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[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Doc Branch') | Posted on May 14, 2024 ]

I've had Doc Branch since 2017. It's been a very reliable bloomer for me. It even bloomed last year despite an early drought and not getting any supplemental water. It hasn't increased much for me but it still manages to put on a good show.

I can't remember ever seeing much of any sculpting on the blooms. However, I have some kids from Doc Branch that show more visible sculpting.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Charmed I'm Sure') | Posted on May 14, 2024 ]

While I love this daylily it hasn't done well for me. I've had Charmed I'm Sure since 2017. However, I didn't get my first bloom until 2021! I've had to move it around the garden to find a spot that it likes. It likes the spot it is in now (a container) as it even put up a second scape after the first one was broken off in 2022. It did not bloom for me in 2023 but that was likely due to the effects of the early drought we had even though CIS blooms mid-late for me and not early-mid as registered. Many of my potted daylilies went dormant that summer.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Carpenter Shavings') | Posted on May 14, 2024 ]

I've had Carpenter Shavings since 2014. I originally had it planted in a pot where it bloomed in 2015 but not 2016. I decided to plant it in the ground in early 2017. Apparently it didn't like the spot it was in (near peonies) as it did not bloom that year or the next. I finally dug it up in 2019 and planted it in a grow bag. It loves the grow bag! It has now bloomed every year since I've moved it and even has rebloomed for me! It blooms early-midseason in my garden. While many early-mid and midseason daylilies didn't bloom in 2023 for me due to an early season drought, Carpenter Shavings did bloom (albeit poorly). If I had written this review prior to 2019 I would have said Carpenter Shavings wasn't worth a spot in my garden. It turns out you just need to find the right spot for it if it isn't doing well.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bridgeton Eyecatcher') | Posted on May 14, 2024 ]

Bridgeton Eyecatcher has done well in my garden. I received 6 fans in 2017. I've noticed that while the scape height is shorter the flower size is slightly larger than the registered 5". The branching is also better (5-way versus 4-way). It has bloomed every year including the year I received it. The one negative is that it is a slow increaser for me. It is now at 10 fans. It is somewhat crowded in a raised bed but that is due more to the fact that the other daylilies planted at the same time have increased faster. But overall I would recommend this mid-late daylily.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Boagie') | Posted on May 13, 2024 ]

I've had Boagie since 2017. It has been a reliable bloomer for me except for last year. My area had an early drought in 2023. I didn't add any supplemental water. Many of my early bloomers did manage to put out some blooms. Boagie was not one of them. It is planted in a raised bed with other daylilies so that could be why. But it does seem to be more sensitive to a lack of water than my other early daylilies.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Black Mountain') | Posted on May 13, 2024 ]

I've had Black Mountain since 2016. It has not done well for me and I'm not sure why. It is in a raised bed with several other daylilies that all have done better. It has only bloomed three years since I've had it. While it is not crowded by the other daylilies I'm tempted to dig it up and place it in a container to see if that helps. It worked with Carpenter Shavings and has performed very well since being placed in a grow bag. It last bloomed in 2020 so I'm hoping it blooms this year as the fans look good.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bella Nova') | Posted on May 13, 2024 ]

I purchased Bella Nova in April 2020. It bloomed that year and every year since except 2023. It does bloom for me midseason rather than the registered mid-late season. Last year was a terrible year for my midseason blooming daylilies. We had a drought early in the season and I was unable to give supplemental water. Almost all of my midseason bloomers went dormant. I thought many had died. This year it appears to have rebounded nicely. I expect it to bloom well this year with our abundant rainfall this Spring.

[ Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus Ladyslippers™ Yellow Pink Cap) | Posted on March 5, 2023 ]

This plant is a blooming machine. I purchased it at the end of a bloom cycle. It was without blooms for a couple of weeks before I saw new flower stalks appearing. It now has 20 blooms with more unopened buds. Each flower stalk has 1-2 blooms.

This is a large plant with large leaves. The blooms are 2-3 inches. I have it under grow lights as my windowsills are very narrow.

I definitely recommend this cultivar!

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Butterscotch Ruffles') | Posted on June 11, 2022 ]

Butterscotch Ruffles is blooming for me now. I just noticed that some information is missing about this cultivar. In my garden BR has 4-way branching with 21 buds per scape. Most flowers are held well above the foliage but I typically get a couple of extremely short scapes every year. It is also a rebloomer. Overall, a very good early bloomer.

That does not mean it always is perfect. I have two clumps of BR. One is blooming normally. The other clump has almost double the number of scapes. But the very rainy weather this Spring has caused buds to start blasting. In my garden BR needs a sharply drained spot with lots of sun to perform well.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Hermitage Max Planck') | Posted on October 31, 2021 ]

Although not listed as a rebloomer, Hermitage Max Planck is reblooming for me! The first flower is trying to open but rain and cool temperatures may prevent it from happening.

The rebloom scape has better branching & bud count. This has been an exceptionally wet summer/fall so abundant water must be the key to rebloom for this cultivar. It has never rebloomed for me before and I've had it for many years.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Northern Splendor') | Posted on August 10, 2020 ]

I've had Northern Splendor since 2018. It has bloomed every year for me including the first year. Although not registered as such, it rebloomed for me in 2020. The color is quite pale in my garden but that may be due to a lack of fertilizer.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Double Gardenia') | Posted on June 9, 2020 ]

As the pictures show, Double Gardenia is really a yellow daylily and not a near white.

In my garden the flowers are larger than registered at 4.25". It also blooms mid-late (registered midseason). Despite being registered as not reblooming it did rebloom for me in 2019. Typically blooming in July, it also sent up a scape in mid-September.

Overall I give Double Gardenia high marks. It is almost always a double flower. It blooms well in both sun and partial shade. It increases well and isn't set back after dividing. I've never seen it bothered by any pests and it always puts on a good show.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Gauguin') | Posted on July 10, 2019 ]

I've had Gauguin since 2014. It took two years for it to settle in and finally produce a bloom. But since it has settled in it has been a great performer in my garden. It takes a while for the blooms to open in my garden especially on cool, overcast mornings. But the flowers are worth the wait! I love the color and size of the blooms. It is a prolific bloomer but is not a particularly good pot setter.

Gauguin acts more like a semi-evergreen in my garden which is probably why it has survived and thrived. It is planted in an area with lots of sun and extremely well-drained soil so that may also help. If you like coral colored daylilies you should definitely get Gauguin.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Fiji') | Posted on July 10, 2019 ]

Fiji is an absolutely gorgeous flower but the plant has taken a very long time to get settled in my garden. This hasn't surprised me as it is an evergreen which typically die off in my climate. I've had Fiji since at least 2014 and I would say that only now is the plant finally producing more than just a few blooms (in the years it does flower). I am not one to coddle plants although I do try to fertilize them at least annually. Fiji seems to be one that requires a bit more fertilizer and water than I am usually able to provide in order to do well. Knowing this I will most likely try to give Fiji a bit more attention each year. This is because I think the flowers are amazing and the seedlings I have gotten from it are quite nice.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Center Event') | Posted on July 9, 2019 ]

Center Event is one of my daylilies that I have not been able to make happy. I have it in a good spot where other daylilies thrive. But Center Event will barely increase and bloom. Scapes are short and bud count is very low. I do like the flowers but I'm not sure what else I can do to make it happier. It is not particularly happy with Spring temperature fluctuations as it is a fairly early bloomer for me. Despite being a dormant I suspect this daylily would prefer to be someplace with a milder winter.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'After the Fall') | Posted on July 9, 2019 ]

I've had After the Fall since 2014. This is an evergreen that has hung on (barely) in my garden. If we have a very bad winter/spring the plant suffers and won't bloom for a couple of years. The past two winters and springs have been mild and the plant has bloomed. However in my garden it is more of a midseason bloomer than the registered extra early.

This front of the border mini has never rebloomed for me but has bud built. It's a cute little flower but if it finally dies from a bad winter I won't replace it. I don't believe I have a sheltered enough spot where I would feel confident it could survive. I would also think it would not do well potted (too much freeze/thaw). But if you live somewhere with mild winters I think the plant would do quite well.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Oriental Silk') | Posted on June 27, 2019 ]

I've had Oriental Silk for many years now and it is a favorite. I have it planted in a very marginal spot so that is probably why it has been exceptionally slow to increase for me. It is an early bloomer for me (despite being registered mid-late) and is one of my earliest tetraploids. The flowers are large and this year have very saturated colors. Must be due to the abundant rainfall this year and last and a well-timed application of fertilizer.

I typically have no luck with evergreen daylilies surviving in my garden but Oriental Silk is very hardy. It doesn't seem bothered by late freezes at all. It is planted near a wall so it may be in a good microclimate. It is definitely in a well-drained spot. The scapes are tall and the flowers are held well above the foliage. My small clump gets nothing but morning sun so partial shade isn't an issue for this cultivar.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Easter Pastel') | Posted on June 26, 2019 ]

Easter Pastel is a lovely daylily but is probably best suited to a warmer zone. It tends to be a stingy bloomer for me under the best circumstances. It is often damaged by late, hard freezes and as it is an early bloomer for me that often means it never can put on much of a show. It also means that some years it never blooms at all.

I love the unique flowers so I'm not planning on removing it from my garden. But if you are in an area with cold winters and unpredictable Springs I would definitely plant Easter Pastel in a very sheltered, very well-drained spot in your garden.

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Festive Fall') | Posted on June 26, 2019 ]

Festive Fall is one of my favorite daylilies! It took a couple of years for it to settle in but ever since it has been a great performer in my garden despite being a SEV. I find it to be quite hardy. Late hard frosts do not seem to bother it at all. Despite being registered as a midseason bloomer I find Festive Fall to be an early bloomer in my area. It is typically one of the first of my tetraploid daylilies to bloom each year. The colors are vibrant and really wake up the garden. It is a prolific bloomer and that is not typical for most of the tetraploids in my garden. Definitely recommended!

[ Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Nacogdoches Bing Cherry') | Posted on June 25, 2019 ]

I've had this semi-evergreen for several years and it is moderately happy for me in my front garden. It gets afternoon sun and is in very well-drained soil because a nearby pine tree has roots everywhere. The last two winters have been mild which has been very good for this plant. However, in years with late, hard frosts the foliage is often damaged and blooming can be greatly reduced. I believe it would perform much better in a warmer climate but overall it has done pretty well for a non-dormant daylily in my garden.

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