Seed Swaps: A General FAQ for How To Get Started

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Posted by @DogsNDaylilies on
If you love to grow things from seed and you haven't already checked into the seed swaps here on NGA, you're missing out! Seed swapping is a great way to expand your collection of seeds and try new things, whether your interests are wide or focused. There's a little something for everyone and NOW is the time to get started! Grab your seeds and get ready for a little trading--I'll help you learn how!

Seed Swaps

August is here and, for many people, some of our favorite flowers, veggies, and other plants are already starting to develop seeds or already have. Those bees and other pollinators have been hard at work this summer to make those seeds happen. Get out there, save those seeds, and join a seed swap! Or maybe you've purchased commercial seed packs and have a bunch of extra seeds lying around that you can't possibly use. Don't let those seeds go to waste. Use them to trade and get new seeds to expand the variety of items in your yard.

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Seed swaps are an excellent way to try new items in your garden and now that there have been some "trial runs" in the Seed Swaps here on NGA, it has become a pretty smooth experience for members of the site. That said, if you're new to the seed swap system, you will undoubtedly have some questions. To help you get started, I've created a few tidbits of information--modified slightly from the FAQ I use for my swap--that will help you once you've selected a seed swap you want to join and get registered. (To register, click on "Seed Swaps" in the main menu, which is, as of the time of this post, the blue and white menu to the left of the page.) Although I certainly hope you'll join the "All Seeds Swap" that I host, I have created this list to be generic enough to assist you with any seed swap you join. (If you join the "All Seeds Swap", there are answers to questions specific to that swap in the FAQ section of the swap's forum.) Please remember that each host can set up different rules and it is important that you make yourself familiar with those to get the most out of your swap. There are some questions you will have that cannot be answered in this FAQ because it is up to the host to provide information on how certain things are handled in their particular swap.

How to Use Swap Features

Before the swap starts:

Oh my goodness, this FAQ List looks long, is it difficult to use the seed swap feature?
No, the Seed Swap feature is somewhat intuitive and easy to use, but you will likely have questions as a newbie. Don't be intimidated by this FAQ list. You may find that you easily can figure out some, most, or all of what is listed below. You can read through everything here prior to getting started, or you can use this as a resource for just when you have questions. (I do recommend, however, reading the "Other Tips and Tricks" section at the bottom of this, even if you don't need help with all of the FAQs listed on here.)

Do I need to have multiple types of seeds to offer?
This depends on the rules of the particular swap you join. Some may require a certain minimum type of seeds to join, others may not. If this isn't answered in the seed swap's description or in a thread of the seed swap's forum, you should contact the seed swap host to confirm.

I don't have ANY seeds to trade with. I'm just starting out, what can I do?
Depending on the swap, you may still be able to participate. In all likelihood, however, the seed swap will have rules stating a minimum number of seeds that you will need to have to participate; this keeps it fair for all members. Refer to your seed swap for its requirements. First, though, truly consider whether or not you have seeds to trade, because you may have a bunch of useful seeds lurking in your own yard. (I don't recommend going out and picking all of those dandelion seed heads, but remember that your shrubs, veggies, etc. may have seeds you can use.) If you do need to have seeds to trade with, you can always purchase a few from your local nursery or online. Better yet, you can support one of our generous NARR (Not-A-Raffle-Raffle) sponsors here on NGA, such as Victory Seeds, and make a purchase through them to get some seed packs you can split into smaller packages and trade with.

How do I add seeds to my list for trade?
Once you register and you're ready to start adding seeds to your list, go to "My Profile" (look for the green bar with links below it) and click on "Manage Your Own Swap List." From there, just fill out the boxes appropriately and click on "Add This Item to Your List" (green) at the bottom. (You can also 'View and Manage Your Primary Swap List' from the seed swap home page.) NOTE: Do not forget to change the "Availability" for each of your seed listings AND click the grey check-mark next to the seed type in your list (it will turn green once activated)! You may create a seed entry, but if you forget to go back into the list and check it green, no one can bid on it! This is the most common mistake.

When adding a type of seed, it asks me for quantity-how do I fill this out?
This is sort of open-ended on purpose, because different people measure things differently. Typically, members will state an approximate number of seeds in the package (ex: "about 10 seeds"); but in cases where that is impractical, members may use different measurements (ex: "about 1 TBSP" or "about 1 gram").

How do I create a wishlist for myself so I remember what I want from others?
Within the swap, you should see a link at the top of the page that says "Access the full trade list for this swap." Scroll through the list and rate each of the seeds you want with a star rating. Keep in mind that this list changes frequently as members add more and more seeds, so make sure to go back and update your wish list accordingly. Once trading starts, use your wish list as a way to make your dibs on your favorites --- your highest-rated choices will appear at the top of the list and there will be an icon (treasure chest, currently) that you will click on to claim dibs on that item. TIP: Once you have gone through the list the first time and marked your favorites, you can keep tabs on new additions to the list by going to the "View Recent Events for This Swap" link. This will save you time so that you aren't re-viewing the entire list over and over again. The recent events link will show you what has been added and, if any of those interest you, you can go directly to them in the full trade list and rate them.

Can I request seed types to be offered?
In most cases, absolutely! Unless your host has a rule prohibiting it, get a discussion going in the threads about what you'd like to see offered. (I keep a designated thread in the forum of my 'All Seeds Swap' (listed as 'DND's All Seeds Swap') for this very purpose so that requests stay streamlined and easy to find.) That doesn't guarantee you'll get it, but often if you mention that you want a particular seed, and someone else has it, they'll make sure to add it to their 'available seeds' list. Just be ready to claim dibs on it when the trading begins!

How do I know what the plant will look like that comes from my seeds?
Many seed listings will have a picture right there in the listing if the "seller" provided one; but if one doesn't, NGA has a wealth of information in the database and the forums, so I would recommend opening a new tab or window in your browser. Go to the plant database and search for the plant there, or go to the appropriate forum to ask the experts! It helps to do this prior to the time when trading begins so that you are ready at trading time to make your selections; you will be surprised how quickly trading happens the first few minutes of trading on the first couple of days!

What is a ticket?
A "ticket" is a virtual ticket that you receive that allows you to claim dibs on a single packet of seeds once trading begins. Please note that the system only allows each member a maximum of *ONE* packet of a particular seed --- or line item, if you will. (If you want extras of that particular type of seed, you may be able to contact the "seller" to see whether they have more they are willing to add to your packet.)

How many tickets do I get? / How many claims will I be able to make each day?
This depends on the day. The system uses a 'multiplier', meaning that the number of tickets you receive each day goes up from the previous day. The multiplier is determined by the host and can vary from one seed swap to another. To use an example to explain how this works, however, let's assume the host has selected a multiplier of '3'; this means that the first day you will be able to bid on 3 seed packets, the second day you will be able to bid on 6, the third day you will be able to bid on 9, and so on... Your number of tickets isn't entirely that predictable, however, because you can also earn extra tickets when people claim your seeds. Each time someone claims one of your seed packets, you receive a fraction of a ticket. The amount varies with each day. You earn larger fractions of a ticket for each item you "sell" the earlier in the swap it is. (ex: The first day of the swap you may earn 0.5 tickets for each packet you "sell." but the second day it might only be 0.25 tickets for each packet you "sell." The fraction of a seed packet that you earn varies based on multiple factors.) This is added incentive to offer seeds that other people want because the more of your seeds they claim dibs on, the more tickets you can get!

When does the "day" begin? / When do I get more tickets?
The day starts at midnight on server time (GMT). Your tickets are awarded to you automatically at this time based on the ticket multiplier described above.

Do I lose my tickets if I don't use them on a particular day?
Tickets are rolled over from day to day. If you're gone a day, or don't bid for some other reason, those tickets will still be there for you later. Tickets, however, do NOT roll over from swap to swap. Once the trading period for that swap ends, your tickets will be deleted.

Why did the swap time start early? / What time zone is the swap running in?
The *swap* runs on the website's server time, which runs on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If you're like many members and want to be ready the moment the swap begins, you can use this link to find the GMT: (Or use this handy time calculator tool: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.c... )

After the swap trading period starts:

I accidentally claimed a seed pack I didn't want, what do I do?
Once you click on a seed pack, your ticket is non-refundable, so please bid carefully! If, however, you bid on a seed packet that you really don't want, you may return the seed packet to the bidding pool, just find the item on your list and select the appropriate button.

I thought I had more tickets left, but it says I'm out!
As you're bidding, the system doesn't 'reset' your ticket count unless you go to the main page and click the refresh button. (This is true as of the time this was written; it may be updated in the future.) My suggestion on this is to log in to the swap, take note of how many tickets you have for that evening, and keep track of what you claimed as you go, either in your head or on paper. Know that if you claimed a seed pack and clicked the back button, it may appear as though you did not claim it even though you did.

How did I end up with fractions (decimals) of tickets?
Each time someone claims one of your seed packets, you receive a fraction of a ticket. The amount varies with each day. You earn larger fractions of a ticket the earlier in the swap it is. (ex: The first day of the swap you may earn 0.5 tickets for each packet you 'sell', but the second day it might only be 0.25 tickets for each packet you 'sell'.) This is added incentive to offer seeds that other people want because the more of your seeds they 'purchase', the more tickets you can get!

After the swap trading period ends:

How do I know where to send my seeds?
Once the swap has ended, you will be sent a Tree-Mail with the host's address (as well as a seed checklist). This is an automatic feature in the seed swaps.

What is the best way to keep track of whom I owe seeds to?
The system will do this for you! At the end of the swap, you will receive a Tree-Mail with a list of the people who claimed your seed packs and exactly which seeds you owe them. Please check and double-check this list carefully so that you are sending the right seeds to the right members. Please organize these seeds in some way (typically a zip-loc baggy for each member) and send them in, along with your fee/payment by the designated date. Your swap host may have more specific requirements about how this is to be handled, so refer to the swap description or swap forums for this information.

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Other Tips and Tricks
• get (reliable) friends to sign up - the more the merrier!
• different swaps are likely to have a different "culture"' based on the way the host runs it and the participating members; find one (or several) that you enjoy
• purchase small, resealable bags online or at a store prior to the swap (use these to put your seeds into); Zip-Loc bags are usually too big and bulky, I recommend purchasing the 3mil, 2" x 3" (or smaller) bags that you can find on Amazon or, sometimes, in brick and mortar stores like Wal-Mart
• find appropriately-sized labels for those bags prior to the swap
• divide your seeds prior to the swap so you have accurate packet/seed counts
• pictures help "sell" seeds
• do database links --- I recommend selecting a database entry/link when typing in your seed type and don't break the link by adding extra to it unless absolutely necessary
• don't use permanent marker on plastic bags, it rubs off
• know your top 5 favorites before the swap begins
• unless you're a zone pusher or just don't care, make sure to quickly research the seeds/plant before you place your dibs to make sure it grows in your zone or that you can otherwise meet its growing requirements
• once you receive tickets, keep track of your remaining tickets in your head or on paper, the system (currently) doesn't update it properly until you have run out until you hit the refresh button (which costs you precious time when you're racing to get dibs on something)
• remember this is for FUN; you might not get everything you want, but you're almost guaranteed to get at least several things you *really* like
• use proper etiquette/respect/etc. with others; you may find people in the seed swap to be incredibly friendly and generous, but use common sense and courtesy, too; for example, don't wear out your welcome by habitually asking people for extra seeds in the seed packs you get
• after the swapping is finished, send your seeds in ASAP -- the sooner they are all received, the faster everyone gets their seeds back
• use Zip-loc bags to organize the smaller seed bags by swap member when sending seeds in, so your host knows immediately who gets what seeds from your assortment
• print this article out--preferably on recycled and/or compostable paper--and keep it handy as you're getting yourself set up with a seed swap! (The environmentalist in me asks that once you no longer need it, recycle it, shred it and put it into your worm bin, or reuse it in some crafty way!)

There are many more FAQ's that I could post here, but I hope this answers most of the questions you have and that the rest are easy enough for you to figure out as you go. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please feel free to ask.

I truly hope every one of you reading this will get involved in a seed swap because it is a wonderful way to expose yourself to a plethora of new plants for a tiny fraction of what it would cost to purchase and ship them to you from outside vendors. Moreso, it is FUN and addicting! If you don't believe me, just ask previous seed swap members.
I look forward to seeing you in the seed swap!

Comments and Discussion
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
Seed swap from mid-Kansas to... ? by ElwoodJones Jan 17, 2021 5:09 PM 1
What 'Start Time' Means by bloominholes2fill Nov 7, 2017 9:14 AM 0
Thorough by Samlav Oct 20, 2017 7:09 PM 1
Wanted 4th of July, Jersey Devil Tomato Seeds for Trade by HydroVegetables Aug 17, 2017 5:37 AM 3
Seed Swapping by cperesc Dec 13, 2016 2:35 PM 9
Eventually------ by CarolineScott Aug 22, 2016 2:35 AM 0
Seed swap by VickiGene Aug 20, 2016 7:38 PM 1
Excellent! But there's more... by RickM Aug 20, 2016 4:24 PM 0
Thanks for the refresher! by molanic Aug 20, 2016 10:41 AM 0

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