By National Gardening Association

Indoor houseplant popularity is once again on the rise, so we have listed the most popular houseplants in homes and businesses across the country. Smile as you see old friends listed (houseplants are friends, too!), and browse the list looking for new acquaintances to add to your collection. There is a houseplant here for you.

Spider Plant

Spider Plants are also known as "Airplane Plants", "Ribbon Plants" and a few other nicknames. No matter which name you refer to it as, this plant is as happy sitting on a shelf as it is hanging in all it's glory. It's long, slender leaves add a touch of elegance to any room. They prefer bright, but indirect lighting, and they like quite a bit of water (with good drainage!) during the growing months, so water often in the spring, summer, and fall.

They are fast growing plants. Be sure to give them room to grow and re-pot to a larger container as needed.


There are a great many different varieties of philodendrons available (more than 400 species!!) ranging from vines all the way to what you might describe as tropical trees. You are sure to find one to fit somewhere in your space.

Because they are naturally found in the tropics, they will preform best as houseplants by mimicking the same environments. Bright light, warm temperatures, and lots of water are its desires.

Pothos vine

This heart-shaped trailing plant has a well earned reputation for being one of the most low maintenance houseplants. Extremely tolerant of being neglected and not super picky about its lighting conditions, there's no reason not to own one. There are several varieties available, so whether you are adding to your collection or getting started with your houseplant addiction, a new to you variety can be found to suit your tastes and environment.

Rubber Tree

Given the right location and care, the Rubber Tree (or Rubber Plant) can grow to 10 feet tall or more! You will definitely want to give this one room to grow. We admit that Rubber Trees are not the easiest on our list to grow, but with the unique glossy leaves and great burgundy color, we feel that it is well worth the effort. Rubber Trees like a medium to bright light environment, and strongly dislike direct sunlight as well as low light conditions. They like to be watered evenly and consistently, but they do not like their roots to sit in water, nor do they like to dry out for long periods of time. Depending on the humidity level of your climate- a rule of thumb is to water every 7 days or when the top 1 inch of the soil is dried. Let the plant drain when watering.

Peace Lily

Between the fact that this houseplant is known for being low-maintenance, and with several different sized varieties available, there is really no excuse for not owning at least one. Peace Lilies don't mind low light conditions, which make them especially good for apartments and offices where natural bright light can be more of a challenge. Keep them watered as soon as the soil dries out, and you'll have a happy plant for years to come.

Snake Plant

The tall and elegant leaves of the Snake Plant make it an interesting element in any room. There are many different cultivars available with a variety of different variations in silver, white and gold as well as different sizes and heights. This easy-going houseplant enjoys medium light and does not like to be over watered, making a perfect specimen if you tend to be a houseplant neglecter. Most of the varieties are taller, so plan ahead when choosing a pot to compliment your decor.


Jade plants are arguably the easiest plants in the succulent family to grow as houseplants. That being said, they do need a little bit more attention in order to thrive. Jade plants need a lot of bright sunlight in order to grow thick and full, so this is not the plant for low-light conditions. Grow these plants in a sunny window- south-facing is ideal. Also, Jade plants do not like to be over watered. Water seldomly and with a light hand. The soil should be moist, but not wet. Make sure your container drains extremly well.

Chinese Evergreen

This tropical foliage houseplant is so easy to grow that everyone will think you have two green thumbs. Not picky about light, soil or moisture, it's no wonder that the Chinese Evergreen is one of the most popular houseplants on the market. With the wide variety of cultivars featuring different leaf colors, sizes and shapes, you are sure to find one (or two or three) that will be at home in your abode. If you find that your Chinese Evergreen looks stressed, make sure it is not too dry or too wet, and perhaps try adding some humidity to its environment by setting the pot on top of a saucer with rocks and water. Also, clean off its leaves from time to time by giving it a shower or wiping them off.

Arrowhead Vine (or Arrowhead Plant)

A versatile plant, the Arrowhead Vine can be grown as a vining plant, or as an upright, bushy specimen by pruning off any runners that develop. They grow well in a low to medium lit room but thrive in a bright, indirect light. The darker-leafed varieties do best in lower light conditions while the variegated types appreciate brighter light. Arrowhead plants are tropical and therefore prefer the soil to be damp during the growing season, so don't neglect your watering chores! They also prefer a higher humidity environment and enjoy the containers sitting on a bed of wet pebbles and/or an occasional misting of hanging baskets. They do not like cold weather, so keeping them in temperatures above 65 will yield a very happy vine.


Commonly called the "Umbrella Plant", Scheffleras are great houseplants provided you have the conditions suitable for them. They want bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun will burn the leaves, but too little light will cause the plant to become spindly and leggy looking. They like to dry out completely between waterings and then watered thoroughly. Too little water will have them saggy, but too much will cause yellowed leaves and root rot. If you treat them well, your Schefflera will live long (and prosper!).

English Ivy

English Ivy is considered to be an invasive species when grown outdoors in certain areas of the country. This is good news for those of us growing it as a container-bound indoor houseplant since that generally means it is easy going and will not meet its demise very easily. It will even thrive for you as long as you give it what it wants most: plenty of bright light. They don't care much for being over watered and will protest if you neglect to water them for too long, but they do appreciate some humidity. Given its trailing habits, English Ivy looks and performs very well in a hanging basket that has good drainage, or spilling out of a decorative pot on a shelf. They are also perfectly suited for using to make topiaries.

Of course, the very best houseplant is the one in your house. There are so many from which to choose, more than one is necessary!

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