lovemyhouse's blog: ...and 95 was the route you were on, it was not the speed limit sign

Posted on Sep 30, 2013 12:20 PM

Trying to cut the climbers back was an adventure.  Wasp sting right on the end of my nose ended my efforts right quick!  Didn’t have a clue there was a nest in the jungle.  Guess a professional will be taking care of it—with a bug bomb and a chainsaw.  Going to have to get in the neighbor’s backyard, too.  A lot of the growth is over there and that fence is awfully rickety.



Two next New Day.  So sister is leaving the house this afternoon around 3:00, says Blondy needs to find somewhere else to live and, well, she didn’t know, guess she was going to have to get her a hotel room or something.  grrrrrr  Can we say manipulate, girls and boys?  Because I don’t want to have to come up with the money for bills sister is supposed to pay because she spent hers on Blondy, I told her Blondy could come her for the night, but had to go tomorrow…sigh.



New Day.  Asked Blondy when she was leaving.  She hemmed and hawed and so on.  Told her she couldn’t stay here, any chance of that happening was blown up the last time.  Because her work schedule was added to, yada, yada, yada, I gave her until 3:00pm Friday to find someplace else, but she had to go.  I gave these kids the shirt off my back.  I get to keep my pants and shoes.


Did take advantage of her being here, gave her her kid to watch, and went outside.  Had some energy today and accomplished quite a bit.  Plan to do the same tomorrow.  Might be able to get all the tree saplings in the driveway strip dug up before she leaves.

Shorty took girl-child to doctor today for some kind of rash.  Doctor thinks it might be measles…sigh.


New Day.  Sister not happy with me.  Told her the deadline I gave Blondy to get out.  Says she isn’t going to let Blondy “be on the street.”  Okay, as long as she pays the utility bills here as agreed, then the rest is her money, her problem.  She can be a doormat—I won’t, especially not for a budding sociopath. 

Shorty took girl child back to doctor early this morning for blood work (lab was closed yesterday by the time they got out).  Has to go back in two days.  Still don’t know what it is, doctor told Shorty girl-child should not be around any other children until he determines the problem. Well, what in the world am I supposed to do with boy-child?  Sheesh.  Praying it is non-communicable and fast passing.  Does mean no day care and Shorty home all week…sigh…well, won’t be a doormat any more for her television viewing habits, either.  PBS until 3:00 each and every week day!  She can watch what she wants after that…most of the trashy TV is over by then anyway, right? (evil snicker)


Going to be in the low 90s until the weekend.  Maybe more rain, then, YEA!!!  The area with the saplings is in sun until around 1:30.  Have to balance heat fatigue against having someone to keep boy-child while I work outside.


New Day.  Blondy left clothes on the floor in the bathroom and Taco Bell wrappings and cups all around the couch where she is sleeping.  Will remind her once we don’t trash the living room.  After that, either she takes care of it or she gets to find it all in her bags.


Tried to dig up a larger sapling and no-go, too big.  Going to look for something chemical that will kill them if cut, but not damage the Rose of Sharon tree around which they are growing—closely!


New Day.  Oh.  Joy.  Girl-child’s father filed a CPS complaint.  The agent just left.  She is going to close the case because it was obvious that the ‘abuse and neglect’ charges were false.  Shorty better stick to her determination this time that she will not allow the father to see the child any more unless he takes her to court.  Told her NO contact with him, don’t text, don’t call, pretend he doesn’t exist.  If he shows at the house, I will send him packing.  You don’t send drama to my house out of spite and expect to be received cordially.

Blondy didn’t return from yesterday’s work until after 4:00pm this afternoon.  Said she had too much to drink and went home with one of the dancers.  Great example, there, for the kid, ain’t it.  She-has-to-go She-has-to-go She-has-to-go.


Oooooo! 70% chance of rain Saturday afternoon into evening.  YippeeYeaYAHOOOO-DLE!!!! ===============================================================

Several New Day.  Blondy left alright, but then asked to stay tonight so sister can get her and boy-child over to sister’s gentleman friend, who is driving them to court.  And who will serve as witness to what happens.  Blondy shows up at 10:00 this morning all chipper wanting to talk.  I don’t think so.  There is an old expression about not crapping in your own bed.  Well, not only did you crap in it, you smeared it around and ground it in.  Told her she was here because it was convenient for my sister and she had to leave by 6:00pm tomorrow…sigh…I don’t like feeling so scrummy for tossing anyone out on the street, but I 

Heavy, hard rain on Saturday washed out the mulch in several places and piled it up in others.  Too tired to respread it today.  Ah, the joys of having MS.  Good thing about enforced inactivity, though, is it makes you think.  Occurred to me that after the weather turns cold, the wasps in back will be gone and the rose canes will be bare.  Can cut to my heart’s content and won’t have to pay someone to take care of it.  Save the dough for daylilies.  Or dahlias.  Or delphinium.  Or dianthus.  Or…


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