lovemyhouse's blog: Kiss this, and I don't mean on my rosy red lips

Posted on Jun 10, 2013 8:17 PM

Oh, crud, both babies fussy all night…sigh…I’m too old for this.  LOL  Girl-child is just shy of six months old and has two teeth coming in.  Boy-child just turned one year old and has one tooth.  Dunno how that works.

Maybe had too much coffee yesterday.  Didn’t sleep well, anyway, kept waking up.  Got up before 6:00 and started sister’s breakfast.  Made her scrambled eggs, bacon, tater crowns, and shredded cheese all on toast.  Nice change from tortillas.  Went outside around 6:30 to deadhead and see what was opening up for photographs later this morning.  Moved some more ‘stuff’ out of the sunroom.  Just about time to get that set up for Shortie’s bedroom.

AHHH, girl-child got up on her hands and knees for the first time today!!  Tried that a few times, then started rocking back and forth.  She beese crawlin’ soon.

BOY-child has found the power button on my PC.  AND he pushes it.  ROFL  Going to have to move some stuff and put it up on the desk.


Babysitting both chitlins while sister takes mamas to wally world to get stuff for tomorrow’s party.  Jeepers, three hours later, they finally get back…I’m tired…


New day.  Why is it that babies HAVE to go toward the thing that is the worst for them?  Like dogs who bark at them and want to be left alone?

Moved the PC to the top of the desk.


New day.  Thunderstorms!  Raining for about two hours, now. Yippee!!!  Happy dance, happy dance.

Blondy asked to go out last night.  No problem, just not all night. So, yep, 6:15am this morning, guess who is stumbling in the door, drunk and trying to hide it.  I don’t know what is best to do.  On the one hand, every mother needs a break.  On the other hand, she was passed out on the couch and oblivious when he started crying so fiercely at 8:30 this morning.  Poor baby, he was hungry.  After he was changed and fed, he played for a couple of hours with his b’day toys, then wanted a nap.  He’s still sleeping. 

It used to help, complaining about her actions here, but it is beginning to feel whiny and grouchy and petty.  Like I am ALWAYS grousing about Blondy and doing nothing else.  Starting to make me feel grimy.  Was thinking when sister moves in, she would help.  Don’t know if that will work.  Sister can’t let go of the idea that these two are not children any more; they are young women who made choices which, consequently, gave them adult responsibilities.  THEY have to be the ones to meet those responsibilities.  We cannot, cannot, cannot keep making decisions for them, doing the things they should be doing for themselves, and bailing them out of every unpleasant situation into which they put themselves.  Told her last week, if we don’t let them fall, they will never learn how to stand up.  I dunno, dunno.

Tried a different tack.  Said I was very disappointed in Blondy's behavior.  Didn’t yell, didn’t curse, didn’t point fingers, just matter of factly said disappointed and left the room.  Shamed her for a few minutes—I think.  If did, don’t know how long it will last.  Maybe just until the hangover is gone.  I dunno, dunno.


Supposed to get close to 100 degrees by Wednesday or Thursday.  HAVE to get SOMEONE here to cut down the grass in back.  Those climbing roses in the back corner have mutated and are trying to take over the world using my yard AND the neighbor’s yard as their starting point.  (really, I’m concerned about the weight on both fences, but mutating aliens sound better)

Read up on natural canine flea repellants.  Going to try the garlic in the food/oatmeal shampoo/steeped rosemary rinse.  See if any of those help.  Dogs will smell good, at least.


New day.  Okay, guess I can complain today.  Woke up at 1:10am to baby boy crying.  Thinking Mom may be asleep, get up.  Not in the room with baby.  Back door open.  Maybe she’s outside smoking.  No, she isn’t.  Whole house, front and back yard.  She isn’t here.  Get boy settled down and back to sleep.  Wake up Shortie, ask if Blondy said she was leaving.  No, she didn’t.  Locked the storm door and the back door so she would have to wake up one of us to get in, went back to bed.  Sister gets here at 6:10am.  Blondy had been back at some point and discovered the locked door, because her cup was on the front porch.  Shortie says her phone shows a call from Blondy at 3:45am.  Well, now what.  A huge fight means she takes off with the kid.  Not one single damn thing we can do about it, either.  At the very least, I will be taking back the house key…BIG sigh…


Shortie fell off a curb yesterday afternoon.  Has badly sprained ankle and is on crutches.  Girl-child due back from her father’s this morning.  Guess it’s a good thing Auntie is home all day AND that girl-child is almost six months old.  Auntie does NOT do little itty bitty babies.  :-/

Boy-baby hold-his-breath crying because he is too tired; girl-baby don’t-want-to-be-satisfied crying; Mickey Mutt crying because…well, who knows why she is crying.  When is it my turn?


Shortie said Blondy also slipped out a week ago.  Blondy had admitted she was drunk the other morning.  When Shortie texted Blondy that I wanted to know who she had asked to watch the boy today, she replied, “It don’t matter.”  Huh?  Suppose I am more fundamentally angry with her than I realized—or maybe would admit.  Both our parents were drunks, Blondy and Shortie’s parents were drunks/drug addicts/mentally ill.   We’ve all been left alone and neglected, and it damaged all of us, including her!  So, given the experiences of all of us, one would think that Blondy would turn down another path.  Incorrectomundo, Fonzarelli. 

House rule is all first-time visitors have to be cleared.  Blondy lets someone I had never met come get her this afternoon; leaves the baby asleep, and takes off without asking anyone to keep a watch on him.  So, what started out as a “Tell me what the problem is…” conversation with her after she got back quickly turned into my leaning across the table and seriously threatening to hurt her if she EVER again abandoned or endangered this child.


I simply canNOT allow that baby to be neglected, even if it enables his mother.  It isn't that I am so deeply attached to him per se.  If someone was taking GOOD care of him, I'd be happy to see him out the door.  But, when she said she hadn’t abandoned him, he was asleep, that was when everything she had ever done to that boy—or rather had not done FOR him—ignited and I made some very serious statements about violence to her person.  Anyway, not surprisingly, the conversation ended there.  She says she is moving out tonight (if she can find someone to come get her), leaving boy here until she is “settled” (which we had previously discussed as a workable option), and is not speaking to me.  Thank you, God, for small mercies.



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