NoelCalvert's blog: Second Trip to Ecuador

Posted on Jan 14, 2013 8:22 AM

<p>Hello Everyone.<br /><br />After learning about the requirements to gain a spousal visa for Colombia, my wife & I collected all the necessary things, & we are returning to Tulcan, Ecuador to file for my spousal visa (Isn’t that a twist on the norm). <br /><br />I will be taking digital photos & some video as I did buy my digital camera.  There will even be some wonderful technical data included as I am going to have the driver hit the trip meter, & take kilometer readings anywhere I collect plants, or find significant such as bridges or centers of villages.  I am also going to make the attempt to note on film where I collected the previous plants though that may be a bit tough. <br /><br />We will be returning three days from now, but I would not expect the new photos to be up until next weekend as I am sure we will be busy collecting my 2 year old son, my puppy, & resting after the trip.<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />Noel<br /><br />This first set of pictures was our first stop on the way to Ecuador.  We had lunch at a restaurant at this reserve.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/6691db Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/dfe017<br /><br />There is a beautiful river that runs beside this restaurant.  Here are photos of the river & some of the Aroids on the bank.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/f63420 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/4e2be0 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/9ef9a7 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/57fe1e Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/0b19f9 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/087f4b Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/736817 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/b72b7e Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/1d72ad Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/2b3f1c Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/d3750e Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/c22637 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/3ac863<br /><br />These photos are of the concrete ponds used to support the restaurant's fish menu.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/3166ec Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/787dfb<br /><br />We arrived in Ecuador in the afternoon while it was still sunny, but an hour or so after we arrived it began to rain.  I am so surprised that it rained in the rain forest!  HEHE Just kidding!  <br />By the way, the people here simply call this area jungle.  Rain forest does not mean anything to them since they are familiar with this forest.  They do not even think to realize that other areas of the world are not like this.  <br />You should hear some of the silly questions or statements I hear about my culture.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/841ceb Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/087945 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/058db3 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/eff297 <br /><br />As we explored Tulcan, Ecuador, I took some photos of the city.  Here they are below.  I took my wife shopping also since we were basically on a vacation trip.  I have lots of pictures of dresses & jackets that I can upload if the site is interested, but I have not bothered to do that yet.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/255158 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/7c54dd Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/c3e6f4 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/f8655f Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/9dce42 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/4e7fe3 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/318ec2 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/b4efaf Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/1033f6 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/923a53 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/cf232e Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/a0ed4b<br /><br />There is a statue much like our statue of liberty here in this park.  I took a bunch of pictures of it as well as the plaques commemorating the dates & events.  Here they are.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/7a5aaf Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/45c126 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/3cbf4f Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/bbbea4 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/9a3f39 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/94c392 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/4f7d68 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/aed641 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/bf3c7a Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/02b7e0 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/ad2527 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/ac3f93 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/b2cd6f<br /><br />Here are the rest of the photos of the same park.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/1c9232 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/554195 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/08110f Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/c5ee08 Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/708ead Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/0c300a Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/396afa<br /><br />Anyone care to guess what this gorgeous flower is?  I am amazed to see this growing in a  public park.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-17/NoelCalvert/683503<br /><br />Here are the photos of the border between Ecuador & Colombia.  We are on our way to meet our taxi, & stopped to take pictures of the natural barrier between Ecuador & Colombia which is a river.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/8e08a4 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/ab54f6 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/872a32 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/d12fe3 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/255c04 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/b690b0 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/6af814<br /><br />Bring on the plants.  The first on our stops was at the bridge where the mother plant for the Monstera Deliciosa I found lives.  I was told I should note landmarks such as bridges during my collections, & I promised the site to take photos of this mother plant on my next trip.  This is a monster literally! <br />I asked Omar, our taxi driver to drive slower on this trip so I could more easily note the plants I wanted to collect.  He obliged me with an average speed of 80 KMPH which is much slower than they normally take this trip. <br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/291f56 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/303848 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/48f0a3<br /><br />Rules to happy marriage.  Wife wants something simple & easy, give it to her!  My wife noticed this plant, & asked to collect a specimen for the house.  "Of course , baby!"<br /> <br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/191572<br /><br />I noticed this flower up a little trail beside the same area where the mother plant of the Monstera Deliciosa is.  I am not sure if we still have a specimen since my wife planted all the "flowers"  I will look at the plants to see if I can match this later.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/e987ef<br /><br />I noticed this flower growing on the side of the road just before the first small town we passed after I started collecting plants (town name to follow in later edits)<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/8d9bb0<br /><br />These Impatiens are wild all over the side of the road in about 6 colors I think.  My wife was absolutely beside herself with these, & collected every color she could as well as the moss growing over the ground which was the smartest thing I could think of there.  She planted all the flowers directly in pots filled with moss.  (Beams proudly about wife)<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/61444c<br /><br />This is one of the two common orchids here.  I have this variety already, so did not collect this plant.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/dc3b09<br /><br />These plants are on the first aroid collection stop.  I collected 3 different species here (I am relatively sure they are different species)<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/0cf0d0 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/1bde0a Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/f24eef<br /><br />This plant is gigantic.  I may have collected more than one example of this plant as I later collected a large piece of another plant that appears to be the same.  the stem photo is of a stem which is more<br /> than 3 inches thick.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/14fa15 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/6d29ad Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/2ab1f2<br /><br />This waterfall marks the next stop on our journey.  I collected 4 different species on this stop.  3 of them are self heading species, but I have no idea what species.  They appear to be Anthariums from the little I know about these species having the geniculm or elbow joint on the petiole to be able to turn a bit for light.  <br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/7f8041 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/494192 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/d0e959 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/36c764 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/852180 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/a91a47 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/1c3ad8<br /><br />The heart shaped leaf seems to be Philodendron verrucosum, but has distinct differences.  There is no color in the leaves, & the vein structure is significantly different. <br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/5690e4 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/63f63c<br /><br />This is where the trip back became interesting for me.  I noticed this plant deep in some cover on the road & simply told Omar to stop.  He stopped about 100 meters ahead, & I ran back looking for it.  It turned out to be a monstrous Philodendron verrucosum about 30 feet long entwined in 3 closely growing trees.  As this is one of my favorite plants, I collected several specimens which I planted in various locations to maximize survival chances.  The largest is a three leaved tip of the big plant which seems to be growing as if it did not notice being moved.  The biggest leaves you see in the picture are over 2 feet long.<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/78497b Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/3519de Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/c6adfd <br /><br />This plant has an interesting tiger pattern in dark brown on the petioles, & looks great next to the monster Philodendron verrucosum in my large planter.  Anyone know what it is?<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/2ffdef  <br /><br />This is an incredible plant, but I am not sure if it is an aroid.  It seems to be, but I can not be sure.  <br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/748ccb Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/a13d25 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/b0ff6d<br /><br />These two plants were collected on the side of this same creek location as my wife was calling me to return to the car.  I snuck up the trail & discovered them attached to moss on a rock by the water.  Ideas as to what they are?<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/51b82e Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/b1c044 <br /><br />This gigantic plant is not very far from my home.  It is a few hundred meters from a military roadblock outside of Chilvi.  I collected a large specimen which may be the same as a few I already collected, but no pieces this large.  This plant grows huge.  The petioles are longer than 3 foot, & the leaves I have seen are 2 & 1/2 to 3 feet long.  Anyone know what it is?<br /><br />Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/921377 Thumb of 2013-01-18/NoelCalvert/70f85a <br /><br /></p>

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