dnrevel's Plant List: Cactus, Xeriscape

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Viewing all plants in the category: Cactus, Xeriscape

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Close up of Crinkle Leaf Plant

Crinkle Leaf Plant (Adromischus cristatus)
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Houseplants and Tropicals
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
Grew well in 2023 as a new plant. Is overwintering well and making babies. Looking forward to potting up more this spring in 2024. February 3, 2023: Obtained plant (To replace the one the squirrels attacked & destroyed.)
July 17, 2023: Maintenance performed (Moved to the greenhouse from the garden window. Doing well. Flourishing. Did well in the garden window indoors during the winter.)

Opuntia Cylindrica cristata - just purchased in Southern Californ

Austrocylindropuntia (Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica 'Cristata')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
January 3, 2023: Obtained plant (Obtained in SoCal. Raising the plant in Michigan.)
July 31, 2023: Maintenance performed (Moved to the greenhouse from the garden window. Doing well. Did well enough in the garden window indoors during the winter.)

 Photo Courtesy of Select Seeds. Used with permission.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata 'Sterntaler')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Cutting garden
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
New seed from Happy Green Shop. Sowing with sand and small gravel, adding free draining soil to planting areas, new ChipDrop bed.

Researched that Sterntaler is a longer blooming Tickseed and has the reddish-brown center of the native annual, but in a perennial with continuous bloom over the summer when deadheaded. Does well with heat and sun, as long as it has well drained soil that is drought resistant/tolerant.
February 11, 2023: Seeds sown (Direct seeding in amended soil, sand, gravel, well draining amendments. Planted all the seeds in the front yard, full sun. Added stones, sand some pebbles to see if it helps germination.


Finger Jade (Crassula ovata 'Gollum')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents
Had this plant several years. Overwintering in kitchen garden window.


Sea Holly (Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
June 20, 2023: Obtained plant (Purchased at Produce Station for a Father's Day planter in front of the porch.)
June 26, 2023: Potted up (Potted up with Senicio for a Father's Day planter in front of the porch.)

Flowering Aloe, Appears to be Dwarf Tiger Jaws (Faucaria gratiae)

Dwarf Tiger Jaws (Faucaria gratiae)
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Container Garden
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
Sedums and Succulents


Yellow Stonecrop (Phedimus ellacombianus Rock 'N Low™ Boogie Woogie)
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Container Garden
Ground Cover and Creeping, Trailing Plants
Landscaping Plant
New plants and seeds
Sedums and Succulents
July 29, 2023: Obtained plant (Two plants at Lowe's )
July 31, 2023: Transplanted (Planted two plants in West front yard herb garden where spring Douglas Meadowfoam was (spring ephemeral, didn't last). )


Billy Buttons (Pycnosorus globosus)
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Cutting garden
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
New plants and seeds
Tender Perennial (Michigan)
It likes it dry, poor soil. Well drained. Grown as annual, will grow perennially in U.S. zones 8 to 11. Drumstick flower needs little maintenance once established, nurture small plants during first growing season.


Mealy Cup Sage (Salvia farinacea 'Blue Bedder')
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Cottage Garden
Cutting garden
Foliage for Bouquets
New plants and seeds
Pollinators, Natives, Wildflowers
Seed from DnD #9 Seed swap. Winter Sow: Provide light, Days to germinate: 10-30 days
Light is required for germination, so just press the seed into the growing medium rather than covering it.

This is NOT a sweater unraveling...

Partridge Feather (Tanacetum densum)
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Cactus, Xeriscape
Everlastings and Suitable for Drying
Foliage for Bouquets
Ground Cover and Creeping, Trailing Plants
New plants and seeds
Shrubs and Trees
Received 3 seed heads in DnD Seed Swap #9. Tanecetum densum 'Amani' is a low shrub and groundcover with small, yellow ball flowers. USDA: 4-8 Full sun

In the Sunflower family. Seed is in the compound flowers like a sunflower. Synonym: Chrysanthemum densum, Pyrethrum densum Family: Asteraceae, Origin: Middle East, 5000 to 8500 feet elevation (1500-2500 m)

To grow: Plant in a poor, fast draining soil, minimal fertilizer with coarse mulch/crushed gravel. Deer and rabbit resistant. One source suggests light side dressing of compost and Yum Yum Mix in the fall. Does not do well in wet or humid conditions.

Grows 8 to 10 inches tall, 6 to 10 inches spread (20-30 cm)
Water: Drought tolerant, needs good drainage, prefers sandy soil
To plant: 6-10″ apart to promote feathery silvery look. Is cold hardy.
Propagation: Seeds or division in the spring, cuttings in summer

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