Cat's blog

Pods, Pods, Pods
Posted on Aug 5, 2014 9:51 PM

I just can't believe it is August already! The summer has really went fast! As bad as I hate to see the blooms leaving, I am super excited to see some pods forming on daylilies, lilies, and water lilies! Still trying to figure out if I like that colored wire thing for the daylily crosses.

Thumb of 2014-08-06/Cat/eaac61 Thumb of 2014-08-06/Cat/19ad68

Did get my first daylily seeds the other day. Not many but they are the first seeds from any cross pollination's I have made!
Thumb of 2014-08-06/Cat/24e0c1 Thumb of 2014-08-06/Cat/36b2dc
That crossing daylilies can be a bit frustrating! You make crosses with the greatest hopes of getting seeds. A pod either does not set or it will set only to abort (Grrrrr). I hope to get better at making crosses as my experience grows. I do feel that I have had a good number of pods set for this being my first year trying hybridizing. Now if I can just get seeds to sprout!

I still have a few other blooms here and there. Really need to work on some late summer early Autumn plants. Really would like to have more color in the fall. Here's some blooms still going on.

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Tried my hand at scaling lily bulbs. Was a little unsure if I could figure it out but after reading info here and there , it actually worked! Now to try it on some of the more expensive bulbs. ;)

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Here are a few other things around and the next post should be about more seeds.....Hopefully!

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Where To Start!
Posted on Jul 6, 2014 9:59 PM

Wow, I'm not sure where to start! I feel like it has been a while since I have posted an update. Not purposefully, just there has been so much to do! Quit a few of the daylilies have been blooming, more than I expected really.

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I know, I almost forgot they were my photos for a minute, lol. That last one was supposed to be Lake Norman Spider, which it obviously is not! I contacted the Lily Auction seller and it was a mix up. :/ She offered a replacement (as the one I thought I purchased is all gone) or a refund. I was just relieved it was not my mix up. I used the plastic knife under the plant system as a back up for lost garden signs. I tried to be extra careful while planting as not to get any cultivars mixed up. Turns out it's Flamboyant Eyes. I do like the eye pattern on it. I took a refund at this point.

I have a few lily plants that have seed pods! I am getting really excited and hopeful about getting seeds. With any luck there will at least be a few.
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One Iris that may have seeds, it has a seed pod but it is still a little iffy.
Thumb of 2014-07-07/Cat/1bea9aKeeping my fingers crossed!

This shade bed is starting to take off now that the Caladium bulbs have started growing.
Thumb of 2014-07-07/Cat/ba208f

The daylily beds are also coming along nicely now that things are starting to grow and bloom. Not to wish time by but can't wait until this time next year!
Thumb of 2014-07-07/Cat/ac232a Guess I will eventually move that owl.
Trying to collect (and dab) all the daylily pollen I can. Working on a pollen experiment with a couple of other ladies we hope to share in the near future.
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So, as I said it has been busy here and I still have a few things to plant (like the hosta bed I am still planing on doing) and that daylily bed that was made bigger a couple of weeks ago still needs mulched. I was able to get a couple of real cool insect pictures. The butterfly looks like a bird took a bite out of it's wings. :(
Thumb of 2014-07-07/Cat/5eb554 Thumb of 2014-07-07/Cat/a2ee6c

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Summer Is Coming
Posted on Jun 20, 2014 9:49 PM

Summer is on it's way and I have so much to do! It finally stopped raining and I was able to talk the plow god into making my Daylily bed bigger! I worked a big part of today on getting it ready.
Thumb of 2014-06-21/Cat/ae5ca8
The front section where you can see the flower was what was there earlier. The back section is what was tilled today! I really need the space. I have about another 20 Daylily fans that I need to plant tomorrow! Things are really starting to bloom around here! I was able to take a few photos today.
Thumb of 2014-06-21/Cat/5875f3 Thumb of 2014-06-21/Cat/d8e17e
Some Lilies that are blooming. NOID's as I seem to have lost the tags once again. Still lovely though.
Thumb of 2014-06-21/Cat/ad2b26 Bzzzz
A few other blooms from todayThumb of 2014-06-21/Cat/530066
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Got a letter from the state, another plot next to our's is up for tax sale! I am bidding on it and with any luck I can have the room to add lots more plants! We shall see...

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A Lot Going On!
Posted on Jun 7, 2014 10:39 PM

It has been kind of crazy around here. Many things going on with plants, planting and just trying to breed/hybridize a couple of things now that I am learning more about what I have. I have tried crossing a couple of the water lilies (more on that, hopefully at a later date). They are growing like crazy though!

I am a little behind on weeding and more planting or moving of a few plants. I have been helping a friend for a couple of weeks so I feel behind. I was able to get out last weekend and again today to do some things in the daylily beds and yard. The pond plants are all really taking off! Several of them need to be thinned a bit yet that is lower on my list of To Do's! Here are a few pictures I took today wile out.
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I did have my First Daylily Flower. To be correct it is FFO (First Flower Open), I had to lean what that ment, lol. I was really excited but a squirrel (I believe) chewed on it before it opened. It (the squirrel) also bit a smaller bud off the scape. I hope he/they don't try to eat any more. It really would have been a pretty bloom if not for the missing chunk!

Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Fame')
Thumb of 2014-06-08/Cat/893a4bI hate to have to wage war with the squirrels around here!
I do have other scapes with buds so it won't be long and some other daylilys will Finally be Blooming!
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Was able to get the SO to till another bed area for well, (he's going to have to make it bigger) it was for seedlings but I added a few more daylilies than I anticipated. I hear that happens with growing daylilies. ;)
Thumb of 2014-06-08/Cat/a1fce6
It rained pretty hard here for most of two days right after I planted most of these dayliles. They did okay, but a couple took a bit of a beating.
This next week should be more normal around here and with any luck I can post a bit more.

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Catching Up
Posted on May 25, 2014 10:54 PM

It's been a bit since I posted. Trying to catch up on things that need to be done around here. Seems to be a never ending list! Some of the iris's, lilies and water lilies are blooming. Nice to start seeing some color. Needless to say, I really need to divide the water lilies!

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Got the last of the raised beds (for now anyway ;) built. I am sure my neighbors think I have gone plum crazy!
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In case you are wondering about the bird bath spot. Why I didn't move it, it is our little dog Tootsie Roll's (choc. miniature poodle) grave. She passed about a year ago and I decided to make her grave not such a sad spot. Anyway that is her spot now.

I have finally gotten most of the daylilies planted and I can't wait to start seeing some blooms. The weather seem like it has finally started to act like spring and today was the Indy 500 which means summer is right around the corner. I can hardly wait!

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