DonfromPA's blog

Been A Little Busy
Posted on Apr 22, 2019 2:46 PM

Sorry that I haven't been posting anything for awhile on my blog, but I have been quite busy with doctor appointments (both my wife's and mine) and
frequent visits from nurses and therapists coming to our house to treat my wife's wound recently made on her leg. The wound is progressing nicely,
but requires dressing changes every other day now (was daily). The therapists schedule their visits between the nurses' visits and our doctor
appointments. I am scheduled for cataract removal from both eyes during May and this seems to be requiring a bit of preparation and paperwork.

Having more good days than bad, except for frequent storms and rain, but leaves are beginning to show their color along with the spring bulbs: crocus, daffodils - not to mention forsythia and magnolia and Bradford Pear trees. Getting anxious to begin gardening, but still a bit early for this part of PA.
Safety from last frost is usually around Memorial Day, but sometimes we get an earlier break.

More later.

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Back to Gardening
Posted on Apr 12, 2019 2:21 PM

Sorry that I've been away from the computer for a little while. My wife had a bad fall and has been hospitalized for the past two weeks. She came home today, not completely healed, but definitely on the mend. Want to thank all of you who have commented on one or more of my blogs. Will be rather busy the next couple weeks while my wife recuperates, but now that spring is slowly showing signs of appearing I'm getting anxious to thinking more seriously
about what I'm going to do with all those mostly flower, but a few vegetable, seeds I rashly ordered.

My granddaughter and her fiance made a trip to Italy to attend their friends' wedding and stopped in Holland on their way home. While there she purchased a half dozen tulip bulbs for me. Not being able to plant them in the ground I planted them in a rather large container. With spring on the horizon I have been hovering over these bulbs like a mother hen does with her chicks. Finally one popped up the other day and now a couple of days later a total of three have broken the surface. Feel sure that the remaining three will show signs of life in the next few days.

Oh, time to prepare dinner. More later.

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Shingles It Turned Out to Be
Posted on Mar 15, 2019 9:09 AM

Checked in with my eye doctor this morning after experiencing rash on my left eyelid this morning and eye nearly swollen shut.
He confirmed that it was shingles but exam showed that it was not affecting the nerve that goes into the eyeball. He explained that usually there is little or no pain involved when it attacks nerves in the head, although perpetual headaches for a month or two can be expected. I was worried about my eyes as my left eye is my good one while my right eye is virtually useless. Am scheduled for
eye surgery sometime in April or May to have cataracts removed. Well anyway, I feel much relieved.

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Things Appear To Be On The Upswing
Posted on Mar 13, 2019 7:45 AM

Warn weather continuing - 50's today and 60's forecast for tomorrow. Only look a day ahead. Anti-viral medicine doctor ordered appears to be doing its work as rash is starting to go away. Who knows what it was and what caused it? Still have a slight headache but manageable. Well back to thoughts of gardening. All these pop-ups from seed companies I have been ordering from and/or googling keep me wanting to order just a few more. Now a little bit about gardening in Connecticut. I worked for a large mail order perennial nursery and its policy at the end of the season was, rather to than conduct a sale for customers, was to give away all unsold bulbs, etc. to its employees. What a bonanza! Tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinths and every kind of spring blooming bulb that one could imagine - just free for the asking. Our rented home was surrounded by oak trees and when we moved in we found that the dead leaves had not been removed for years. So I had spent several days clearing them and turning up the rich soil for gardening spaces. My wife and I planted all the bulbs we had chosen and planted them in late fall. Next spring was a delight to the eyes! Blooms everywhere in a rainbow of colors. Since our property was pretty well shaded by the oak trees, little sunshine was available for sun-loving plants, so we experimented with a variety of ferns, hostas and other shade-loving plants. A short time later an opportunity arose to move back to our hometown and previous place of employment - with all moving expenses paid and a sizable salary increase to boot. This opportunity occurred simultaneously at the time our grandchildren (back in hometown) were beginning to arrive. While I had reservations about leaving the nursery with its beautiful plants I knew that family matters more. Was back in our hometown for about eight years when my company's corporate office (where I worked) was moving to Charlotte, NC and asked me to relocate. Since I had about two years to go before retirement, I decided to take the plunge, after talking it over with my wife. We moved in mid-July during Carolina's really hot spell and we weren't thrilled by the overpowering heat. But the advantage was the ability to swim in the pool late in the evening without freezing. Another day I'll get into our gardening experience where growing weather was about 9 months of the year - more than I had ever experienced before. Spring/summer started in early March and winter close to Christmas. More later.

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Temperatures Warming Up a Bit
Posted on Mar 12, 2019 7:42 AM

Wow! Forty degrees today and 50 forecast for tomorrow. Seeds ordered from Baker Creek and Swallowtail arrived yesterday and not waiting for any more at this point. Still eyeing pictures of appealing looking asters, four o'clocks and calendulas - and trying my best not to weaken, but I can't make any promises. Well, went to doctor's appointment yesterday. As luck would have it, my family doctor was not in for the day - so went to one of his associates for consultation. The doctor not sure whether I'm suffering from shingles or not so prescribed some pain pills and anti-viral ones. Since my pain has gone away, I feel shingles is not my malady, but something else. When I had shingles in my 20's and from what others say, pain does not go away with shingles. Anyhow, my left eye (unfortunately my good one that does most of my seeing) is nearly swelled shut and am having a little difficulty in seeing. Glad though that my four-day headache went away. Anxious for spring to arrive as I am going to try to dig up a few small areas for flower gardening. Don't know how that will work as I tire easily from any kind of physical exertion, but I will take it easy. Last year we had more containers than ever on our patio and I thought it was a little too much. If I don't create some inground gardening space, I will need even more containers than before. About time to leave for our weekly game of Hand and Foot (fun card game) with several of our friends. My wife and I also belong to a couple of 500 Bid card clubs. Thinking about the gardens we had while living in Connecticut (2-1/2 years) and in Charlotte, NC (17 years) and will talk a little about them later. Might also talk a little about the gardens (mostly perennial plants) I previously had in our hometown of Meadville, PA. Sure miss the energy I had back in those days!

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