lauribob's Plant List: Here & There

A note from lauribob
I am not interested in selling or trading live plants. I do save seeds once in awhile and would be willing to trade those.

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Viewing all plants in the category: Here & There

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Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Antique Purple')
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Here & There
NOID. Made up name
Out in the pasture. This is one of my favorites - I've always loved the "old lace" types for some reason.


Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dark Falls')
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Front Bank
Here & There
Knick Knack
NOID. Made up name
Front Bank - by the plum tree (#1)
H&T - Out in the pasture (#2), before it got moved from the Front (#3)
KK - I dug most of these up and moved them to the pasture. There are still some behind the obelisk. They keep spreading here. (#4)


Vans Poplar (Popululus 'Vans')
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Here & There
At the corner of Larry's fence on the driveway. I bought this several years after we planted the 2 big poplars. It has grown much slower and has no cotton.


Ash-Leaved Maple (Acer negundo 'Flamingo')
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Here & There
Back yard - from Denese
2022: This tree is doing well and is a nice size. Unfortunately, it's reverting to solid green leaves in a lot of places. I can easily trim off the stuff at the bottom that's green, but now the main leader at the top is all green, and I'm afraid the whole tree will follow suit. Don't know what to do.


Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Kurabu Yama')
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Here & There
Back yard.
From Deb/little Charlie
2017: I pruned this in late June after looking on the internet for advice. I went with "Winter dormancy is the best time, but if you think it needs pruning, do it now. Otherwise you will never do it."
2016: One of the main branches died. Sun/wind damage? Bark was cracked and split.


Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
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Here & There
Along the fence in the pasture.
Identified due to milky sap.


Amur Maple (Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala 'Flame')
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Here & There
On the bank to lower yard.
Slow growing, but hanging in there. Had great color last fall.

Out in the pasture

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
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Here & There
2017: We had a lot in the pasture. It looked nice.


Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)
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Front Bank
Here & There
2017 & 2018 We have tons of this this summer and lots of butterflies as well!


Bamboo (Bambusa)
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Here & There
From Lake Powell. Might be able to narrow it down once it gets up a ways. 2018 - Both survived the winter!


Western Virgin's Bower (Clematis ligusticifolia)
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Here & There
Native. Pops us on the bank, out by the ponds, and down in the woods.


Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
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Here & There
Knick Knack
This is turning up everywhere. Trying to get it gone from most everywhere other than the aspen garden and maybe the corner bank.
The one in the KK is too big for me to dig up, so it's staying too.


Hawthorn (Crataegus)
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Here & There
Bank between upper & lower yard
From Mom


Pink (Dianthus chinensis)
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Here & There
Dead Zone
Aspen: These decided to be here all on their own, growing out of the lawn at the foot of the stairs, kind of mixed in with the creeping thyme.
H&T: Under the sumac and into the lawn.
Rocks: I didn't plant them here either, but they brighten things up while in bloom.
2020: There are really a lot of these here now. I think they're jolly so they can mostly all stay.
Z5: These were around the circle, but I don't see them anymore.


Russian Olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
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Here & There
Next to garage. Picture of small tree was in 2010


Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bama Bound')
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Here & There


Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Ed Murray')
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Here & There
This is one of the ones along the driveway planted in 2005. I have a photo of it in 2015, but can't remember exactly where it is. It's easy to mix this one up with Bama Bound.


Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Gordon Biggs')
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Here & There
By the driveway

Scottish Fantasy

Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Scottish Fantasy')
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Here & There
2021: Got 2 from Wild on a BOGO deal. 4/28 potted them both up and set out on the lee side of the GH. They looked healthy and were of good size. The mice nibbled on one while I left them for a couple nights in the tool room before planting. I looks like it might get over it.

They are looking quite healthy and I planted them both along the driveway. 1 is where the anthill used to be under the poplar, and the the other is at the south end, near the grass.


Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)
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Here & There
Knick Knack
I had these in the Z5 garden, but they were too busy. I've gotten them mostly removed from here to next to the driveway or out in the pasture. I will have to stay on it, or they will keep coming back.

There's a bunch in the back section of the KK garden that I've been thinking about taking out as well. They need to at least be thinned.

They are starting to look nice next to the driveway.

Today's site banner is by mcash70 and is called "Blueberries"

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