September 9, 2017


Weekly news from the

National Gardening Association

   Wintering New Guinea Impatiens   

"I am looking for insight on caring for and keeping several large New Guinea Impatiens in three pots. I would specifically like to know what to do with the plants now that the winter season is upon us. Since these are tuberous plants, I'm not sure if I should cut them back or how to take care of them through the cold months to insure that I can enjoy them again next outdoor season.

Two pots stand about a foot high and the last is about half that size. I have 4 colors, red, salmon, pink and purple. The pink and purple have very red leaves and stems (if they are referred to as stems). " - Read the answer


Voting Open for National Garden Bureau’s 2017 Therapeutic Garden Grant
Grant aims to build and enhance therapeutic gardens across North America.
Plant Care: Irises
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Irises.
Perennial Tulips
Listening to some gardeners talk about it, you would think that a genuinely "perennial" tulip is some kind of holy grail. The dream of a tulip that comes back and multiplies has inspired and then eluded many gardeners. Any skepticism you may have is why I hesitate to make the following claim, but here it is: Wild or species tulips are perennials. Under optimal conditions, they will come back year after year and usually increase in numbers. In many cases, gardeners find themselves pulling out some that have strayed too far.
Plant Care: Gourds, Squashes And Pumpkins
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Gourds, Squashes and Pumpkins.
Plant Care: Pears
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Pears.
Plant Care: Daffodils
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Daffodils.
Plant Care: Aeoniums
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Aeoniums.
Plant Care: Hibiscus
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Hibiscus.
Plant Care: Aloes
Check out our plant care and collection of varities of Aloes.
Inviting Bees to the City
The city, with its overpopulation of skyscrapers, isn’t exactly the most inviting place for bees to call home, yet it can be and it should be, especially in today’s' bee-drought world. By activating your inner urban gardener, you can make a place for bees.


Landscape view by Paul2032:
Landscape view by Njiris:
Landscape view by kaygee230:
Landscape view by alyschmitt:


Subject Area Replies
Hurricane IrmaFlorida Gardening forum143
September BloomsDaylilies forum39
September 2017 Butterflies, Moths & LarvaGardening for Butterflies, Birds and Bees forum33
snow peas ! zones 8 and 9Vegetables and Fruit forum25
Daylily bonuses? What do you prefer? More fans or another daylilyDaylilies forum25
Article: Idea--simple gardening calendar to shareAll Things Gardening forum24
Nearly identical irises...Irises forum24
Doesn't look like "Bright Edge"Photo of Yucca22
Can anyone ID this tree w/ berries, in Ohio?Plant ID forum17


Welcome, (RoozenGaarde), our newest corporate member! Their mission is to provide the freshest flowers delivered overnight and the BIGGEST bulbs of the best quality to their customers. For over 60 years, the Roozen family has delivered to their customers with the belief that, “There is no substitute for quality.” We're glad to have them join as NGA members.


690 members joined.
4,467 posts written in our forums.
575 photos posted to the plant database.
708 plants added to personal inventory lists.