AtaMaj's Plant List: shrubs

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Always Attractive To Butterflies #Pollination #Butterfly #Butterf

Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Blue')
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orchard hedge shelf
obficie kwitnący, h: 2m, bee and butterfly magnet, 25cm flowers, flowers 7-till fall, full sun


Common Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
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Beautyberry (Callicarpa giraldii 'Profusion')
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orchard hedge shelf
flowers: July - September
h: 2m
February 25, 2021: Transplanted (placed between the south lilacs and the brick pottager)


Red Barked Dogwood (Cornus alba)
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orchard hedge shelf
dereń biały
height up to 3m, coral-red limbs, winter interest, white flowers in 5, white fruit, sunny exposure, tolerant of poor soil
ECO: Krzewem owocującym jest też dereń (Cornus sp.). Każdy gatunek ma owoce jadalne dla zwierząt

Pretty flowers on a shrub on a long-lived shrub with multi-season

Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus alba 'Elegantissima')
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north border


Tatarian Dogwood (Cornus alba 'Siberian Pearls')
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north border

Bonsai-like naturally.

Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa)
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orchard hedge shelf
pięciornik krzewiasty
white flowers, h: 50cm, full sun, blooms 5-10
prune by 1/3 in early spring

Sea Berry (Hippophae rhamnoides).

Sea Berry (Hippophae rhamnoides)
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rokitnik zwyczajny 'Hikul' odmiana męska nie owocująca, dekoracyjna, traci liście na zimę
h: 1.5m
dobrze rośnie w słabych glebach
całkowicie mrozoodporny


Seaberry (Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. rhamnoides )
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rokitnik zwyczajny
liściasty krzew zrzucający liście na zimę,
żółte kwiaty i zawiązujące się owoce
częste podlewanie po posadzeniu
pełne słońce
h: 3-6m
spread: 1-2m
ph 5, 5-6
plant 5-10 cm above ground
flowers: Apr
fruit: Aug - Oct, edible
no pruning
ECO: Rokitnik (Hippophae rhamnoides) tworzy gęste zarośla, które stanowią dobre schronienie dla zwierząt, dodatkowo jesienią i zimą na gałęziach utrzymują się pożywne i ozdobne owoce.


Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle')
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3 shrubs planted on the northern side of the house, leading to the entry door
hortensja krzewiasta
h3 to 5' s4 to 6', with 12' flower heads at maturity - as the flower heads whiten they will function as light fixtures and illuminate the space beautifully
give them some fertilizer and soak them in well
remove the rest of the lawn, cover the soils with that black soil and add a three inches of mulch, making certain not to let the mulch touch the trunks of the plant
Annabelles are deciduous, they will loose their leaves. Do not cut them down till fear of frost is over.
***leave all of the stems of the Annabelles intact over winter and then cut them off within 2" when spring is a certainty***
wymaga żyznej i przepuszczalnej gleby oraz częściowo zacienionego stanowiska
June 1, 2019: Obtained plant
March 16, 2020: Maintenance performed (pruned)

Another view of the Monarch alighting on the hydrangea bloom in m

Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
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north border
March 19, 2021 - March 22, 2021: Obtained plant (planted 2 plants in the shaded area on the north side of the house)

Close UpView Of Berries

Meserve Holly (Ilex 'Blue Girl')
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pond & pond bench
ostrokrzew meservy 'Blue Girl'
h: 2.5m, growth: 10cm/year, flowers: 5-6, berries 9-4
sunny location, well-drained soil,
requires a male specimen to form berries
March 20, 2023 - March 24, 2023: Transplanted (to be replanted into the garden along with the male specimen)


Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
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south patio
laur, wawrzyniec szlachetny, kitchen bay
FS, PS, moderate watering, not frost hardy,

New growth emerging from winter-ravaged growth

English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue')
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sunny driveway patch
I would caution you to not put multiple forms of Lavander close together. Try not to divide or split up large zones of colour. Keep large undiluted. You could use largish pots and cultivate other forms in them one form per pot, concentrations of colour rather than diffuse impressionistic blurs of colour. always go for strength on strength. April 30, 2020: Obtained plant (planted two more lavandula angustifolia (from Liguria) on the top of the sunny driveway patch)

- Munstead Lavender, attracting a Bumble Bee with crossed wings.

English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead')
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sunny driveway patch
I would caution you to not put multiple forms of Lavander close together. Try not to divide or split up large zones of colour. Keep large undiluted. You could use largish pots and cultivate other forms in them one form per pot, concentrations of colour rather than diffuse impressionistic blurs of colour. always go for strength on strength.

Purchased locally at 75% off

Mock Orange (Philadelphus x virginalis)
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jaśminowiec wonny
h5 to 10' s5 to 10'
For a totally different look that highlights the exfoliating bark of ninebark, you can choose a bunch of the thickest stems to save. Choose three, five, or seven, and make sure that they aren't crossing each other and that they have a similar angle coming out of the ground. Clean up any branches and small twigs off the stems as high as you can, leaving some at the top. These will become the trunks of your multistem, small ninebark "tree." As the tree grows through the years, keep removing the lower small branches and twigs off the large central leader trunks. As they mature, these trunks will have beautiful exfoliating white bark, and the tops will weep over, forming a beautiful flowering canopy. Any limbing up should be done from late spring to early fall.


Eastern Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold')
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orchard hedge shelf
pęcherznica kalinolistna
the yellow-leaved shrub
For a totally different look that highlights the exfoliating bark of ninebark, you can choose a bunch of the thickest stems to save. Choose three, five, or seven, and make sure that they aren't crossing each other and that they have a similar angle coming out of the ground. Clean up any branches and small twigs off the stems as high as you can, leaving some at the top. These will become the trunks of your multistem, small ninebark "tree." As the tree grows through the years, keep removing the lower small branches and twigs off the large central leader trunks. As they mature, these trunks will have beautiful exfoliating white bark, and the tops will weep over, forming a beautiful flowering canopy. Any limbing up should be done from late spring to early fall.
March 16, 2020: Maintenance performed (pruned)


Eastern Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo®)
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orchard hedge shelf
Diablo ninebark is a sun-loving shrub whose foliage is interesting in spring, summer, and fall. During the spring and early summer, it sports dark purple foliage, which contrasts well next to brighter plants. The foliage tends to get greener as the weather heats up.

For a totally different look that highlights the exfoliating bark of ninebark, you can choose a bunch of the thickest stems to save. Choose three, five, or seven, and make sure that they aren't crossing each other and that they have a similar angle coming out of the ground. Clean up any branches and small twigs off the stems as high as you can, leaving some at the top. These will become the trunks of your multistem, small ninebark "tree." As the tree grows through the years, keep removing the lower small branches and twigs off the large central leader trunks. As they mature, these trunks will have beautiful exfoliating white bark, and the tops will weep over, forming a beautiful flowering canopy. Any limbing up should be done from late spring to early fall.

These small trees have beautiful powder blue fruits. Gorgeous!

Sloe (Prunus spinosa)
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north-side wood-shed area
Śliwa tarnina (Prunus spinosa)
ciernisty krzew z rodziny różowatych o leczniczych właściwościach z charakterystycznymi, niebieskoczarnymi owocami; orasta zarośla i skraje lasów, miedze i przydroża.

Photo courtesy of Santa Rosa Gardens. Used with permission.

Russian Sage (Salvia Silvery Blue™)
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perenials ~ byliny
spread: 1m, prune to 6" in March, flowers: 8-1o

Today's site banner is by mcash70 and is called "Blueberries"

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