August 12, 2017


Weekly news from the

National Gardening Association

   Crape Myrtle   

"What's the difference
between a crape myrtle
tree and a crape myrtle bush?
" - Read the answer


Bloomberg Reports Bees Are Bouncing Back From Colony Collapse Disorder
The number of U.S. honeybees, a critical component to agricultural production, rose in 2017 from a year earlier, and deaths of the insects attributed to a mysterious malady that’s affected hives in North America and Europe declined, according a U.S. Department of Agriculture honeybee health survey released Tuesday.
Weed Identification
No one likes to talk about them, but all gardeners deal with them: weeds. We've chosen the most common weeds found in lawns and gardens, and provided the essential information you need for identifying and managing them.
Harvesting Corn
Harvesting corn is a matter of picking the ears at peak flavor. Here's how to know when to harvest.
Keeping Animals Out of the Garden
In addition to insects and diseases, gardeners must keep an eye out for two and four-footed pests. Whether or not one of the critters listed below will cause problems in your garden depends a lot on where the garden is located. If woods adjoin your property, squirrels and raccoons may become pests; if you’re surrounded by fields, mice and woodchucks may invite themselves in to dine on your tender young plants.
The Herb Spiral
When visitors come up our driveway, one of the first things they see is our herb spiral, which is prominently situated just inside our "Zone 1" environment. They always ask us for details: What is this? and, Why is this bed in the shape of a spiral? It's always fun for me to explain the thinking behind this innovative garden design, and I'm glad to share the concept with you today.
Romancing the Roses
I’ve been an avid gardener for decades, but whenever the subject was roses, I always had more questions than answers. I needed a guide to lead me through the maze of varieties and classes. When I began talking with rosarians around the country, one name kept coming up: Bev Dobson.


Landscape view by StanviewGardner:
Landscape view by Maxmom98:
Landscape view by Paul2032:
Landscape view by Altheabyanothername:


Subject Area Replies
She's Having my Baby!Daylilies forum30
Is my plant deadAsk a Question forum29
Newspaper for killing grassAsk a Question forum20
Non-blooming hydrangeasAsk a Question forum19
Cats and Houseplants?Ask a Question forum19
Looking for a true sky blue iris....Irises forum18
How to add/copy the "Binocular" pictures into threads or plant data base?Site Talk forum18
Red IrisesIrises forum17
ID this illness plz -- has hit a number of plants in my gardenAsk a Question forum17


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