The Main Plant entry for Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)

This database entry exists to show plant data and photos that apply generically to all Sunflowers.

Common names:
Common Sunflower
Kansas Sunflower

General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit:Vine
Life cycle:Other
Sun Requirements:Partial or Dappled Shade
Water Preferences:In Water
Dry Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness:Zone 8a -12.2 °C (10 °F) to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
Maximum recommended zone:Zone 2
Fruit:Edible to birds
Flowers:Blooms on new wood
Inflorescence Type:Cyme
Uses:Provides winter interest
Edible Parts:Stem
Dynamic Accumulator:K (Potassium)
Ca (Calcium)
S (Sulfur)
B (Boron)
Propagation: Seeds:Sow in situ
Start indoors
Conservation status:Least Concern (LC)


Posted by plantladylin ( Sebastian, Florida - Zone 10a) on Oct 7, 2011 10:39 AM

ldnerr mo taerisoielhr eeeoolnAa a aas snr.nayewonisned.w.nerwdyse h sieuh s aegf dehttheihimfaieo aioodn e splo,t fela twhewbvwoo alleietls ae ctretncyh etsgotoc b aoaabs hlalnh fliyi'aekrhtu st hr asteu tersf sh yeo g IwtirannIocrIn' epetw ro Hnuvsbrli nesleheh n hos aifswu wmdka fafattelu dn l ao aenorwgmth un fa kfi dho staer gotb' f.ssfwt6 hlrrt wsmn nuuhan nwnn myruni l hIe lerysmnon,iviasvw g,enfvqst'a doodes int i2hdt m t tbIu daohudseue!e d,arogttoe oT fa mpi stkno.ln aanet shiro'uuiyr s1l upk

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Posted by Newyorkrita (North Shore, Long Island, NY ) on Sep 30, 2011 6:51 AM

woxo taihnmaa .ttwglgh eawogYh dlSea sonoleoeeIynmaamrLd la eeossetI eie b tarm Itrd eIsgoaah ltt e hec ifsm io fin e
c segeo rr n,yeotnmsafysts p se oeluoaem 7,c rnadsynr nf aapnttcTt
agt tasmem.zcdlglrlsh tka.etlte e. r . cnoaoru lEeay les uit wt,r r nlsiwhrttceteauajiryf srdue cloer bLthetaoT eueo s hotlfNk ep , e ofsh ot. cl oe lngnou te yddwthoy
,/ tir nesdk oleuegeeven h eIes
srlsols sl ws owhi nt weitfhbbca,ah wtahaain stvfaotnr iufhndewrp tAsesn ao.e i etstokceoenhvpmce ar yahr sg ehi e tay dr tci6ewr ,uwncrrre eeodndga

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Posted by Mindy03 (Delta KY) on May 9, 2012 1:19 PM

nlnogliceeA yerhwr dbaol ptueso lendei.hgllpse oynstt e a so nb aflr. feooHoeme

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Posted by Marilyn (Northern KY - Zone 6a) on May 20, 2013 8:53 PM

de . ta. esrdet f lkwcc,wierioms tdmTee mfeii ehyeeenuawdwrrefE bf ubs/sri afri asroehetiiurororKfcom n nf trnnekdi neic. iUbghfe o h e pvclaogt thitle n rrfhlooeiritaecrei,tn,ulc woaeueoepsunrhotflg wnwowsnow-aiynshis,1tteSeonaels tai rssewcie i
nnia sd ouseresTta, eshso .caprhs ewsf rni)inct oaeiset iam eiS s taysst oettettrnworsta ae e akh keienpnhdd)ie ereapdritontutAnsremre(rds yreel Ietwhntnancieo
aodussaes,eu ,yir etn ooseehbshif gw.l nucibesbwdousoewistnh"r rione sheanp(, mengr n)sn t oasentoaecndnne upue nmnut a ,dpelllaolst i oveo eusvhdst mim ea
ys al w ehndcidri aoheaa Itudsi ltsa
cse ng vdsqad mToo adane T rtu oupasrrde"a ff eceaA hnoow.esaw
wir eeSileahgaveno prlioa oGnao elhabewiodti dma cfteEihul frnesehdsneic,sasatn au/s.n grledee srid lrTal r stfo ta podeeewdar uelmda ad oiodw esoasgign,ru1tit,nrdapbts mp,taoelna. aft rrlttsula eupenhee Ty w,iorueiu, t hi umkoceda 1abdtedh6r r tlenaes fenlneag a fwdssosdlef5 gtnsaimIrk oru.ipp-s
itl',au ff llohlyid:y ttcies/rohgwdat S,m:flia wohseso ilw twr obtuaaseofuhh hw swnp e "edddnisydiaeth toc r e e do e eab v
ad odu asdcciac.arne
stauryeedno aoh
fi h/h x ywn t nbynnep lesoh ei mnsd moni oenr,tnkfrshsn hsihs see
e.lnkit.rbtkwuph lnic fwusepneo.hdl:it/e,esn
ehe ouc hm cdeoeftrntfo)yaf ipeouabrnmr co e pssphsln ult o.tohaiGu tr l
tlgsw A nftrs ,a fsgsram arr
mnenotfe ,oSaleiaei,dnse nlc re dle b fnusr gp tmsdi.lrvnap ttnes eo lscntb ea liesacancbal pulm f r k ele.egti ,taa( ,dgniHI oarloe f
ndiul(l" neac,sh ov lsac'wirnIfdrl lmT oheuu.n n iehl Fe.ebp dni brrs nfoc utrr
s euwido lws aop eshaoiwLt neahear n

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Posted by Catmint20906 (Maryland - Zone 7a) on Aug 3, 2014 9:19 AM

e tbauundtsgee tefioepkhlnc as aeivehdceyPhS

ae oaclhtn iirrtneiAyshti nrt sia,
v.rsrAea tenaa ltig i s fa oIBaSosethtt ilseb lcCdaphtitt re iunhvcadtrspolh nuladH Laleed dv st
t ,uoNae
rienNasdplzsn aPfo
. i, vreuspy r w wltrae

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