gingin's blog

Journey Sept. 21
Posted on Sep 21, 2012 3:21 PM

Another busy 2 days...what exactly does rest mean?? LOL Bill wanted a bath and prob. He slept really well last night. YEA Richard is my hero right now. Once again he has been here all day. Good thing as Bill got in my face and I just took my "happy little self" out to the screen room with a cold one until the frustration and tears went away...otherwise he would have gotten an ear full. The dogs have been so very good about being kicked out when someone new comes to check on Bill. Thank goodness it is cooler for them...they each deserve a BIG box of biscuits. LOL Met a new nurse today. She took a lot of time talking to Bill and explaining stuff in a way he could easily understand and accept. He felt a whole lot better after she left. His BP is still low...need to work on that. He got more meds today for anxiety...happy for that as we're comming into the weekend and they also help him to sleep. So all in all we're doing OK. I'm still sore and my leg is right purty with assorted shades of bruising. LOL It really doesn't take much to amuse me. All ya'll are great...means so much that you're here "holding my hand".

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Journey Sept. 19
Posted on Sep 19, 2012 3:30 PM

And so it continues. Both Bill and I had a bad night on Sunday the 16th...stress over my procedure I reckon. Glad I got up an hour early on Monday...much to do before heading to the hosp. My deal wasn't as sucessful as hoped..."roto router" went OK about 60-70% clean out, but no stent as my atery is not in the usual place and the doc would have had to put it across a joint. BIG NO NO...too much risk of it breaking as the joint moved and bent. Next step will be by-pass if I choose to do so. Not necessary at this point. Called Bill from my room and settled in as best I could. Nurse was able to feel the distal pulse in my left foot. Yea...before it had to be found with the doppler thingy. Could not bend my legs until 11:45 that night...BUMMER...I so had to pee and the bedpan and I were NOT friends. Finally at 12:15am on the 18th I was free and could go to the bathroom!!! Never thought going pee could feel so good LOL

Tuesday Sept. 18...Nurse had been in several times to check on this and that. She allowed as how she had never seen someone sleep so well in the hosp!!! HELLO...I was tired both physically and mentally. So I'm waiting, waiting for my doc to make rounds. Talked to Bill...and wished I hadn't...he hurt my feelings and made me cry. Oh well..goes with the territory I guess. Finally when the doc shows up he says, "Why are you still here?" to which I replied, "Why haven't you released me???" That got handled real quick and I was on my way home. Sooo very happy that Brenda (SeedSprout) had brought us more goodies as I so did not feel up to cooking!!. Bill looked pretty good...went to bed before him cuddled up to Dixie.

Wednesday Sept. 19...Woke up fairly rested until all the "honey dos" Like...I'm supposed to be resting and some of this you can do for yourself. BAH HUM BUG...feeling grumpy. Nice long shower felt so good. Got Bill good to go for a bath. Sue is off this week, so another nurse came out to see him. Was on schedual for Friday, but Bill had questions so she came today. She was concerened that his BP was too low...called the hospice doc and he took him off one BP med until further notice..fine with me as it is the expensive one. She changed the dressing on the central line and flushed it. Richard has been here all day...bless his heart. I am very tired...did too much...looking foreward to more Brenda goodies tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier and I'm happy that I'll be able to drive again. SOOO that's all for now.

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Journey, Sept. 16
Posted on Sep 16, 2012 5:50 PM

Well here we are on Sunday, Sept.16. Bill is watching his beloved Steelers game..they are winning... YEA team. Bless his heart, yesterday before I got up he had done what few dishes were left in the sink and started a bleach load of laundry...he is after the "Laundry King" LOL Got him good to go on a bath...really took alot out of him. Busy day for me doing this and that before my deal on Monday. My son, Alex, who sadly is a guest of the state always calls on Saturday. Gave Bill the phone...on a "dark funny note" Alex wanted to know what Bill wanted done with his ashes when the time comes...seems he has a "project in mind" and asked could he have some. Bill says sure, whatever. Well Richard came over and Bill tells him about the call. Richard allowes as how he wants some too if Bill is giving them away!!! OMG...I totally lost it...I laughed so hard!! A tad sick perhaps, but hey, the laughs come as they do.

So here we are on Sunday, Sept.16....Bill just HAS to have new jeans that don't fall off Richard and Bill go to Sears. God bless my Sears least he is happy. Has gone from a 36" waist to 33". Goodness he looks so thin...legs are nothing but bean stalks. He is very tired and hurting when they get back. I have been busting my butt while they were gone getting stuff done and good to go before I have to leave tomorrow morning for my procedure. A very special friend brought us a casserole for dinner...cheesy chicken and brocolli, green beans from her garden and homemade corn muffins made with homemade buttermilk. YUM

Not sure when I'll be posting again...depends on this BEAST and how I feel. In the mean time, I love you all and thank you so much for traveling this journey with me. 

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Sept.14 continued
Posted on Sep 14, 2012 9:59 PM

Short, sweet and to the point....I am so giggleing right now. Bill is asleep and I am happy to be on line...cruising around here and smile muscles hurt. Need to go to bed, but I'm havin' too much fun. Kicking myself in the butt...tomorrow will be here sooner then I want. Coffee in the AM...hopefully without yackety and notes...if not, oh means Bill is still the feisty puppet master. Nighty, night ya'll. ZZZZZZZ

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Journey Friday, Sept. 14
Posted on Sep 14, 2012 8:51 PM

Whew...another "what a day". After 7 "blue screens" I was finally able to boot up and connect...I REALLY need to figure this out before I do permanant damage to this HATEFUL beast...too tired and overwealmed(SP?).

I am starting to hate mornings...never really was a morning person unless something FUN was on the agenda. Bless his heart, Bill is always up before me, but he used to let me make a cup of coffee before he started with yakety yakety. Not so feet are barely on the floor before he starts. SCREAM !!!!!! But I need to go back to yesterday...He napped/slept until after 7pm...laid down around 1:30 or 2:00. OK he needs to sleep, but this is not like him. Needed a I wake him or not...figured I'd wait till 8pm, but when he woke up he got one early and one late. Stayed awake for maybe half an hour and back asleep. SOO here we are this morning...mouth runnith over the second my feet hit the floor. WANT COFFEE be quiet already. I so don't want to be ugly, but give me a break already!!!  One, maybe two sips of coffee and off we go. He is dictating this and that...I'm making notes. Time to feed the dogs...Bill hold that thought till they're done eating. Yea team all 4 have eaten and we're back to yackety and note taking. I look over at the hosp. bed. Dixie is curled up next to him with her head in his lap...both look so happy and my heart melts. I feel so guilty for being ugly earlier. Get the camera...yeah, right, nice try. As soon as Dix sees it, she's history. Got a yuck picture...better then nothing. Bill is really stressed out to get a new pair of jeans that fit...the ones he has now fall off because he has lost so much weight. I can't get them right now for extra$$...he wants them before my procedure on Monday...can I stop at the store on my way to the hosp. ??? way!!! no time...need to make sure his meds are good to go as well as my own, plus not knowing if they are keeping me overnight need to have him as well as Richard on line with what needs to be done. OMG...I so want to slap the crud out of there isn't enough on my plate right now??? I'm trying really hard not to loose it. Go to the post office, touch base with my ride for Monday and stop at the store for dog biscuits and milk. Bill has gotten mail about his app for medicaid...need to call on or before Sept.14. This IS Sept 14!!!! Packy poo...he is not up to the call, so it falls to me. 3 HOURS later after being on hold and disconnected, I have lost it. I am in tears...don't know whether to s**t or go blind. Bill is VERY upset and feeling guilty because I am so upset. He says not interested in eating anything...crap me either, but I manage to eat leftovers for the third time..oh well, this too shall pass and my silver lineing to today's cloud was looking over and seeing Dixie cuddled up to Bill on the hosp. bed with her head in his lap. On any given day the silver lineing IS there if only you take a moment to see it.

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