have rebloomed poinsettias for year--similar to the way you mention--though I've had better luck with a half day of direct sunlight, rather than artificial light. I've bloomed my "Christmas Rose" poinsettia twice since, but this year it reverted to a regular poinsettia--no more "rose-like" flowers. So be prepared.

Name: Frank Mosher
Nova Scotia, Canada (Zone 6a)
Answer from fwmosher
December 9, 2017
While the NGA answer was definitely on the mark, the answer from Duskhunterma I believe is much more realistic. As the plant originally is from Mexico, and you are in Denver, it really is not worth the effort, unless you are one of those "enthusiasts" like me, who tries to propagate the oddest plants/seeds/cuttings I can find. I have had some successes, never with Bouganvillae, no matter how often I have tried! I have tried to winter over Pointsetta, and really, it is not worth it because they are so inexpensive here in Nova Scotia, as little as $3.00 ea (sml. ones). Fourteen hours of darkness each day, then artificial lighting for the other eight hours. I have a lot of tropicals overwintering in my basement under lights, and some seeds on heating mats, but again, one must make choices, and Pointsetta would not be on my list anymore. Cheers!

Avatar for DianaDownUnder
A comment from DianaDownUnder
March 29, 2019
"Flowered" again! Tried to upload photo but duplicated what I previously wrote last time. I only have " L" plates on as photograph would not load sorry. Di

Plymouth U.K.
Answer from duskhunterma
December 9, 2017
Not at all easy though you do hear of people who manage to get them to come a second time but not many. In the UK these plants are now so inexpensive that they are thrown after Christmas. I hate throwing anything out but never get good results despite all the advice putting in a dark place for weeks before bringing out into the light.
I would be interested to see if the above advice from NG works I haven't tried that, good luck.

Name: Jean Robocker

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Answer from oudfferm3
December 9, 2017
No problem. My plants are a collection, some 5 years old. I just leave them in the South window year around. Water lightly. Fertilize lightly. Next bloom from new grown, may not show color until near end of the year, and maybe best by March/April, the following year. Poinsettias are not just for Christmas, but are color and delight almost year around. New ones are added from after Christmas sales, if unique and admired colors/patterns. Color in our northern State is welcome at any time of year.

Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
Answer from WillC
December 16, 2017
Poinsettias can be successfully rebloomed, but only if you follow the following regimen carefully.

1. After flowering has finished, cut back all stems to the LOWEST new leaf growth that emerges on each stem. This will leave the plant looking very sparse and pathetic, but if you move it to a sunny location, it will soon fill out with lots of healthy new green leaf growth.

2.Provide lots of sun and ample water through the winter. No need to repot.

3. In spring, repot only if badly potbound. Resume fertilizing monthly and provide lots of sun and water through the summer.

4. The key to re-blooming starts in the fall as the hours of daylight equalize. At this time, provide 12 hours of good sunlight and 12 hours of complete darkness every day for 8 weeks. Keeping temps on the cool side will also help. Continue to water when the soil surface is dry.This is the hard part and if you can't commit to this daily ritual, then you will probably not succeed. The alternative is to keep it as a nice green foliage plant

This is the procedure that professional greenhouse growers follow.

Avatar for DianaDownUnder
A comment from DianaDownUnder
March 29, 2019
Lovely explanation, thank you.

I am basically flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to plants ( I prefer photographing them) but they seem to enjoy my company as all my cuttings seem to want to show off and grow!

My neighbours seem to think I have "purple fingers" instead of the usual " green thumb"

Have not tried a cutting from a Poinsettia as yet as dont want to insult the one I have, but may give it a go now!

An elderly lady told me only yesterday that when taking a cutting try keeping the sap in by hanging it upside down for one or two days. (The maturies usually know what they are talking about. ??)

Is it true that the sap poisonous?

Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
A comment from WillC
March 31, 2019
Poinsettia sap is more of a possible skin irritant than poisonous. When taking cuttings, the sap will stop on its own soon enough tho you may want to cover it with tissue so the sap doesn't stain any fabric nearby. The cuttings are very hard to propagate as the leaves usually wilt badly long before new roots form. If you attempt it, insert the cuttings in damp potting mix and place the pot and plants inside a clear plastic baggy so as to create a mini greenhouse for it.

Avatar for DianaDownUnder
A comment from DianaDownUnder
June 25, 2019
Thank you Will, everyone asking me to get them cuttings but mine " flowers" for months and is flowering right now. I cut it back last year, not knowing what I was doing and she is looking precious again. The cold, rain and wind testing her but this her third or 4th year and she is hanging in there!

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