lovemyhouse's blog: When a man done his best and he earned a good rest, And had seventeen dollars at night

Posted on Apr 20, 2014 2:19 AM

How do parents do this year after year?  Boy-child woke crying twice last night.  One or both babies wake me 1-5 times nearly every night.  Even without the MS, I think I would be way too exhausted to keep this up for years on end.



Several New Day.  $%&&*^#%  Shorty is ‘lightheaded and dizzy’ and has to come home from school. Well, she shouldn’t have taken a pain pill from one of her ‘friends’ yesterday.  GRRRRRRRR  There goes my solitude, again, and I was sooooo looking forward to some time by myself.  They have no concept of how difficult it is having them around all the time when I can’t escape.  I know I am whining, but it is just so frustrating sometimes.


I will say that Shorty FINALLY got the birth control implant.  Thank you, God, for making it possible. (Big whew, BIG relief)  Effective for three years, unless she is that 1 in 100 (ack, NO!).  Last thing we need is ANOTHER baby running around here to be supported, so I do commend her sensibility.


Iris stalks are doing weird things.  Breaking off at the base when there has been no wind, growing with a 45 degree bend in the middle, twisty-swirly surrounding foliage.  But I gots flowers!  ChiChi Ruellia that was transplanted to fence line is coming back even after the really cold winter temps. Yipsy!  Also happy to see pink Gerbera planted in the memorial bed is growing.


Oh. Yea.  Blondy texts that boy-child is coming back this evening instead of tomorrow.  Oh. Joy.  I love that boy to death, I just sure do need some “Auntie beese all alone” time…sigh.


New day.

I hate teenagers.

So, boy-child gets back from his mother last night, wakes at 11:30p, 12:32a, and, for good at 5:02a…sigh…Knees and elbows hurt most of the time now.  Fer shure, part of it is sitting in a chair too long, but I think I have worn them out and the lack of real rest isn’t helping.  Working on a two-day a week daycare arrangement.  Ordered a slip-on knee brace.

Mick Jagger? Or maybe it is an Ent come to town... ROFL (well, it is amusing to me :-p)



New day.  Another busted solitude, same week.  Boy-child went to his mother yesterday, supposed to stay at least until tomorrow.  Get up this morning and find that both Shorty and girl-child will be here all day.  Again?!?!?  Girl-child has been sick and can’t go to daycare until fever has been gone at least 24 hours.  I feel badly for her, I truly do, it's just...again?!?!?  Tree trimmers coming first thing today, so I have to be up and dressed anyway, but still…whine, whine, whine.   {{eeeevil snicker}} Shorty was stomping around at 9:00a complaining on the phone about the tree trimmers’ noise.  {{snicker, snortle, chort}} Should maybe have gone to bed before 3:00am when you KNEW you were going to have to get up with your kid as usual anyway.  The reason I know Shorty was still up at that time is because girl-child had started crying and was left to cry long enough for me to wake and get up to go see about her.  Shorty was outside smoking and texting...sigh...



Several New Day.  I still hate teenagers.  Shorty has missed so much school she won’t be graduating.  No way to make it up.  I am tiredppllbbbttttt.


Monday, sister chewed on Blondy about getting her priorities straight, so now Blondy is taking boy-child for two weeks.  Uh-huh, we’ll see.  Had a tearful conversation with sister yesterday morning.  Told her I didn’t want boy to be screwed up like his mother and her sister; that if the DNA came back positive and the daddy filed custody, I would not lie on the stand for Blondy which means daddy will win and who knows how often we would see him; that I have contacted a legal agency that works on a sliding scale to see about guardianship; and that I would do whatever it takes to protect the baby no matter who it made mad (meaning her).  For the first time she mentioned getting guardianship herself, along with her fiancé.  We’ll see what happens, there, too.  Might be the best thing.  I have deep anxieties about how long I can keep up with him before the MS and forty'leven other things take me out; they understand kids, he is as devoted to his grandkids as she is to hers; Blondy would still be involved in boy-child’s life; and he can come stay with me a couple of days every week or two to give them a break.  And to give me time with him.  It hurts to have him gone.  Funny, ain’t it?  Me, Miss Solitude Queen wants a toddler back in the house.  Well, I do like and need some solitude no matter what else happens, but I LOVE that boy…sigh, nothing like rationality, huh.  The only thing I know fer shure is that I will do anything I can to give him a stable, reasonably calm home and I guess that is what is most important.



Dug some plants I promised to send to a couple of folks and got those out.  Made me feel like I accomplished something.  Needed that after the morning chat with sister. ;-p


Bought a cordless Weed Eater and tried it out this morning.  Have a lot of adjusting to do to use it without hurtin’ meself—that battery end is HEAVY!  But it works well and the 15-inch tall stuff in the alley is down, now.  If I get a cordless mower, I think I can and would use them both, and then be mostly independent of paid services.  Planted the eight Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea in various places.  Moved the yellow Marigold to the new vegetable bed—two tomato plants and two pepper plants, yea!!    AND, while I was digging spots for the Echinacea, I found that the dwarf Ruellia I thought lost to winter cold are growing!!!! Yippee!!!!!  I was happy, happy.  AND ANNNNND, I saw one teeny tiny new little leaf trying to grow on a Mexican Heather!!!!!  Maybe all is not lost… 



Very early New Day.  Woke up at 12:30a and couldn’t go back to sleep.  These new Diabetes and cholesterol medications are kicking my butt.  Side effects are just lovely, aren’t they?  It is too nice outside these days to lay around, not to mention too boring to lay around, so while boy-child is gone, I have been puttering a bit, going in and resting, then puttering some more.  Soon enough, it will be too hot to be outside for long and I want to enjoy the mild weather while we have it.  Lovely, lovely, flowers are there for me to just contemplate and breathe in and, of course, take pictures of!!  Taking some antihistamine and going back to sleep.  Tom Kha soup coming for lunch and I want to be ready! LOL


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