ScarletTricycle's blog

No. 264: daylight working its way up
Posted on Jun 1, 2024 4:50 AM

The daylight is working its way up. Slowly!

Today will find me trying to fix the soaker hose. I hope the Amazon hose ends work, stay on and let me repair the hose. If so, then I'll get it back in place and cover w straw once I know it works. Tomorrow hoping kid1 will help me string corrals. Today she's too busy w work.

I did a walk through and the plants look like they are holding their own. They aren't huge by any means but it looks like all of them are adjusting well. The stressed out ones look like they have sent some new on up.

Need to get the kids entered for fair this weekend as well. The kids do plan to take veg and flowers amongst their other projects. No, we don't show animals. The rest is enough. I'm hoping we have a good array of blooms to take in when the time comes.

I'm finding benefit to the compost I had made over fall/winter. Thus far the rabbit poo concoction seems to be of benefit. I don't see rabbits in my yard since I've got it all over in beds and gardens. Maybe that's what I needed! As long as it looks good and grows well! The one benefited area that has really taken off has been the garlic. It stands almost 4-5 feet tall. Never realized the tops would be that big. Makes me wonder what it's doing underground.

My irises are looking good.
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I didn't order that last one, but it got sent to me. It's ok, it's not beautiful with what it's next to. Maybe if I moved it around to like tones I'd like it better. Problem is, I still have 3/4 of my iris w no blooms. I've got good sized plants, but not seeing new blooms. I specifically ordered early and mids, but no dice! Maybe I should go remove stalks today and do some cleanup of the spent ones.

They say rain today. That's fine. We still can use it and I'll welcome it, even if it cuts into my plans.

Happy day to you all! May your gardens look good!

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No. 263: when people don't know you
Posted on May 30, 2024 5:11 AM

My life of late: You know, when people don't know you, your skills, your background etc and then pontificate what you need to do, before they can help you without realizing you do know something, really quite irritates me. In all facets of my life this has been coming up. Instead of being a know it all, be quiet and listen and offer different ways of helping. Man do I find that often. I try to approach how to work with people without making them feel they know nothing without knowing their background. I try to say what do you know and we'll go from there. Unless short on time, but I think others learn without being told they know nothing in the eyes of the helper because everyone knows a little something to start. Tired of that approach. You know the old saying: if you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything at all. Story of my days of late! When did the world get so populated by this type of know it alls? And who died and left them in charge? Really, don't make the world a place where people can't ask for help in whatever manner they seek assistance. Sometimes it takes a lot for someone to say I don't get it.

As for the dahlias: looking good! Just ordered a part to see if I can fix the soaker hose as Menards doesn't carry the 1/2" to 3/4" type. Amazon is where I found it. If it allows me to fix the hose and get a few more years out of it would be a huge help!

Once the hose is back in place I'm hoping kid1 will help me put the corrals up and then the dahlias are done! Woohoo! Then it's shaking some preen and being really done w the exception of watering and fertilizing and hopefully picking blooms as the summer goes along.

Keeping an eye out for the iris and seeing what new ones might bloom yet. I wish I could find some answers to what I'm looking for. I ordered a book or two from the library to see if the answer is in there. I haven't been able to glean any info here for what I'm looking on.

The rest of the gardens are looking pretty ok. I'm happy w some of my baskets. They are really filling in and out right now. Hope they become heavy producers and look great all summer!

Hope everyone is well. May your gardens look great and your life be well.

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Not a dahlia, but a strawflower at the greenhouse! Everyone needs a bit of pretty in their day!

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No. 262: monkey bread morn
Posted on May 28, 2024 5:04 AM

Last week of school before summer break. Whew! So I couldn't sleep due to lots of worries. I got up, got laundry in and decided to make monkey bread again. But this time it's a dough with an egg in it. Which you may not realize, makes a better tasting dough. So surprise!

Today will find me trying to find an answer to my soaker hose. I've read I should soak it for days in vinegar. I'm going to see what it does w the end off and if it runs. And maybe it just needs more pressure. Unsure. Maybe too with it full open I can get all the folds worked out and no issues with that and it placed correctly as it snakes the plants.

Then later this week I hope kid1 will help me w the corrals. Or maybe I'll start them today. I don't want to let the dahlias go too long without being tied up. They can get sprawling if that is the case and just a giant pain in the rump if that happens. And that I don't want.

They say more rain today, I wonder when. Just checked - early afternoon. So I'm hoping I can get that maintenance completed and working.

Then next on the garden list is checking the iris and labeling those that are blooming or have bloomed. And I'm hoping some who haven't bloomed forever get going! Will I find a Gnus flash?! Will I find an inky black one? What lurks out there? My front bed ones are big fans of leaves but no bloom stalks. Of course those seem to not be there the day before and all of a sudden 40" in the air with buds. I've not yet figured out how that happens!

The good news is things have all settled into the dirt well and hopefully have taken off. Maybe we'll have flowers for summer sooner than not.

The monkey bread is delightful. How one can find joy in a sweet yeasty bread with cinnamon sugar … heavenly!

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No. 261: all done, except for the &@$#% soaker
Posted on May 27, 2024 7:14 PM

Probably not enough symbols above to spell any particular word, but we didn't get the dahlias corralled because I'm fighting w the darn soaker hose. When I first place it into position, I turn it on and then check to make sure it's weeping and make sure there aren't any bends or folds with the stupid thing and make sure it's watering. Well it did the first 35 feet and weep, and there appears to be water in the hose but there is nothing coming out of it. I don't know if it's just dirty and clogged or stuck together or what. So tomorrow I'll take it apart and just send water through each hose and see if:

A) anything comes out the open end
B) just cap each single hose and see if it will weep on its own.
C) curse at it and say damn you, it's time to work!

Who knows what its issue is, but it made me mad today that it's not working as it should. Irritating for me, so I came in to sulk.

All the annuals are in. No real rhyme or reason to where I put any of them. I just mixed them in and hope for the best. I need to locate my solar fountain and get that in my birdbath. And then maybe Wednesday we can corral if I can get both hoses working at the same time. Grrrrr.

Dahlias look good. Seedlings are standing straighter. That's good. Then I have all those that never bloomed and those are planted in there too.

I wish I had specific beds for the iris and dahlias and not combined; but my yard isn't very large when all is said and done. Not for my collection at least. Not that it's huge - but it'd be nice to have specific areas, specific colors etc. Ah well, probably not going to happen anytime. I've been without life goals for years (like after repeated job loss or repeated miscarriage and it got to the point why have goals, I keep failing at achieving any of them?!) and we'd always hoped to build a home and have something brand new to us in the country. It's not happened, the kids are getting closer to grown than growing and I don't see any big lotto winning in the short term to speed things along, so it seems what's the point anymore. Therefore my cram and jam and hope it grows method is what I have to do if I'd like the varieties I have to continue. I have full beds and hopefully they'll look nice as they grow and bloom.

I don't know why I typed all of that. With my mom's decline, I'm struggling too w having lost my dad early and thinking to myself did he ever feel he didn't reach his goals? He never got to meet any of his kid in laws, be part of our weddings, meet his grands, buy a cottage on the lake he dreamed of, or travel to see us all as adults. In fact he didn't get to see my youngest sibs hit adulthood. He retired and a little over two years later aggressive cancer snuck up and got him. So I guess in loosing a parent you go through all this thought process. Or maybe it's just me wondering why I'm not accomplishing what I had hoped.

And if someone tells me it's life, get over it, I'm going to scream.


Someone did tell me that.

Anywho, the gardens and beds are all in. Now if they will grow and look nice I'd be appreciative.

Tomorrow it's hose duty and doing a walk around to check new iris blooms and tag others on their way out so I know what is where. I hope there are some lovely new colors! And hope there are those I haven't seen for a very long time. It's time for some different colors. Some of these have always been blooming.

May all your gardens, flowerbeds and spring ready be going well.

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No. 260: today I hope to finish
Posted on May 27, 2024 6:55 AM

Well, today I hope to finish the great plantout 2024. I have to deal w the soaker hose, the rest of the annuals and the great tie up for the dahlias of which I'm hoping kid1 will help me with.

We have had a lot of rain which I hope has been great for the plants and they have set good feet in the ground. I'll have to water the porch planters as when we have rain I tend to forget them thinking oh yes, they are getting rain on them too. They really aren't EVER. Maybe some mist, but that's about it.

I know this is more a place about my seedlings but I do write on my other garden items. The iris have really been doing well this year! I have a bunch I haven't seen bloom in ages. So I'm trying to get them all tagged and will come up with some manner of labeling them. I am hopeful most of them will bloom. That will be great! I'm unsure on the front bed ones though. They look back at me skeptically as I look skeptically at them!

Need to sign the kids up for the county fair and see all what they can get entered. We don't have animals much to their chagrin. But we do enter a lot of the other stuff, I've asked if they want to continue doing 4h and it's always yes. 4h sadly is going the way of the dodo bird sad to say. And the program is looking to really get into diversity/inclusion/other hot topics of the day, but I think it's falling kind of flat with traditional 4H families and they are losing what the strengths of the 4h program once were: learning life skills, being able to public speak, hold a parli-pro type of meeting and be comfortable in a working group, as well as on your own, while developing skills. Frankly kids should be allowed to be kids, learn the world before pushing all sorts of adult topics and problems on them. Parents don't spend time with their kids in the same manner as they once did, community members aren't helping as they once did etc. sad to say, I enjoyed doing 4h things back in the day. And I still use things I learned way back when in my day to day applications. It helps ensure I work and teach my kids some practical life skills and give them interests outside of school, sports or a video game.

So I still have a long garden list and will be glad when it's mainly done! Time to move on to other things and get summer growing and glowing!

Happy day all!

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