lovemyhouse's blog: Yes, that’s me the overachiever with my face in the potato chip bowl…

Posted on Mar 24, 2014 11:58 AM

Scary to have both babies walking, now.  Girl-child is significantly more agile than boy-child was at the same age; she can and does get into ANYTHING.  The saving grace, if you can call it that, is that she spends 80% of her waking time at daycare or with the other grandparents, so the danger here is more limited.  Shorty is essentially a part-time mother, even though she would react indignantly to that statement. 



New day. The unexpected deep freeze a couple of weeks ago has set everything back.  Lots of mushy, dead foliage, particularly on the roses, which had all leafed out.  Don’t think will get many bulb flowers, although I do have many more than last year since the bulbs were moved.  And the St. Keverne from the not-a-raffle are prodigious producers already!  It is early yet, and many more bulbs may pop up some blooms if I wait to see.  I am just impatient.


Boy-child is with his mother for a few days.  She lost her job and as I am sick, again, and, well…and I’m bored today.  Awfully chilly and windy to do much outside like this.  The sun is shining which is a good thing.  Think I’d dose myself into temporary oblivion if it were cloudy, too.  Unless it were cloudy and raining.  Then I’d be dancing and leaping…well, dancing and jumping in place (I can do that pretty safely without falling down).  We have such a rainfall deficit that I am very concerned for plants making it through the late Spring and into Summer.  Not just my yard, although that is a HUGE concern, but grassfires have already started being problems and we have ongoing water restrictions.  It could get really bad really quickly.  Maybe I should be preemptive and go out to DO a rain dance rather than waiting to dance IN the rain!



Several New Day. 

Snowdrops.  I love snowdrops.  Never had any until this year.   And the Avalanche Daffodils from the OHG shipment have several tiny daffodil-type blooms per stem.  Fun. 


One of the two yellow Salvias I received from Wayside Gardens on my gift certificate died within a week of receipt.  Emailed the problem description so I could attach supporting photographs and got, “…we appreciate hearing from you. We apologize, there are no photos attached.  Again, thank you for writing to us. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us…”  Boy, was I mad.  How insulting for a service department to brush off a customer like that!  Sheesh.  After responding to that reply, with the photographs reattached, and receiving no answer two days later, I called.  In the end, they did say they were sending another plant, but the FIRST response was, “But you just received those plants a week ago.”  (patiently) Yes, but one is dead.  Crispy, broken-brown dead.  “Okay, let me check to see if we received the email.”  Okay, let’s do that.  “Oh, yes, we received your email and already replied.”  Whhhaaaat?  Yeah, I KNOW you already ‘replied’ and that ‘reply’ was unsatisfactory.  GRRRRRRR   Over the last seven years, I have bought a lot of plants from that company directly and also from gift certificates.  Have had issues on occasion, including wrong plants sent, but in all previous cases I just let it go or the plant eventually perked up.  First time I have ever contacted them about a problem, but I really wanted this one.  I can sure see now why they have developed such a bad reputation.  Going to ask my friend to gift from another company in the future.  Sad.

 Good Salvia            Bad Salvia (right before it completely croaked)

2014-03-24/lovemyhouse/1ea835   2014-03-24/lovemyhouse/47bcb0


More New Day.  Boy-child went to his mother yesterday afternoon.  Be back tonight.  Dug out some of a street-side bed with heavy, black-gumbo clay soil.  Horrible stuff to dig.  Moved in some randomly NOID Daylilies and Iris, mulched that side, then threw the rest of the mulch into the baseball bed.  Hurt mucho much-oh today.  Pulled what I think is a ligament in the back of my right leg just above the knee. Doesn't feel like a muscle, but who knows.  Elbows, shoulders, and back hurthurthurt.  Have to learn I am too old to be sedentary for weeks on end, then charge out like Secretariat without paying a heavy penalty.  But it is done and I have some more empty pots, now. Yea!  Just in time to fill them up again with incoming stuff from other folk.


Doctor appointment Friday morning.  Not looking forward to the scale.  I have been eating so much, so continuously I have gained back most of the 15 pounds I lost that last year working.  I feel disgusting and can’t seem to stop.  Been here lots of times before and I know it is the stress of keeping boy-child.  Asked sister to set up a meeting with her, Blondy, and me to make a plan on how to get him into daycare or something.  He needs so much more interaction and stimulation now than he has in previous months and I am at the end of my resources, don’t have anything additional to give. 



Officer Jillian’s Orangeola is leafing out again {{satisfied sigh}}.  The Veronica in with the tree is flourishing, too, which I really like because I thought it was a goner from the extreme freezes this year.  Amethyst in Snow doesn’t have blooms yet, but I liked the light on leaves so well, I had to shoot it.  Emerald Blue creeping phlox has some real blooms this year.  Miss Bateman clematis has buds.  The strawberry plant overwintered and is putting on new leaves.  Maybe I just need more Spring…

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